Cancer Healing Modalities based on Growth Conditions
By Walter

Disclaimer  The information presented here is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice.

Treating, Preventing & Controlling cancer: The human body has the ability to heal itself if given the proper conditions and allowing the immune system to work. With this in mind, we need to reverse the conditions that allow cancer to develop. Scientists estimate that as many as one-half of the deaths from cancer in the United States could be prevented. [78]

We need to kill the cancer cells without killing normal healthy cells and we need to restore the immune system. This seems straight forward and simple but the practice of orthodox medicine seems to lack awareness or acceptance of how to do this.

Here are different therapies and healing modalities that are being used:    

1. Chemotherapy: used when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Australian medical doctor, researcher and ocology radiologist, Graeme Morgan, reviewed chemotherapy used by conventional medicine to treat cancer patients. His study revealed that majority of such patients did not benefit nor extend their lives with such treatment. It is now clear that chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution [ 2 % ] to cancer survival. [47, 49]    

For some kinds of cancer, chemotherapy may be life saving; for others it may be life extending. Chemotherapy and radiation may shrink tumors. [58]    

2. Radiation: used to kill tumor cells that have not spread. Most types of radiation do not attack cancer cells specifically. Radiation causes injury to normal cells surrounding the tumor [ side-effect ] while at the same time attempting to kill cancer cells. This side-effect limits the success of radiation therapy [ 10 % or less ].    

New radiation therapy at University of Minnesota Medical Clinic cuts down the amount of radiation that medically inoperable patients get from the traditional 35 to three to five treatments. Fewer treatments result in fewer side effects and suffering. [58]

3. Surgery: used to remove tumors that have not spread. [10, 76] In some cases it can be a life-saving, stop- gap measure, particularly where intestinal blockages must be relieved to prevent immediate death from secondary complications. When dealing with internal tumors affecting reproductive or vital organs, the statistical rate of long-term survival on the average is 10 to 15 %. After metastasis, the statistical chances for long-term survival are close to zero. The degree to which surgery is useful is the same degree to which the tumor is not malignant.

The greater the proportion of cancer cells in the tumor, the less likely that surgery will help. The most highly malignant tumors of all generally are considered inoperable. There is no solid evidence that patients who submit to surgery have any greater life expectancy on the average than those who do not. However, success of lung cancer surgery is influenced by vitamin D intake and time of year. [85]

4. Expose cancer cells to a high-oxygen environment: Cancer cells cannot survive in a high level oxygen environment. When any cell is denied 60 % of its oxygen requirements, it evolves into a rouge cell that switches from an oxidative respiration mechanism to a fermentative respiratory mechanism. The cell stops breathing oxygen because there isn’t any, and it starts fermenting the body sugar, glucose, to keep itself alive. The fermenting cell becomes a cancer cell. [43 wrong  link]

The more oxygen, the slower the cancer spreads. The less oxygen, the faster the cancer spreads. [34] An effective and preventive way to support the body’s fight against cancer would be to get as much oxygen to healthy cells as possible. Raising the oxygen levels of normal cells would prevent them from becoming cancerous. If this were to happen, then cancer growth would be arrested. Low tumor oxygen levels [ hypoxia ] and anemia in the patient are associated with increased risk of spread [ metastasis ] and recurrence. [60 not available]

5. Diet is the most important part of restoring the immune system and bringing cancer under control. To reverse cancer, you need to reverse the diet. Cancer diet is just as important as a cancer treatment. [38] Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Cut down on meat and junk food. Research confirms what health advocates have been suggesting for decades: That raw broccoli has natural chemicals that fight cancer has been advocated for many years. [1, 20, 22]

There are several researchers reviving Linus Pauling’s work in using Vitamin C to kill cancer cells. National Institute’s Mark Levine [81] is exploring Pauling’s intravenous injection technique, while Chen and his The National Academy of Sciences group [82] are using vitamin C to help deliver lethal cancer drugs into the cancer cell.

Supporting these revived attempts to resurrect vitamin C as a therapy for cancer is the review of 90 studies on the relationship between vitamin C and cancer by Gladys Block at the University of California [3]

A major European study [ 33] of 38,452 women over an eight year period found that women eating a lot of sugar may increase their risk of colorectal [colon] cancer.

Diets [64] with high amounts of meat and fat compared to those rich in vegetables and fruit appear to increase the risk of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.

Researchers [23] at Duke University are continuing to study their 2001 study suggesting flaxseed and low fat diet can be protective against prostate cancer. Additional research [12] shows that flaxseed [ and gingseng ] was helpful in lowering the size of tumors after three months of ingesting three tablespoons per day.

6. Temperature: Medical scientists have been aware for some time that a fever is the body’s natural defense against infections and diseases. A body temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit kills bacteria. This idea has been used in fighting cancer. Non conventional therapists have been advocating high body temperatures to fight cancer. Several recent medical scientists are now also beginning to support this idea. One such advocate, Coffey, [72] reflects on the success cyclist Armstrong has had in having complete remission from prostate cancer. Armstrong inadvertently raised the temperature of his body for long periods of time while cycling, thereby inadvertently killing the cancer cells in his body.

Clinical studies done at Duke University Medical Center and [73] on hyperthermia therapy are varied but have shown complete tumor disappearance ranging from 24% to 83 % when radiation and hyperthermia are used together. National Cancer Institute [71] has very good information about use of hyperthermia to treat cancer; thereby recognizing that this may be an effective way to kill cancer cells.

Stanford University researchers, Dai, Honqjie, et la., [50] are experimenting with cooking cancer by using nano-tubes, although the application of this medical technology is still in the near future. Nano-medicine such as this research gives validity for this approach and high hopes to cancer patients.

In Japan, the daily use of the hot full bath may destroy incipient cancers.

7. High pH therapy: Tests carried out by N. Nieper [7] in Hannover, Germany and by H. Sartori [67] in Washington, DC, [ 50 patients in 1981-1982 ] using the therapy as prescribed in Brewer’s article [7] on men with cancer resulted in rapid shrinkage of tumor masses. At a cellular pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

8. Improve blood circulation: The fast growth of cancer cells and rapid expansion of the tumor mass usually outpace new vascular generation, resulting in an insufficient blood supply to certain areas of the tumor tissues. [ referred to as the Warburg Effect [87] ]

When blood circulation increases, oxygenation improves and the body has a chance of healing itself. Exercise can improve blood circulation. Deep breathing improves blood-oxygen circulation. Treatment: Cell death or necrosis may be a brought about by cutting off the blood supply to cancerous cells. Another approach is to limit blood supply to cancer cells. A new drug, [ angiogenesis blocker ] is being tested at the Hospital for Tumour Biology in Freiburg, Germany [74] , that would prevent the formation of blood vessels in tumors.

9. Change Electrical field: Changing the electrical field of the body [25] may have an affect on normal and cancer cells. Research in this area is very weak at this time.

11. Sunlight & Vitamin D: A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the widespread deficiency of vitamin D among Americans is more harmful than once believed, increasing their risk of fractures, muscle weakness, and even cancer as they age. A forthcoming Harvard School of Public Health study is expected to show that adequate vitamin D levels reduce cancer risk by 30 percent, increasing pressure on the US Department of Agriculture to raise the recommended daily consumption of the nutrient.

Many persons living in the north near the Canadian-USA border, and especially Canadians, may not be getting enough daily exposure to sunshine to synthesize Vitamin D; thereby increasing their risk to cancer [84] New research [66] strengthens the case that vitamin D may be a powerful cancer preventative. Researchers gave 1000 IU of the same form of vitamin D that the skin makes from sunshine, D3 or cholecalciferol, to a small number of women and observed that vitamin D cut several types of cancer by 60 percent. Vitamin D helps to regulate cell growth, a fundamental biological process that goes haywire in cancer. Indeed, success of lung cancer surgery is influenced by vitamin D intake and time of year. [85]

12. Gene therapy: Research [27] is being fostered to activate tumor suppressor gene p53 to stop cell growth.

13. Vaccines: Researchers are making progress on preventing cancdr with vaccines. Gardasil helps protect against HPV, a sexually transmitted virus known to cause cervical cancer in women. The other vaccine is against hepatitis B and protects against liver cancer. Each vaccine consists of three injections given over a period of six months. [ 92 ]

14. Other Approaches: There is an explosion of open minded-research taking place that would be unthinkable and unacceptable to the medical establishment just 10 years ago. For example, besides, using vitamin C to kill cancer cells, researchers in 2004 at Mayo Clinic [68] have found phytochemicals in green tea that kill cancer cells and University of Minnesota scientists [69] announced in 2005 the use of stem cells to kill cancer cells.


1. Adams, Mike, “ Plant-based diet greatly reduces risk of cancer,” News Target Network, February 28, 2005.  Adams: Plant based diet & cancer 2005

2. cancer therapy: refers to any cancer treatment that is not approved by the USA Food and Drug Administration [ FDA ]

3. Block, Gladys, Vitamin C studies: “ Vitamin C and reduced mortality,” Epidemiology, Vol. 3, No. 3, May, 1992, pp. 189-191.

4. Blood circulation Germany: Website

5. Broccoli: Website

6. Barrett Stephen, “Some Notes on the Institute of Medicine's Panel on ‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine’," Quackwatch, January 15, 2005. Website

7. Brewer, A.K., “ The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans,” Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, Vol 21, Supplement 1, 1984, 105.
Website 1       Website 2

8. Caisse, Rene, Essiac tea: website

9. CAM: abbreviation for Complementary Alternative Medicine: Alternative is defined as any of a various systems of healing or treating [ as chiropractic, homeopathic or faith healing ] not included in the traditional medical curricula taught in the United States, Canada and Great Britain and where healers are not licensed by national medical boards. Complementary medicine is defined as “ any of the practices [ as acupuncture ] of alternative medicine accepted and utilized by mainstream medical practitioners. CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. [ National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ].

10.American Academy of Family Physicians, “Cancer: Choosing a treatment program,” Familt Physicians: Choosing cancer treatment

11. “ Cancer theories,” Wrong Diagnosis, Website

12. Carmichael, Mary, “New research shows that flaxseed and gingseng have something to offer patients. Shark cartilage, however, comes up short,” Newsweek, June 02, 2007. Website

13. “ Cell Biology,” Wikipedia Website:
14. Chakrabarty, A.M., “ Microorganisms and Cancer: Quest for a therapy,” Journal of Bacteriology, May, 2003, Ver 185(9), 2683-2686. Website

15. Chemotherapy failure: Moss Reports, Part One, “ Aussie oncologists criticize chemotherapy,” March 05, 2006. Website

16. Chemotherapy failure: Morgan, Graeme, et al.,“ The contribution of cyotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies,” Clinical Oncology, 2004, Vol 16, 549-560. Website

17. Chemotherapy need: Website
18. Conventional Medical Therapy: Medical practice sanctioned by FDA and medical associations that include allopathy, Western, mainstream, orthodox, regular medicine and biomedicine. Practitioners hold M.D. [ medical doctor ] or D.O. [ doctor of osteopathy ] degrees or health professional degrees such as registered nurses, or psychologists.

19. DCA therapy: Website: Website

20. Halliday, Jesse, “Broccoli fights cancer-causing bacteria in humans,” Nutra, July 19, 2008.  Halliday: Broccoli fights cancer 2008

21. Diet, healthy eating and cancer,” Healthy Eating, United Kingdom. Website

22. Diet proteins & cancer: “ Scientists find why production of proteins that cause beast, ovarian disease,” Apr 16, 2007 Website: Reuters, msnbc, Website

23. Duke University Medical Center, “ New pilot study suggests flaxseed and low fat diet can be protective against prostate cancer,” Science Daily, July 12,2001,. Website

24. Fermentation: Website

25. Field therapy: Abercrombie, M amd Ambrose, E.J., “ The surface properties of cancer cells: a review,” Cancer Research, July 07, 1980, Vol 22, No 27, 525-548.

26. Garber Ken “ Oxygen and cancer,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 96, No 24, Dec 15, 2004. News Website

27. Gene therapy: Source: “General characteristics of cancers,” National Institute of Cancer [NCI], Website

28. Griffin, Edward G., He who Pays the Piper, Website

29. “General characteristics of cancers,” National Institute of Cancer [NCI], Website

30. Growth characteristics or molecular abnormalities of cancer cells:[ Source: Sartori, H.E.,” Cesium therapy in cancer patients,” Website ] [ “ Cancer theories,” Wrong Diagnosis, Website ]

  • a single normal body cell undergoes a genetic transformation into a cancer cell.
  • Cell division is regulated by a network of proteins.
  • Cancer cells have a definable “molecular finger print” making it easier to diagnose cancer
  • cancer cells are genetically unstable
  • nucleus in cancer cells is much bigger than that of a normal cell
  • cancer cells do not secrete mucus
  • cancer cells produce enzymes that enable them to invade neighboring tissues.
  • cancer cells have very little or none of the protein keratin.
  • Lack contact of inhibition, or the ability of a cancer cell to stop reproducing
  • Do not depend on presence of growth factors in the environment
  • Cancer cells develop slowly over time ,
  • Predisposition to malignancy is acquired as the tumor mass increases in size
  • Cancer cell DNA is very resistant to radiation and chemotherapy
  • Cancer cells create an enzyme telomerase that causes cells to proliferate endlessly.
  • Release proteins within cytoplasm that stimulate signals to cause run-away cell division.
  • Have great adhesion to other cancer cells
  • Cancer cells develop a protein 13 times thicker than normal cells. This makes it difficult for the immune system to attack them.

32. Harvard Medical School, “Attacking cancer’s sweet tooth is effective strategy against tumors, ” Website

33. Higginbotham, Susan, et la., “ Dietary glycemic load and risk of colorectal cancer in the women’s health study,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2004, Vol 96 No. 3, pages 229-233.  Higginbotham: Glycemic load and cancer 2004

34. Cancer tutor Team, “Hydrogen peroxide cancer treatment,” Hydrogen peroxide cancer treatment

35. Isaacs, Linda, “Deciding whether to pursue an alternative cancer therapy,” June, 2002 Website

36. Last, Walter, “How scientific are orthodox cancer treatments, “ Website

37. Leduc, Leduc, “ Drug companies,” [ profitable business ] Website

38. “ Lesson2: The cancer diet for most treatment plans,” Cancer Tutor. Website

39. Lynes, Barry, The Cancer Conspiracy: Betrayal, Collusion and the Suppression of Alternative Cancer Treatments, Elsmere Publisher, March, 2002.

40. Matoba, S., et la., “ p53 regulates mitochondrial respiration,” Science, Jun 16, 2006, Vol 312, No 5780, pages 1650-3. Website

41. McCabe, Ed, “Medical ozone and cancer,” Website

42. McCabe, Ed, Oxygen Therapies: A new Way to Approaching Disease, Valore Books, 1988, Flood your body with oxygen Ozone Therapy: Website Website Website

43. McCabe Ed, "Medical ozone and cancer,"  McCabe: Medical ozone and cancer 2018

44. Medical doctors receptivity to CAM: VanScoy, Holly, “ Complementary and alternative medicine no longer in the shadows,” HealthDay News Reporter, August 01, 2004,.

45. MedicineNet 4/23/2002: Website
46. Miyagi, Tofru, et la., “ Antitumor effect of reduction of 150-kDa oxygen-regulated protein expression in human prostate cancer cells, “ Molecular Urology, 06/2001, Vol 5, No 2, 79-80, [Mary Liebert Publishers online.]
47. Morgan, Graeme, et al., “The contribution of cyotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies,” Clinical Oncology, 2004, Vol 16, 549-560.  Morgan: chemotherapy and cancer 2004

48. Moss, Ralph, “Cancer Chemotherapy Failure,” THE MOSS REPORTS For March 12, 2006 Website Website

49. Moss Ralph W.,"THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CANCER™ DIY RESEARCH," Moss Reports, December 18, 2018.  Moss: Cancer Guide: 2018
50. Nano technology & cancer: Dai, Honqjie, et la., “ Carbon nanotubes as multifunctional biological transporters and near-infrared agents for selective cancer cell destruction,” Procedures of National Academy of Science, USA, August 08, 2005, Vol 83, No 32, p.16,&nbap; Website: Website

51. Nano medicine potential: Website
52. Nano medicine transport: Website

53. National Cancer Institute, 04/16/2007: Website

54. Oxygen fights cancer: Website

54. Phillips, Carmen, Thompson, “Giving cancer an energy blackout,” NCI Cancer Bulletin, Nov 28, 2006, Vol. 3, No 46. Website

56. PH therapy: Brewer, A.K., “ The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans,” Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, Vol 21, Supplement 1, 1984, 1-5. Website

57. PH therapy: Sartori, H.E.,” Cesium therapy in cancer patients,” Website

58. VanScoy, Holly, “Complementary and alternative medicine no longer in the shadows,” HealthDay News Reporter, August 01, 2004.  VanScoy: Complementary medicine 2004

59. Radiation low risk therapy: Website radiation: Website

60. Radiation therapy risk not abailable: Website

61. Ransom, Steven, “”Death by doctoring, Part 2 of 2,” Nexus Magazine, Oct-Nov, 2002, Vol 9, No. 6 Website

62. Rattigan, Patrick, “ The Cancer Business,” Truth Campaign Magazine, ,14, Website

63. Reuters News Agency, April 16, 2007, “ Scientists find why broccoli, soy fight cancer,” Website
64. Reuters Health, “Diets high in meat linked with greater skin cancer risk,” American Society of Clinical Oncology, May 31, 2007 Website

65. Rich, William M., “ Treatment of Cancer,” CancerLink [ conventional primary methods ], July 4, 1999. Website

66. Ross, Timberly and Donn, Jeff, “ Vitamin D reduces cancer risk,” AP Health, June 07, 2007. Website

67. Sartori, H.E.,” Cesium therapy in cancer patients,” Website

68. Stem cell therapy Mayo Clinic: Website
69. Stem cell therapy University of Minnesota scientists announced in 2005 the use of to kill cancer cells Website

70. Surgical therapy: “Choosing a treatment program,” American Academy of Family Physicians Website

71. Temperature government recognitionby NCI: Website

72. Temperature & cancer: Coffey, DS, Getzenberg, RH, DeWeese TL, “ Hyperthermic biology and cancer therapies: A hyposthesis for the Lance Armstrong Effect,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 2006, Vol 296, Website

73. Temperature therapy: Jones,, “ Heat as a therapy,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 01, 2005 Website

74. Tumor blood supply Germany: Website


76. “ Types of Treatment,” American Cancer Society, AMS: Cancer treatment types

77. Unconventional or alternative cancer therapy: refers to any cancer treatment that is not approved by the USA Food and Drug Administration [ FDA ]

78. Understanding cancer,” Cell Biology and cancer, NCI, Website

79. Ultra-sound therapy: Website

80. VanScoy, Ho;;y, “Complementary and Alternative medicine No Longer in the Shadows,” HealthDay News , August 01, 2004 [ Public demand causes integration of new methods and approaches. ] Website

81. Vitamin C Pauling intraveneous: Levin, Mark, Website


82. Vitamin transport: Chen Qi, et la., “ Pharmacological ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues,” Procedures of National Academy of Science, USA, Sept 20, 2005, Vol 102, No 38, 13604-13609. Website

83. “ Vitamin D Deficiency Tied to Host of Dangers,” Nutraceutical News Homepage News Dec. 30,2004. Website

84. Vitamin D & cancer: Skinner, HG, et la., “ Vitamin D intake and the risk for Pancreatic cancer in two cohort studies,” Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 2006, 15, 1688-95. Website

85. Allen Scott, “ Vitamin D Deficiency Tied to Host of Dangers,” Boston Globe, December 30, 2004.  Allen: Vit D and cancer 2004

Vitamin D & success of lung surgery: “ Success of lung cancer surgery influenced by vitamin D intake and time of year,” Apr 19, 2005. Vit D & lung cancer

86. Warburg, Otto, “ The prime cause and prevention of cancer: Part I Understanding the basic problems of cancer and illness,” Lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates, Lindau, Germany, June 30, 1966. Website

87. Warburg Effect: is the high rates of anaerobic glycolysis; is injury to normal cells, disrupting cell mitochonrial respiration. In humans, the Warburg Effect causes cancer cells to rely preferentially on glycolysis for adenosine triphosphate [ ATP ] production, unlike normal healthy cells.

88. Xu, Rui Hua, et la., “ Inhibition of glycolysis in cancer cells,” CANCER RESEARCH, Jan 15, 2005 Vol., 65, 613-62;1: Website

89. Hamer, Ryke, “ New German medicine,” [ Disease caused by shock experience that catches us completely off guard. Although Dr. Hamer claims to be successful in treating cancer patients, the medical community cautions against accepting this as an acceptable approach to fighting cancer. ] Website

90. Henderson, Bill, Cancer-Free book, and Cancer-Free Newsletter, May 29, 2006 Website

91. Henderson, Bill, “ What is cancer, Anyway?’ Website