How your body works 
Compiled by Walter Sorochan Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Posted April 11, 2019; Update October 2021.  Disclosure The information presented here is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice. The statements of this web-site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

Why is it important to know how your body works?  Reason: Because knowing helps you to prevent getting sick and incubating diseases. Kowing how the body works helps you to be more healthy!

Most persons are unaware of how their body works. They can hear, see, do things and walk. Children are busy learning and growing up, so they are aware of their bodies changing in height and able to move and do things. Adolescents become ware of their sexual prowess and and athletic abilities. But adults are too busy coping with demands of work and raising a family to notice that their bodies changes are taking place slowly. All may feel well for awhile and suddenly feel sick. They may run to the doctor for help but never understand that their illness may have been a change in the body or lifestyle, that caused their problem. Although they try to fix their body problem, they have difficulty doing so. Their inability to fix or heal the body is often due to not understanding how their body works. They have a postpone ot delay gap that lacks that little extra motivation to change and prevent. This article illustrates such gaps.

It is essential that everyone understand that using, fixing or healing a patient's body depends on the person understanding how the body works. Such lack of information may be the missing link to making prevention of disorders and diseases work. This may happen often when medical doctors, seeped in medical jargon, neglect to communicate in simple words that patients can understand and relate to.

Many parts of our body are programmed to work as a biological clock! All tissues, organs and body systems are usually genetically programmed.  Our body slows down as we get older.  Professors Insel and Roth of Stanford University have summarized below how some body changes occur overtime in the chart below.

aging Adulthood-+Physical+Changes

The graph above ilustrates that as we get older, energy, heart and lung capacity decline.

Brain -mind, memory and plasticity:  According to Dr Wojtek Rakowicz, a consultant neurologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, brain change starts at 20. "As we get older, the number of nerve cells - or neurons - in the brain decrease. We start with around 100 billion, but in our 20s this number starts to decline. It is actually the deterioration of the gaps between the brain cells that has the biggest impact."  Daily Mail: Body changes start early 2008

Dr. Daniel Amen's views the brain as: "A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses, all “talking” to one another. Information in your brain travels at about 268 miles per hour, unless of course you are drunk, then things really slow down. If you don’t take care of your brain, you lose on average 85,000 brain cells a day. That is what causes aging. With appropriate forethought, however, you can reverse that trend and dramatically slow the aging process and increase your mental agility."  Amen: Healthy brain live

Changes in brain cells in those over 70 can contribute to Alzheimer's disease [AD], dementia and memory loss. Dr. Khan defines "Alzheimer's disease as the formation of abnormal deposits of protein in the brain. These are called plaques and tangles, and they are made up of two key proteins: amyloid and tau. Although amyloid and tau are present in healthy brains, these occur in much greater detail in Alzheimer's."  Khan: What is Alzheimer's

Neurologist Lisa Genova points out that "The plaques and tangles cause inflammation, thereby damaging the synapses and disrupt nerve communication in the brain. A crucial neural transport protein called “tau” twists itself into something called “tangles,” which choke off the neurons from the inside. Over time, these tangles and tau reach what Genova refers to as the tipping point, causing cell death. Now Alzheimer's advanced stage has begun. So .... if you have a mild or more progressive AD, it is the result of losing synapses. You still have a whole lot of good synapses left. New learning can create new synapses to replace the broken ones and this process can postpone the symptoms. TSP staff: Genova preventing AD 2018

Another phenomenon of the brain and how we function is plasticity. It is more than just about the brain, it is about how the mind-mental-brain functions. All humans seek new adventures like camping, playing games, visiting another country, sports and learning new things. Children are continuously learning new things and so their brain is being continuously exploring new things. Plasticity requires the brain to be continuously stimulated or active; or the brain withers slowly, eventuating in early mental deterioration and even Alzheimer's disease.

The issue of plasticity is a new way of explaining that the brain is thirsty for new adventures and experiences at all stages of life. The brain wants to be continuously busy learning new things. By learning something new, you build new synapses and slow down the possibility of Alzheimer's Disease. But when a person stops learning, thinking that he/she knows it all .... as when they graduate from high school or college or they are too busy doing the routines of married life, they get into a rut so to speak; that is, when the brain is unhappy and begins to fall asleep. That is when the frustrated brain becomes broken and dies. Plasticity thrusts the human brain into a higher level of thinking and functioning!  Sorochan: Plasticity

The brain can perform numerous tasks that are not well defined; it is the mind that coordinates body functions, functioning as a miniature computer, and even solve problems. It is the mind in the brain that stores memory, recalls images, and even anticipates mental telepathy.  All these functions may be controversial at this time, but this is mind-brain aspect of plasticity.   

A other phenomenon of the brain-mind in early childhood is that the mind-brain seems to have a built-in moral compass. This moral compass is awakened in children of six to 10 years who seem to recognize good from bad values better than adults. This is an example of the mind-brain striving for perfection. The mind-brain seems to be programmed to use a guidance system of morality for helping the body and brain survive. Unfortunately, the moral guidance system in children can change as they get older, often  getting addicted to power and money, thereby digress-interfering with the natural mind-brain for moral wellbeing.

Scientists now recognize that the body has three brains: in the brain itself, one in the digestive system  Hurley: gut brain 2012 and one in the heart. 

The heart creates electricity and has emotions: The heart is a marvelous, delicate and precise machine. It seldom wears out. We have been taught that the heart is a pump that circulates the blood throughout the body. Less known is that the heart beats on its own pace-maker. The heart generates a mysterious and powerful electromagnetic field. It has it's own brain, so to speak, enabling it to learn, remember, and make independent functional decisions and sends messages to the brain. Scientist Rollin McCraty points out that the heart sends electrical waves outside the body and that these waves can act as emotions that can affect those nearby. The heart has intuition and senses feelings of others. McCraty: Heart has own brain 2015

The three brains and the entire body need to work together and communicate. This is done by electricity.

The Body is electric: Without electricity, you wouldn't be reading this article right now. And it's not because your computer wouldn't work. It's because your brain wouldn't work. Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies. An electrical charge is jumping from one cell to the next until it reaches its destination.  Layton: Body makes electricity

Electricity makes your body work. Every second of every day, your body conducts and generates billions of tiny electrical impulses. Messages travel down the spinal cord from the brain to the muscles, organs and glands. Synapses in the brain fire and send signals between neurons. All of these and more constitute little electrical currents within the body. Without these impulses, not a single muscle would be able to function…your heart wouldn't beat, your brain wouldn't work.  Anrig: EMF emissions 2016

We live in a world of electricity. It may seem amazing that we can survive with all the earth electricity around us. It is the Earth's magnetic field [EMF] that causes a compass needle to always point north and helps birds fly south for the winter. But we humans are also electronic machines and have lived in harmony with earth's electronic magnetic forces for thousands of years. It's important to note these fields exist everywhere in nature.

However, Electro Magnetic Forces [EMF] can also be man-made, created when an electrical current flows in transmission lines and homes. Since 1920, the harnessing of commercial electricity has mushroomed us into the nano-high technology era that has created electric transmission lines, TVs, computers and even electric vehicles in such high numbers that these are now flooding our bodies with electro-magnetic forces [EMF] and blue light that are toxic to our bodies. These toxic machines are incubating chronic diseases and disorders that are being ignored by governments, politicians and industry. This new century has thrust us into a dangerous lifestyle with no safety answers.

This is the basis for understanding that your human body is a marvelous electric machine. Understanding this big idea is essential to understanding how all body processes and body systems work.

Skin - the mirror of health inside and youthful wellbeing

Everyone dreads wrinkles, itchy skin and the sign of getting old. But very few understand what is happening when wrinkles begin appearing. Clear radiant skin appearance is a sign of good health. But skin rashes and infections reflect body problems and changes in skin thickness and skin chemicals changing with age. Skin change has a major affect on the body. As the skin gets thinner, the cells lose their ability to keep skin moist and  absorb UV-B rays that, in  turn, affects the amount of sunshine being absorbed to synthesize hormone D [previously referred to as vitamin D].

The skin also acts as a barometer of what is going on inside the body. So when a rash, pimples or eczema form on the skin surface or the skin feels itchy, these often reflect inner body problems. It is how the body communicates to tell you that something is wrong inside or with your lifestyle. Taking drug medication seldom fixes such problems.

Skin cells synthesize hormone D and melatonin and, as the graph below shows, melatonin secretion diminishes over the years. Decease in

  aging melatonin thYTILUMVZ

melanin occurs when skin cells decrease in number, get thinner and cannot absorb as much sunlight as before. Lack of hormone D can have significant affect on the body. Nearly every organ in your body has a receptor for D, indicating they need a certain amount of it to function properly. Hormone D is essential in maintaining optimal well-being and preventing illnesses and diseases. One needs to understand that hormone D synthesis through the skin is an essential healing process. Not getting a half hour of sunshine exposure each day will simply prolong the body problem and disrupt the healing process. 

Digestion changes as we age:  As we age, the digestive process becomes less efficient:  Healthy aging

    •In the mouth, food may not be properly broken down due to missing teeth or gum problems as well as lowered saliva production.
    •The lower sphincter that regulates the flow of food from the esophagus into the stomach, can weaken resulting in reflux, a back flowing of food or acid (heartburn).
    •Loss of muscle tone causes food to move more slowly along the digestive tract.
    •The stomach becomes less elastic and cannot hold as much food.
    •The production of acids and enzymes declines. A decline in the production of lactase, an enzyme that digests dairy products can lead to lactose intolerance, a condition that causes bloating and gas when milk products are consumed.

aging stomach-acid-secretion

As you can see from the graph above, stomach acids decline with age. This is especially true when the stomach wall slows down the secretion of hydrochloric acid [HCL] that breaks down proteins. Such lack of HCL keeps proteins longer in the stomach. This can cause regurgitation, or slight vomiting, causing the sensation of heartburn, reflux, or gurd, in the throat.

Digestion of Food:  Food needs to be broken down so it can be absorbed into the blood stream. This becomes more difficult when the digestive system lacks enzymes.

We have been led to believe that we absorb most of the food we eat. But this is just so! You could be absorbing anywhere from 10 to 90 percent of the nutrients in a given food. But seldom 100%. A major reason for this deficiency is that as we age, our digestive system gradually loses the amount of enzymes needed to digest food. The stomach usually secrets less of the enzyme, hydrochloric acid, as we age [as the above graph illustrates]. Likewise, the small intestine and gall bladder may also secret less enzymes as one ages. When digestive enzymes are not able to break down food into absorbable size, then the body absorbs very little. This is significant information to know and understand why one may suffer heartburn [kurd] and malnutrition and not be aware of the cause.

You can prevent reflux by taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drinking it.  This vinegar stimulates the stomach wall to secret more hydrochloric acid, thereby digesting proteins quicker, emptying the broken protein from the stomach and preventing reflux or gurd. 

Bioavailability:  Bioavailability is usually a medical lab term used to measure the amount of nutrient or drug absorbed into the blood. But the real measure is how much the body cells, not the blood, actually absorb. This section discusses this topic. A related aspect of poor food digestion is the expected intake of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. “We can measure the amount of vitamins and minerals in a food in a test tube, but how do we know how much of that our bodies actually absorb? If a banana contains 422 mg of potassium, for example, do our bodies take in 100% of that? What factors determine how much (or how little) nutrition we get from our food?” There are, in fact, lots of things that influence what percentage of vitamins and minerals are absorbed, such as the other helper foods you eat at the same meal, how they are prepared, drugs or supplements you may be taking, even your age and the time of day. Nutritional supplements are usually synthesized from non-plant chemicals. These are recognized by the body as toxins and not absorbed. Taking all of these into account, you might absorb anywhere from 10 to 90% of a given nutrient from a given food!  Reinagel: Food absorption 2014 

But the major reason for not absorbing most of the nutrient from the food we eat is due to less and less digestive enzymes being secreted as we age. Our digestion changes with age. This is essential information to know about how our digestive system functions if we are to adjust to how we eat and get old.

Body has its own chemical lab: Your body can recognize the difference between synthetic substances and plant derived substances and tries to protect you. Many nutritional supplements are usually synthesized from non-plant chemicals. These synthetics are recognized by the body as toxins and not absorbed. On the other hand, supplements derived from plants are recognized as good for the body. Yes, you have a built-in chemical laboratory like system that works to prevent you from ingesting or smelling poisonous substances and getting sick. You body's maintenance system is coordinated with your chemical lab and triggers your body to expel these poisonous toxins out of the body by vomiting, having diarrhea and getting sick and disabled.

Colon bacteria & food: Most persons dismiss bacteria in the large colon as human waste. But the large intestine has good and bad bacteria. Good foods feed good bacteria that enhance metabolism, body defense, vitamin synthesis, fermentation of carbohydrates and regulation of the immune system.  Good germs are also necessary to protect the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic invaders by producing bacteriocidins or highly specific “antibiotics” and by competing with pathogenic organisms for food and space. Noble: Gut bacteria & Food 017  Hardin: Gut symbiosis 2014  Bad foods feed bacteria that cause chronic and auto-immune diseases.

The implication for humans is that colon bacteria can predispose one to chronic and autoimmune diseases as well as how long humans can live. Unfortunately, junk foods, sugar sweets, processed foods and red meat provide food for bad bacteria in the colon.

Bowel movement in colon: Normal bowel movement should be once a day. Two to three times would be best as the feces stuff would have very little time to harden and ferment. Hence, the bowel movement should be soft but not of diarrheal consistency. One of the colon’s main job is to absorb water from fecal material, and send it back [recycle] into the body. If the colon moves slowly, then the stool will be hard and dry. If the colon is moving rapidly, then the stool will be wet and loose. One can prevent constipation by eating a rich fiber diet like fresh green vegetables, fruits and ground flax seeds. A red meat and potatoes diet makes for constipation!

As a rule, it is best to try going to the toilet first thing in the morning or about 30 minutes after a meal. This is because the movement [propulsion] of stools through the lower bowel is greatest in the mornings and after meals [due to the astrocolic reflex]. Go when you get the urge and do not postpone the urge!  Exercise is a natural laxative and helps movement in the digestive system.

Immunity changes with age:  Good bacteria synthesize 70% of our immune system. As we grow older, our immune system does not work as well. As the graph below illustrates, we begin to lose our immune level after age 20.

ageing imminuty

The following immune system changes may occur:  MedlinePlus: Aging & immunity 2019

    •The immune system becomes slower to respond. This increases your risk of getting sick. Flu shots or other vaccines may not work as well or protect you for as long as expected.
    •An autoimmune disorder may develop. This is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissues.
    •Your body may heal more slowly. There are fewer immune cells in the body to bring about healing.
    •The immune system's ability to detect and correct cell defects also declines. This can result in an increased risk of cancer.

It may surprise you to find out that there is no specific organ called the "immune organ." The immune system is a collaborative effort by the entire body to maintain the blood in a "clean" state; the result is immunity .... that is to say; an ability by the body to protect itself from foreign invasion by organisms or substances that might compromise it.  Immune theory & dig system

Prostate gland changes as men age:

The prostate gland continues to grow as men get older, causing enlargement of the prostate gland. As men age, four main types of prostrate problems can occur: enlargement of prostate, referred to as Benign prostate Hyperplasia [BPH]; urinary retention; prostatitis or infection/inflammation; and prostate cancer.  Women may also suffer from urinary retention.

Prostate enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH] can start after the age of 40 and becomes more common as men get older. It affects nearly all men, though some men do not have any symptoms even though their prostate may have started to grow larger. More than half of men in their sixties and as many as 90 percent of men in their seventies and beyond exhibit some symptoms of BPH.  Thorpe: BPH 2003

Although the medical community may be aware of the problem, the majority of men and women are not aware of this progressively-aging problem. Over time, the bladder muscle can become so weak that it can lose its ability to completely empty itself. As a result, the residual urine remaining in the bladder can act as a reservoir that harbors bacterial growth, leading to urinary tract infections (UTIs) and more seriously, poteal kidney infections. As the prostate enlarges, the prostate begins to compress the urethra, blocking normal urine flow, causing urinary retention [obstruction]. Persons unable to urinate need to go to the Emergency Room immediately. A medical doctor or nurse will insert a catheter, a flexible plastic tube, through the urethra into a bladder and empty the bladder, thus relieving the painful urge to urinate.  Roehrborn: BPH overview 2005

Healing: Healing is part of our immune system:

Healing means making whole! Any time you have an injury at any age, you have an inflammatory response that is part of the immune process. Inflammation may include all or some of the symptoms of redness, temperature, swelling, and pain. Most persons are not aware that pain is an intelligent messenger of your injury. Indeed, pain is more than a symptom, it is your body sending a message that it is starting to heal the injury or body problem.  Most persons tend to ignore such signals.

The human body has the ability to heal itself.  Rankin: body heals itself 2013  Silver: Super healing 2008  Doctors tell us that older persons usually take longer to heal. However, the observation that older persons take longer to heal may not be all that true. When a person takes pain killers, or does not ingest proper nutrients for healing, then these may interfere with and prolong healing. Wound healing sets off a complex chain of events that involves increased cellular [immune] activity and an intensified metabolic demand for nutrients. Patients who don't have enough nutrients to meet this increased demand are at risk for delayed healing, infection, longer hospital stays, and even death.

This author theorizes that since sunlight is really the source of all energy on earth, and that since sunlight does activate the pineal gland, that, in turn, regulates sleep, the pineal gland does affect the healing power of the body.  It is during sleep that most of healing takes place. The amount of exposure to sunlight has an affect on the functioning of the pineal gland and the amount of melatonin being made by the human body. Are you getting enough sleep?

The healing process will slow down when one does not get enough sleep or one has more than one body problem to heal. But, the body likes to heal all broken parts at the same time and as quickly as possible.

Good germs in the gut can fix a broken - sick human body.   Ng: probiotic advancements 2009

Fever:  [ pyrexia ] is the body’s natural defense system that raises its temperature above normal in an attempt to destroy invading organisms and sweat impurities out of the system. Fever is a constructive, health-promoting process, initiated and created by the body in its own effort to fight infections and other conditions of disease and to restore health.  A body temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit disables bacteria. Fever speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of invading virus or bacteria, and accelerates the healing processes. All infectious childhood diseases [ like flu, measles] have a fever that can last from several days to a week. Medical scientists have been aware for some time that a fever is the body’s natural defense against infections and diseases. Fever has even been used successfully to treat cancer.   Fassa: fever kills viruses 2009  Park: treating cancer with bacteria 2014   Even the USA National Institute of Cancer acknowledges that fever does successfully treat cancer.  NCI Fever therapy  Fever is a whole body medicine and it is good! This is vital information to know to help deal with fever.

Methylation: Another related aspect of the immune system and healing is methylation. Methylation is a biochemical process that occurs in every cell in our body, occurring billions of times/second. Think of the methyl group [ methyl group = CH3 ] as chemical switches that turn cell functions on and off. Methylation requires that all the nutrients and enzymes work together in unision. When this happens, methylation enhances the person’s ability to properly detoxify, repair the damage and fight infections.   Williams: Methyl Gp regulation 2007  Richardson: Methylation & immune system 2003   This aspect of how the body works is essential to understand if healing is to take place.

Biophotons: Biophotons are related to methylation. Biophotons are very small light wave vibrations referred to as photons in the body or as 'quantum' in physics. Photon light appears to be a fundamental part of our being. It’s hard-coded into our very bodies to function directly with, and through – light that comes from the sun. Further more, the fact that we can affect light with our intentions (thoughts) alone are amazing! "We are Light Beings." Plants, animals and humans generate up to 100,000 photons per second, 1 sq. centimeter of surface area. The light wave is too faint to be seen by the naked eye. Sorochan: Biophotons & human body 2019

Biophotons may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body — including supporting your body’s ability to heal, communicate between cells, prevent diseases and infections and attain optimal wellbeing. It turns out biophotons may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body — including supporting your body’s ability to heal, communicate between cells, prevent diseases and infections and attain optimal wellbeing. The photon healing is referred to as photorepair and is the body's own light wave healer.

Bone changes: Bones usually change in density and strength over time. The bones become thin, brittle and may be easily broken. Such change may be accelerated with poor diet and leaching of minerals [calcium, magnesium] out of the bones, causing osteoporosis. 

aging bone changes 1443441314825  osteoporosis

Well, up to now, the information has been presented piece-meal. But this is not the way the human body works.  Everything in the body is inter-related and works like nutritional co-factors, helping each body part to function properly.

Body Maintenance:  Understanding how the body is maintained each day is the missing motivation for most persons who are trying to fix a broken body or stay healthy.

The body is programmed for maintaining a functional system. Our bodies are constantly rebuilding themselves. You really are not the same person that you were last year. The body replaces the lining of the stomach about every five days, the skin in about a month, the skeleton about every three months, the liver about every six weeks and the red blood cells circulate for about 120 days before being replaced by new cells. What you do today affects the body that you will have tomorrow. That can be good or bad . . . it all depends on what you do and eat. The new body that you are building today is affected by the food that you eat, the waste that you eliminate, by the air that you breath, the liquids that you drink, and by the stress that you feel and how you respond to it. Everything that you do affects the new body that you are building for yourself. A long-term acid diet creates a toxic environment at the cellular level. If the cells can’t function, the body ceases to function. On the other hand, a healthy diet creates an environment that is conducive to cellular and total health.  Murphy: Acid-Alkaline Balance

Body alkalinity vs acidity: Pharmacist Rudolph  Rudolph: Pharm basis for alkali body 2019 supports Dr. Murphy as he discusses how eating the wrong foods creates an acid body, that in turn, makes one more susceptible to chronic diseases:

We live and die on a cellular level. If our cells are healthy then we are healthy and if our cells are not healthy, if they live in a toxic environment, then we are not healthy. The human body contains about ten gallons of fluid so its cells are swimming in an ocean that is either acid, neutral or alkaline. The body’s systems work best in an environment that is neutral to slightly alkaline although some vital organs, like the stomach,  produce very acidic substances. The pH, or “potential of Hydrogen” is a logarithmic scale that measures the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Solutions are measured from 0 [totally acid] to 14 [totally alkaline] and 7 is neutral.

Everything we eat creates acidic waste in our bodies. Many acid wastes are normally excreted from the body in the form of urine and sweat. However, this is a slow process and these wastes accumulate as they circulate around in the blood. The body attempts to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they start destroying cells. The cells of the human body depend on a balanced acid-alkaline pH balance between a pH of 7.0 to 7.2. An alkali body has a desirable pH of about 7.2. If any fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes become inactive, food does not digest properly and allergic reactions can occur.  Murphy: Acid-Alkaline Balance

As we grow older, and our diet changes, our chemical and physiological pH buffering [protection]  mechanisms often fail us, and the body begins to develop an overall acid profile. About 98% of the American public is acidic because of the foods they eat! The typical American diet and way of life are far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy; and far too low in alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables. We also eat acid-producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs and artificial chemical sweeteners which are extremely acid-forming and create an acidic body!  Remer: diet & acid-alkali balance 2000

Thus the imbalance of the body pH causing toxic waste, or acidosis, is the real killer, the silent killer, because it’s the beginning of so many deadly diseases!  Acid-base body The human body works and heals best in an alkali environment.  Rudolph: Pharm basis for alkali body 2019

Detoxification:  We may look healthy and wonder why we feel bad but not relate feeling bad to an excess of toxins. Our body gets rid of toxins by breathing, skin pores, liver, kidney, digestive system and the lymphatic system.

The body’s lymph system is probably one of the most under-studied, least understood, and most ignored system in the body. Our polluted environment and lifestyle puts a big burden on our body, causing many health problems.  Davidson: Activating drainage system   Detoxification is just as important as eating a good diet, exercising and practicing good health habits.

Your lymphatic system is your body’s built-in sanitation center, the plumbing that carries away and filters out poisonous waste products from every cell, tissue and organ. It absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive tract and delivers them to the cells of the body. It is also an essential part of the immune system that maintains fluid levels, fights infection and produces disease fighting white blood cells. Twice as big as the arterial blood supply system which brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the lymphatic system is the take away garbage collector and is the largest circulatory system in the body.  Davidson: Activating drainage system

But the lymphatic system does not have a pump to move lymph fluid and toxins. Toxins are stored in lymph nodes and joints. When toxins overstore, they make one feel sick, and interfere with other body processes. To move these toxins, the body needs muscles to contract and squeeze the surrounding the lymph vessels and push the lymph fluid out into the veins in the upper part of the body, then into the blood system and kidneys and out as urine. Any kind of exercise, like jarring rope skipping and running, is movement that activates this natural detoxification.  Although humans are born with a natural immune-detoxification system,  Liska: detox enzyme sys 1998   they need daily exercise to make it work.  You need to exercise daily to move the toxins out of your body; this is information worth knowing.

Body strength declines with age: The graph below shows how strength declines with age.

ageing & strength

  Those over 60 need to do regular anti-gravity exercise to strengthen their leg muscles.

Body senses: We normally think of five body senses .... vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell.  It is an interesting observation that all these big body senses are centralized and inter-connected in the brain area. But the body has thousands of sensors all over the body to monitor that tissues and organs are working properly.

The eye is a very delicate and precise machine. It helps us to see, balance and move safely. Yes, a machine, for the eye has 70% of all the thousands of body sensors that help the eye work. But all eyes are not the same. Some persons have a short eye length while others have a long eye. The shape of the eye determines how we see. Normal eye shape focuses the image precisely on the focus in the back of the retina. A long eye focuses the image in front of the eye, causing nearsightedness.  A short eye focuses the image behind the focal point of the retina, causing farsightedness.  Regardless of length, the eye is programmed for vision ... to help us see.

There are three major eye problems: glaucoma, a clouding of the eye's natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40 and is the principal cause of blindness in the world.  Wiki: Cataract A third eye disorder, macular degeneration, is a loss of central vision in the macula of the retina in the eye.  Wiki: Macular Degeneration

The eye floats in a clear fluid called aqueous humor that maintains normal eye pressure. When the pressure gets too high, then eye is programmed to normally drain the fluid from the sides of the eye.  Li: Video Glaucoma 2014  Such pressure maintenance helps us to see clearly.

You should be aware that your body is programmed for the eye to function and heal on its own .... providing the body has adequate amounts of nutrients and oxygen. But as we age, the eye gradually begins macular degeneration and we may have vision problems.  One such vision problem is dizziness when the eye and brain do not get enough oxygen.

The eye is connected to the ear and helps with body balance.

The ear is a marvelous architectural machine:

The ear isn’t just the hearing organ. It is a complex system of parts that not only allows humans to hear, but also makes it possible for humans to have space perception, balance and move, like walk.  It interprets sound, helps with body balance, motion and has nerve connections to the eye, teeth, nose and brain.  Wiki: Ear

Common symptoms of ear infections are drainage from the ear, hearing loss, earache, fever, headaches, pain in the ear and a feeling of fullness in the ear. Hearing loss can occur when tiny hairs in the inner ear are destroyed by prolonged loud noise. Tiny crystals surround the inner ear hairs, giving the inner ear stability. But when these miniature crystals are dislodged from their normal stabilizing position, then one can suffer from dizziness or a sensation of vertigo, a feeling of the surrounding or the head swirling similar to dizziness. Vertigo is usually lasts a few minutes to a thirty minutes if a person lies down, rests, inhales deeply and drinks water. 

Hearing typically declines with age, though damage to the tiny hairs in the inner ear can cause permanent hearing loss at a very young age. Although such hearing loss cannot be repaired, it can be prevented.

Teeth and Face:  Our dental system and face change with time:

We are born without teeth, then the first set of teeth grow in early childhood and these are replaced by a permanent adult set. We need teeth to eat and start digestion by chewing to break down food. Teeth also help us to talk and give appearance to our face. Since teeth stimulate the jaw bone to maintain good health, keeping your jaw bones healthy may be more important than keeping your teeth clean. But 7 out of 10 adults age 35 to 44 have lost at least one tooth and a quarter of those aged 65 or older [or about 20 million people] have lost all their permanent teeth.  Hill: stem cells grow new teeth 2012  Poor dental hygiene can result in loss of molar teeth.

Whenever a tooth is extracted, nature will move the gum bone that used to surround it. Teeth on either side will shift or tip into the empty space. If there is a tooth directly above or below the space it will over erupt [tend to fall out], as there will not be anything to prevent it from coming out of the gum tissue. The majority of jaw bone degeneration will occur within the first six months and will slowly continue for years. The movement of the adjacent teeth will not occur immediately; rather it will become noticeable after three to five years.

If you have missing teeth and you do not replace these immediately, tooth movements will occur. These movements may create gum problems and /or decay and could lead to the loss of other teeth. As you lose more teeth, you will be forced to chew in other areas, and this often leads to tooth fracture from overloading, excessive wear and/or TMJ [jaw joint] problems.  Axelrod: Consequence missing teeth

 People are usually unaware that bone, gum and facial changes are due to movement or the loss of teeth. Facial changes occur naturally as part of the aging process. When the teeth are lost, this process is grossly accelerated with more rapid facial aging. Lost teeth need immediate attention.

Incubating diseases:  "Most persons vacillate at a survival wellness level, probably harboring at least one body health problem, often incubate a second disorder or disease and not be aware of it. A person may go through his/her entire life nutritionally deficient or unbalanced and not know it while socializing, enjoying physical, mental and emotional activities. During this seemingly well time, depending on the severity of lack of nutritional balance, one may never become severely ill, while other factors are present that contribute to incubating diseases related to emotional stresses, environmental toxins, nutrient deficiencies, processed foods, and so on and the body balancing these out with overall low level survival wellness. Of course, this would also depend on one's physical fitness, body weight, diet and so on. Still functioning but with less gusto, vigor, doing less and living less. For example, when more than 50 percent of the population is chronically obese and overweight, then such persons would be classified in a survival wellness mode.  Survival wellness is when the body slides to incubating a disorder or disease and would be classified as in a survival mode of wellness."  Sorochan: Survival wellness as new health meaning 2018

Other stuff: Your body is in a constant survival mode; adapting to the environment and internal functions.  Although your body strives for stability, it seldom has it.  Inflammation is your body's natural response to internal problems. Inflammation is accompanied by pain, swelling and immobility that are part of the healing process. Your body is a chemical factory: It recognizes bad foods, synthetic nutrients and environmental poisons as toxins and rejects these as poisons. It also makes its own enzymes and hormones from whole plant foods. The brain has a moral compass and acts as if it had been programmed to do the right things to keep you alive. This is its moral survival instinct. Plant foods that are fresh have exosomes or RDA information for disease and healthy. Your body cells can recognize these silent messages. For more information about the body, go to: More body information  or go to: Mysteries of the body


The information above may not be all that happens as one lives and ages, but it should be enough to help you become aware how your magnificent body works.

Knowing how the body works can steer you in the right direction.  As a motivator, such information can be very helpful in healing the body and maintaining health. Most persons are aware that they slow down as they get older but do not grasp the importance of how the body changes and works. How the body works is essential motivation to eating better, losing body weight, avoiding chronic diseases, dealing with auto-immune disorders, helping bones to heal and just staying healthy.

The reason knowing how the body works is important to each of us is because only you can keep your body well.  Drugs and doctors may help, but your body has a built-in system to heal and be well. The body is programmed as a hi-tech bio-chemical-electric precise and complex nano-machine.  But just like your car, it needs daily maintenance, the right fuel and care.

Thank you for reading this far. Below is a U-Tube that does a nice job of summarizing the information in this article:

By Brightside, "100 Proofs Human Body Is Really Something Else," 3/31/2019; Length = 2:00:11 hrs.

Source: How body works


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