Drugs often cause diseases 
By Walter Sorochan Doctor of Health & Safety;  Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Posted February 10, 2019; updated October 18, 2021.  Disclaimer Information presented herein is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice. The staements of this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration [FDA]. Please consult your medical doctor for help and advice as needed.

There have been numerous negative articles about the pharmaceutical drug industry, medical doctors with conflicts of interest,the high cost of medications and that drugs may not be all that much help in healing diseases.  Well, most persons would approach all this with skepticism as they put their sacred trust in medical doctors and the health care system.  When they get sick they go to the doctor. That is what we have been brainwashed to do! Prescription drugs help millions of people, many causing side-effects in patients. Side effects are dose related. Mainstream medine's record on preventing side-effects is poor.  Life Extension: drug side-effects 2003

But this author was shocked to discover several articles about the issue of drug medication and how such medication affected the brain and whether medications really healed the afflicted. Several of these were articles about the reactions of medical doctors and psychiatrists at an Alzheimer's convention in 1917 and 2018. The shocking and unexpected finding was that medical doctors were thinking of changing how they practised medicine and minimizing the use drugs to heal patients. This is a significant medical evolution! 

This article provides evidence that use of medication drugs may do more harm than good. The first article dealt with how drug therapy may be causing Alzheimer's Disease.

The October 23-27, 2018, conference/meeting on Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease [AD] in Barcelona, Spain, focused on bringing together world wide leaders in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, including drug therapy. The theme reflects where the research is heading. Almost no mention of preventive approaches! Nor the cause(s) of dementia and Alzheimer.   CTAD: Clinical Trials article no longer active.

There are signs and reasons that the original theory that medical doctors have been using as a basis for prescribing drugs for Alzheimer Disease [AD] may not be working. As of 2017, many doctors who experimented with using drugs to prevent or stop AD have concluded that drug therapy is not working.  Dolgin: Stop AD before it starts 2017  Doctors in 2018 published a new approach to interpreting AD by shifting the definition of Alzheimer's disease in living people - for use in research - from the current one, based on cognitive changes and behavioral symptoms with biomarker confirmation, to a strictly biological construct. This represents a major evolution in how researchers think about Alzheimer's.  Alzheimer's Association: AD redefined 2018 

Doctors have been on the wrong path for years, hence stymieing the understanding, therapy and prevention of Alzheimer's Disease! According to University of Manchester biologist, Andrew J. Doig, a hypothesis used to deal with Alzheimer's in the past, which has been the standard way of explaining how the body develops Alzheimer’s Disease for almost 30 years, is flawed. "Over the 26 years since the cascade was first described, hundreds of drugs based on this hypothesis have been trialed in people but none of them have worked."   Doig: Original AD theory flawed 2018  Doig, AD theory may be incorrect 2018  Medical therapists and drug companies who were committed to the standard way of treating Alzheimer's Disease and dementia by using drugs have slowly come to realize that their past approaches to fighting AD have not worked.

Yes, medical doctors since 2017 have also begun to seriously question standard medical practice of prescribing pain killers and drugs to patients with a variety of diseases and disorders.  Most often, such medications do not work. Dr. John Bergman made a video of this experiences in treating Alzheimer's Disease [AD].  He unravels what many doctors have come to realize .... that drug therapy does not work most of the time.  This is expecially true in dealing with pain killers that are prescribed to stop the symptoms of pain but not find or fix the cause of pain.. 

Dr. John Bergman: Alzheimer's Length= 44.41 mns.
Source: Bergman: Alzheimer's 2019

Oh my! Dr. Bergman, a chiropractor, says a lot of things that are contradictory of medical practice .... like taking prescribed medications that can contribute to causing Alzheimer's. He backs this information with documentation so there must be some truth in what he states.  Bergman presents a different point of view that may help explain how we slowly change our brain functions by taking pain killers and other medications. Changes in brain function from prescription drugs appear to be similar to those of drug addicts. Has your medical doctor told you about the high risk of taking pain killers that can cause Alzheimer's Disease?

It is not just that drug therapy does not work for Alzheimer's Disease patients, drugs may not work in most disease therapies; indeed prescribed medications often cause diseases.   Bregin: CNS drug intoxication 2018   Garza: Drug induced auto-immunie diseases 2016  Kerkar: Drugs causing Parkinson"s Disease NIH article no longer active.  WebMD: Drugs causing liver damage

Bregin, medical doctor and psychiatric legal expert, points out that "All psychoactive substances work by impairing higher functions of the brain, including the limbic system and frontal lobes." .... "The following symptoms, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania, have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric."

Dr. Bregin points out the danger of using antidepressants, although other drugs prescribed to patients for other disorders and diseases may have similar effects on the brain and body:

"Antidepressants are neurotoxic, that is, they harm the brain and disrupt its functions. As a result, they cause innumerable kinds of abnormal thinking and behaviors, including mania, suicide and violence. In the process, they cause detectable damage to the brain of the child or adult, and also to the fetus of pregnant mothers who take the drug. The antidepressant drugs have no specific impact on depression and instead are used off label to treat everything imaginable from physical pain to anxiety and ADHD. People often experience euphoria after starting an antidepressant, but it is short-lived, leaving the individual to try one and then another antidepressant in the hope of re-experiencing this artificial, chemically induced “happiness.” This initial “feeling great” is in reality a danger sign, often signaling the start of an antidepressant-induced manic episode that can ruin lives. Antidepressant-induced mania is largely indistinguishable from spontaneous mania, and varies in intensity from mild to psychotic. It can include bizarre destructive behaviors, impulsivity, sexual acting out, callousness, grandiosity, and very bad judgment. Antisocial behavior is common. Extreme irritability can lead otherwise loving people to become hateful and violent. Loss of judgment can cause ethical people to act like criminals "  Bregin: CNS drug intoxication 2018

Thomas Insel, the former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), in December 2011 confessed in his official government blog that antidepressants are virtually useless: ‘‘The bottom line is that these medications appear to have a relatively small effect in patients broadly classified as having depression.’’ He meant a small therapeutic effect. By contrast, the adverse effects are numerous and potentially devastating and even deadly.  Bregin: Antidepressant harm

Below is a video that is long but an honest viewpoint of what is wrong with our health care systerm and why one should avoid using prescription and over-the-counter medications:

Aron & Melissa Dykes video,"The Minds of Men"; featuring Dr.Breggin   Length = 3 hours:42 mns.

Source:  Minds of men


Angell Marcia, "Transparency Hasn’t Stopped Drug Companies From Corrupting Medical Research," The New York Times, September 14, 2018'  Angell: Corrupt medical research 2018

Bregin Peter, "Antidepressants: Far more harm than good," Dr. Peter Breggin’s Antidepressant Drug Resource & Information Center.  Bregin: Antidepressant harm

Bregin Peter, "CNS drug intoxication in death penalty case appeals, Powerpoint presentation, Orlando, September 2018.  Bregin: CNS drug intoxication 2018

NIH, "Brain injury caused by drugs or alcohol," Nattional Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.  NIH: Brain damage by drugs

Clinical trials on Alzheimer's Disease, "Conference Program 11 edition," Barcelona, Spain, October 24-27, 2018.   CTAD: Clinical Trials Conference  on AD 2018

Doig, Andrew J., "Positive Feedback Loops in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Alzheimer’s Feedback Hypothesis," Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2018, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 25-36.   Doig: Original AD theory flawed 2018   Doig: AD theory may be incorrect 2018

Dolgin Elie, "The New Offensive on Alzheimer’s Disease: Stop it Before it Starts," Newsweek Magazine, February 16, 2017.  Dolgin: Stop AD before it starts 2017

Garza Anyssa, "Drug-Induced Autoimmune Diseases," Pharmacy Times, January 20, 2016  Garza: Drug induced auto-immunie diseases 2016

Kerkar Pramod, "What Drugs Can Cause Parkinson's Disease?" PainAssist.  Kerkar: Drugs causing Parkinson"s Disease

Life Extension, "Medications side effects, March 2003. Life Extension: drug side-effects 2003   

WebMD, "What Is Toxic Liver Disease, or Hepatotoxicity?"  WebMD: Drugs causing liver damage