 Political Revolution Triggers Evolution of future Changes 
By Walter Sorochan Emeritus Professor: San Diego State University

Nov 15, 2015; Updated May 12, 2016.  Disclaimer   The information presented here is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice. Nothing stated here should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given problem, or to diagnose / treat / prevent / cure any disease. This is work in progress.

This article is about how the 2016 political campaign is triggering future social changes in United States and the world.

ChangeThere are many changes taking place today and most persons are not aware of these changes .... like in education, politics and medicine. But it is the other silent changes taking place now [ such as robots replacing manual labor, new gadgets that measure how many miles you walk in a day and the apparent breakup of TV packages ] that are signals of future changes happening now.  The real big changes are coming in the near future because people are dissatisfied with what they are getting.


These changes include: [ click on blue underlined text for reference ]

1.  Politics & government:  Majority of people are dissatisfied that government has become dysfunctional and not serving its people.

2.  New world economy:  countries will move goods flowing interchangeably between borders much like the air moves over borders today.  It will be seamless and with a minimum of restrictions.

3.  Education and how we will learn:  technology provides new and more efficient ways to help children, teenagers and adults learn.  Many teacher functions will be displaced by assistant robots.

4.  Medicine: medicine will be redefined, medicine is not health; robots will displace many nurses, nurses aids and doctors; how doctors provide health care will be changed dramatically. The medical curriculum will need to be streamlined so that instead of focusing on doctors to treat symptoms with drugs, the focus will be on finding the causes of illnesses and diseases.

5.  Health care:  health care will emerge as a competitor to the current tradition medical system. This is already happening with persons being able to monitor their own diseases by way of the iphone and being diagnosed at home instead of visiting the doctor.  Focus will be on preventing illnesses and keeping people healthy; Much of today's visits to the doctor and hospital will be replaced by linkage to home care.  Health promotion and disease prevention with economic incentives, will provide passionate motivation for the public to assume more self-responsibility for self-treatment and well-being. 

6.  Nutrition and food:  The federal agencies regulating food will be continue to upgrade the Recommended Daily Intake requirements; minimize the availability of processed foods; eating behaviors will change, what and how farmers grow food will cater to health of people instead of industry profit.

7.  Electricity:  solar energy displacing fossil fuel as source of energy; outdated Grid system transporting electricity long distances to be replaceded by power systems nearby where electricity is being used.

8.  Transportation system: electric cars are about to replace fossil fuel autos; congested freeways replaced by a more efficient system of moving people.

9.  Money system:  the traditional way of using cash and credit cards to pay for things is already changing.  A special purchasing card similar to the current credit card will become the currency replacing cash and credit cards.

10.  Nature of work: robots displacing millions of manual workers.  We are going to have millions of people living with no meaningful work and not knowing what to do with their idle free time.  We will need to evolve a new way of living.

11.  Wireless TV and entertainment: the current monopoly in how TV stations are bundled will change from the way TV users are forced to buy packaged TV stations they never use to selecting single TV stations they want.

This is an incomplete list, but it foreshadows the changes taking place now as well as more coming. Such changes are now possible because we now have a much better informed citizenry than in the past the harnessing of useful technology.  Three changes taking place right now in 2016  are in politics, government and economics.  However, you might be interested to know that changes in the past have been revolutionary that, in turn, also brought better living conditions:

"MOST PEOPLE ARE discomfited by radical change, and often for good reason. Both the first Industrial Revolution, starting in the late 18th century, and the second one, around 100 years later, had their victims who lost their jobs to Cartwright’s power loom and later to Edison’s electric lighting, Benz’s horseless carriage and countless other inventions that changed the world. But those inventions also immeasurably improved many people’s lives, sweeping away old economic structures and transforming society. They created new economic opportunity on a mass scale, with plenty of new work to replace the old.

A third great wave of invention and economic disruption, set off by advances in computing and information and communication technology (ICT) in the late 20th century, promises to deliver a similar mixture of social stress and economic transformation. It is driven by a handful of technologies—including machine intelligence, the ubiquitous web and advanced robotics—capable of delivering many remarkable innovations: unmanned vehicles; pilotless drones; machines that can instantly translate hundreds of languages; mobile technology that eliminates the distance between doctor and patient, teacher and student. Whether the digital revolution will bring mass job creation to make up for its mass job destruction remains to be seen."  Avent:The third great wave 2014

Citizen dissatisfaction with the government in this 2016 election year is about to trigger revolutions in other service sectors.

Citizens revolting against their own government signal that they want a the politicians to function on behalf of them and not vested interests and political re-election. There are many such signals.  Terrorist explosions have been orchestrated in many countries in defiance of government policies.  In United States the 'Tea Party' revolt in the 2012 election was a sign that people wanted a change in the way their government representatives were functioning in Washington.  More recently, there have been numerous revolts against police arresting persons implicating racism and injustice.  Football players at University of Missouri initiated student revolts against their president and administration that has spread to other campuses.  Internationally, people in the Arab countries, South America and Asia have revolted against their governments.  There have been numerous theories as to what has caused such revolutions in the world.

My explanation of such world changes is two fold: suppression by dictatorships and people being educated and better informed. The internet has thrust us into the information age where we can get instant information. Although the end of WW II brought some stability to the world, change took place slowly.   Many third world countries had weak education, poor health care and weak economies.  As a result, these countries began reforms in education, housing, sanitation and a whole generation of young persons became better educated and informed.

The impact of education is that enlightened persons begin to think!  Education frees the enslavements of mind and body. Girls in many economically repressed countries are now going to school and learning to read, write and do math.  Even a low quality education invokes thinking and reasoning processes that stimulate one to aspire for better living conditions and a better level of wellbeing.  Education is a game changer.

adoptioncurve Change comes in evolving stages.  Slow at first, but like a snowball rolling downhill, becomes a bigger snowball.  The graph on the right illustrates how new ideas and inventions [change] are accepted by the public. The first persons to accept such change are innovators [2.5% of the public], then adaptors and later the general public.  Such an evolution is occurring in many aspects of society today.  Not just justice, freedom and equality of opportunity, but also in better education, health care and aspirations for higher quality of personal health.  What was acceptable as change for grandparents 50 or 60 years ago is today outdated for most grandchildren. Today's youth have been motivated by the technology of television, the internet and iphones to make them want more and to be better than their parents.  Although the timing of their ambitions may not be perfect as many cannot get good paying jobs upon graduation, their hope for a better life does not diminish.  What was good for their grandparents and parents has been raised a notch by their grandchildren.  The mind-set of many young is wanting change now and not tomorrow.

Who-wants-change-who-wants-to-change-GIF1These expectations and changes for more and better living conditions have many implications.  Although the world today is experiencing an earthquake in morality changes, it is slow in bringing about changes. There are many aspects of personal health that are misfiring, like the epidemics of obesity, diabetes, drug addiction, high death rates in cancer and cardiovascular diseases.  Promises to bring cancer under control have been a disaster.  So have attempts in getting individuals to implement preventive health practices. Our culture does not have reinforcements for good health!

Lets just consider an important aspect of health .... nutrition.  Although the Greek doctor, Hippocrates, observed long ago that "food is man's best medicine," our modern era has yet to appreciate his wisdom.  Food is generally overlooked in United States as a determiner of health, in spite of such acknowledgement.  Oh, but everyone knows that a good diet is important for health. Well, not so!  Deeds of politicians and doctors speak louder than words!  Most medical doctors ignore the importance of food in healing as most of them have not had a real nutrition program in medical school.  So it is no small wonder that they do not ask their patients what they eat or drink and instead prescribe medications.

The USA federal government institutions like the National Institutes of Health neglect to allocate essential funding for controversial and unconventional health-nutrition research.  For example, the controversy about the mineral ratios like Ca:Mg and bioavailability of nutrients.  And whether the idea of "whole food concept" is synergistically true.  Or can a vitamin like D or C work by itself or do these need helper co-factors and co-enzymes?   Or what is the impact of probiotics and bacteria in the colon in structuring a high immune level.  Then there is the issue of excluding some recognized essential nutrients like organic sulfur and boron from the Recommended Daily Intake, when these nutrients were identified in the 1960's as essential for life.  And let us not overlook the chlorination of water when there are better ways to make drinking water safe.  The practice of fluoridation and chlorination is putting a poison into many of our water supplies that destroys the absorption of iodine, an essential nutrient.

These few examples are enough to illustrate that health of people has been given a low priority in United States.  The experts either do not know very much about nutrition and wellbeing or do not care about the health of people.  Medical schools are offering an outdated medical curriculum to their prospective doctors that prepare doctors for medical emergencies to deal with health problems of the 20th century but certainly not health in the 21st century.  Medicine is not health and therein lies the problem!  Nutritional insufficiencies are also acerbated by lack of congressional priority for food, nutrition and health.  Well, congress does have various pork barrel subsidies for farmers but none for people in general.  And yes, health and nutrition for profit are mired in the political alphabet soup that is congress. This does not mean that it is good to give food and nutrition a low priority.

change georgebernardshawYes, we need change in the money and power greedy political congress.  With all the escalading changes taking place in the world, as well as during this 2016 presidential election year, it is time to seriously consider a revolution in nutrition, the food industry and health of all people.  What we eat and how we eat does make a difference!  Today, we are what we eat --- a sick society.

Summary: The revolution taking place in this 2016 election year is citizen revolt against the politics of the Washington establishment.  Over 90% of citizens are angry and dissatisfied with politicians in Washington. This revolution opens the door for more revolutions in economics and New World Order, the practice of medicine, the obsolete health care system, nutrition, education, generating green electricity to replace fossil fuels, re-thinking our transportation system, shifting from gas guzzling autos to electric cars, shifting from paper money to card money, and robots displacing millions of manual workers. Many of these changes are already taking place and all will accelerate future changes in how we work and live.  The revolutionary changes demanded by citiczens is a sign that the constitution is working in its miraculous ways. 

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