Supercharging the Immunity System
By Walter

Posted July 13, 2010; Updated October 19, 2021.  Disclaimer The information presented here is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice.

Understanding how the body makes its own immune enhancing system

happyfambeachMost of us are familiar with vaccines and that immunizations help prevent influenza and diseases.  But that may be the extent of our knowledge about the immune system and how it really works. This article shares information about how our immune system can be supercharged with a new supplement called GliSODin.

But first, a brief background about why we need an immune system and then how an Superoxide Dismutase [ SOD ] helps to make the immune system work.

Our immune system is part of our body's need to get rid of wastes. Oxidants are waste products formed when oxygen is used to metabolize food and make energy. These oxidants are also referred to as free radicals because they are very unstable and circulate in the body looking to attach to body cells, in an effort to stabilize.  An excess of free radicals can interfere with normal body processes, such as disrupting our protection system, the immune system.  Alone or in combination with primary factors, free radicals are involved in the cause of hundreds of diseases.

To avoid free radical build up, babies are born with the antioxidant ability to fight and get rid of free radicals.  These early life antioxidants are referred to as Superoxide Dismutase or SOD.

Superoxide dismutase has been found in almost all organisms living in the presence of oxygen, including some anaerobic bacteria.  In humans, three forms of superoxide dismutase are present. SOD1 is located in the cytoplasm, SOD2 in the mitochondria and SOD3 is extracellular. The physiological importance of SODs is illustrated by the severe pathologies evident in mice genetically engineered to lack these enzymes. Mice lacking SOD2 die several days after birth, amidst massive oxidative stress. Mice lacking SOD1 develop a wide range of pathologies, including hepatocellular carcinoma, an acceleration of age-related muscle mass loss, an earlier incidence of cataracts and a reduced lifespan. Mice lacking SOD3 do not show any obvious defects and exhibit a normal lifespan. All three are essential for human well-being and staying alive!

SOD is made at birth but rapidly decreases with age.

Your body starts pumping SOD into your system in the first few hours of baby life. It’s absolutely necessary for survival. Unfortunately, this capability to synthesize SOD dissipates early in life, so that as we grow older we have less and less ability to synthesize SOD.

The main antioxidants created by the body, SOD, is the first line of defense against the free radical substance called superoxide. In absence of the first defensive line of SOD, we also have a backup system of getting antioxidants from eating foods rich in SOD, like broccoli, cabbage, greens, ground flax seed, melons and fruits.  Unfortunately, foods provide such a weak second line of defense against free radicals that free radicals can over accumulate and disrupt [ stress ] our immune system. The immune system is particularly compromised by smoking, pollution, exposure to sunlight [ UV radiation ], infection, processed foods, sugars and aging; resulting in "oxidative stress." [ a condition where more oxygen wastes or free radicals accumulate than can be removed by antioxidants from the body, causing stress on cells to survive].

So, as children, teenagers and adults, we need SOD for survival and staying healthy. Unfortunately the supplement SOD is immediately destroyed by stomach acids when ingested orally. Commonly available SOD supplements are obviously ineffective and do not work. Glisodin Media Ctr. article is no longer active.

Scientists in France overcame this problem by wrapping SOD in a protective film or capsule wheat protein [ Gliadin ] that protects SOD from being broken down by stomach acids. Supplementing with this new supplement, GliSODin®, now allows your body to absorb SOD without destruction.  Glisodin Media Ctr. article no longer active.

GliSODin® is purported to stimulate the body to make its own internal antioxidants, including the major one --- SOD.  These are your own body's first line of defense against oxidants or free radicals produced during body processes. SOD helps your body get rid of free radicals, suppresses inflammation and enhances immunity. Kiefer article about SOD and aging is no longer active.
glisodinwheatmelon  Glisodin  is a cantaloupe melon extract rich in vegetal superoxide dismutase (SOD) covered by polymeric films of wheat matrix gliadin. Glisodin has been shown to be orally effective in several in vivo studies on animals as well as in clinical trials.  In these studies, glisodin has been shown to preserve the antioxidant activity of the SOD enzyme, resulting in an increase in organ and circulating SOD levels. This action has demonstrated therapeutic benefits by helping the body to handle and recover from stress. Glisodin organization info: article is no longer active.

GliSODin is an "enzyme of life" that is credited with being a natural body anti-oxidant that prolongs life, enhances immunity, prevents diseases and protects against sunburn.

   SOD Background:  

SOD, dubbed the “enzyme of life” on discovery in 1968, is the first antioxidant mobilized by the cell as defense against oxidative stress. The enzyme reacts with the superoxide ion and turns it into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This is then catabolized by catalase and glutathione peroxidase to produce molecular oxygen (O2) and water (H2O).  Glisodin organization info: article no longer active.

sod process

Figure: Role of antioxidant enzymes in the inactivation of the superoxide ion. Glisodin organization info: article is no longer active.

These antioxidant [ SOD ] enzymes have a distinct advantage over the antioxidants consumed from the diet or nutritional supplements, like the vitamins A, C, and E, carotenoids, and thiols; since the SOD enzymes are biological catalysts, rapidly and repeatedly reducing reactive oxygen species without being consumed themselves. By reacting early in the process, the antioxidant enzymes can minimize the potentially-harmful oxidation of a range of biological molecules. Glisodin organization info: article is no longer active.

 glisod2Kinds of Antioxidants: Three first line intracellular antioxidant enzymes are Super Oxide Dismutase  [ SOD ], Catalase (Cat) and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx).  The SOD enzyme system exists in three different forms based on different cofactor minerals: zinc, copper and manganese, that aid in forming the three SOD enzymes. Figure on the right above illustrates these concepts about glisodin, andioxidants and SOD. A Primary Antioxidant SOD Enzyme recycles itself again and again, quenching many thousands of free radicals at their initial source. By contrast, Secondary Antioxidants such as those consumed in foods and supplements quench only ONE free radical for each antioxidant. Free Radicals and SOD

SOD, a natural body enzyme and an antioxidant, has the power to intercept many seemingly-unrelated disease processes. It does this by neutralizing the many thousands of toxic free radicals,, referred to as superoxides.  Because superoxide is toxic, nearly all organisms living in the presence of oxygen contain isoforms of the superoxide scavenging enzyme, superoxide dismutase, or SOD.   SOD is an extremely efficient enzyme; it catalyzes the neutralization of superoxide nearly as fast as the two can diffuse together spontaneously in solution. By far the greatest source of superoxide generation in cells is the mitochondria. It is in the mitochondria that oxygen breaks down glucose to release ATP as energy for the body. This process explains why SOD may help athletes to recuperate faster from exercise fatigue.

Oxygen utilization in ‘burning’ glucose to produce ATP is not 100% efficient and around 2-4% of oxygen used in the mitochondria ‘leaks’ out and is converted to the free radical Superoxide. SOD, and GliSODin in particular,  regulate [ neutralize ] superoxide at its mitrochondria source.  Doing the neutalizing of superoxide at its source saves other processes from doing it downstream in an inefficient manner that can result in free radicals piling up and inhibiting the metabolic processes and destroying healthy cells. wiki superoxides Thus, thanks to SOD, the body can make its own system of antioxidants to get rid of free radicals.  Unfortunately, this capability to do so erodes early in life, so that as we grow older we have less and less ability to do so. The main antioxidant, SOD, is the first line defense against the free radical substance superoxide. Eating foods rich in SOD, like broccoli, cabbage, greens, melons and fruits, provides a much weaker second line of defense.

Internally produced antioxidants, ”including the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase,” are the body's primary defense against free radical assault, offering up to thousands of times more protection against certain dangerous free radicals than dietary antioxidants.

Research done on mice and human volunteers has validated the effectiveness and safety of using GliSODin®:

Study 1 pilot trial: which involved a small group of people to determine potential for larger studies that confirm or reaffirm initial findings. This involved 15 people who redden easily or have hypersensitivity to the sun; for example, those who experience a sun rash from exposure. They were given 500 mg of GliSODin every day for two months. After three to eight weeks of normal sun exposure, all subjects reported higher tolerance and significantly diminished propensity to redden, flush or sun induced skin irritation, when compared to previous incidence of summer sun exposure. Germono article Sun protection from inside is no longer active.

Study Pilot 2: on sun-protective capabilities of Glisodin was done in 2003 in France. 150 patients took GliSODin® every day for two months. Overall, 82% of people judged their skin was well prepared for sun exposure. This study was undertaken by 40 dermatologists in France and 150 individuals who were chosen based upon susceptibility to reddening, flushing and other reactions caused directly by the oxidative stress incurred by sun exposure. They too took 500 mg (2 x 250 mg doses) of GliSODin® daily for two months and kept sunbathing routines consistent. They were split into three groups: 75 patients with significant flushing or reddening almost immediately during exposure; 60 who experience sun reactions, and 15 patients who experience other reactions such as irritated skin. Results after four to eight weeks were as follows: 64 patients in the first group reported excellent tolerance; in group 2, 44 did not experience negative reactions, and in group 3, none reported the usual symptoms. A majority, 110 participants, judged that their skin was well prepared for sun exposure. Germono article Sun protection from inside is no longer active.

Study 3: Glisodin UV double blind controlled June 1, 2005:
  used dietary supplement GliSODin® to demonstrate significant reduction in susceptibility to sunburn. The third study was a randomized, double-blind trial of 50 subjects, 25 of whom took two 250 mg doses of GliSODin daily for four weeks. The goal of this study was to compare rates of reddening between the placebo and supplement takers, divided into three categories of phototypes. These are classified by amount of melanin pigment in the skin. In this study, there were phototypes II (fair skin, reddens easily, tans poorly), III (darker white skin that tans after exposure) and IV (light brown/olive skin that is more resistant.) Researchers controlled exposure by using an UV light to test photo-oxidative stress on the skin of the inner forearms, causing reddening and then measuring the change in the color of the redness (erythema). The redness was less pronounced and also decreased more quickly in the GliSODin group. The study confirms the efficacy of GliSODin in the prevention of the consequences of oxidative stress from exposure to the sun. Germono article Sun protection from inside is no longer active.

Study 4: Glisodin and immune system HIV 2006: GliSODin® was shown to restore the circulating antioxidant capacities, including Superoxide Dismustase (SOD); boosts T-cells. The effects of an orally effective SOD (Glisodin) on AIDS West African patients in a randomized double-blinded clinical study,” was conducted by French and American Researchers with HIV patients in the Ivory Coast. This information suggests that GliSODin® may be helpful in preventing autoimmune diseases and fight inflammation.

Study 5: Prevent Macular Degeneration in eyes November 14, 2006:  Results of a new study, using the exclusive dietary supplement ingredient, GliSODin®, demonstrated significant protection against induced oxidative stress and retinal tissues in an animal model. In this study, GliSODin® supplementation limited retinal oxidative stress [ damage ] and improved plasma antioxidant status.

Study 6: Prevent CVD:  Additional studies link GliSODin® to prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For example: "A three-year study with GliSODin® supplementation showed significant benefits for cardiovascular health. GliSODin® promoted arterial health and function compared to the control group as measured by the thickness of the participants' carotid arteries. Further, GliSODin® significantly improved the antioxidant status and provided a reduction in measures of lipid oxidation. The researchers called the results "remarkable." Cloarec article is no longer active.

Possibly prevent Lou Gehrig's disease:  Researchers have discovered genetic link between SOD and ALS. Researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have discovered a link between sporadic and familial forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. "This is a game changer because it establishes a connection in the development of sporadic ALS with a known cause of familial ALS," said senior author Teepu Siddique, M.D., the Les Turner ALS Foundation/Herbert C. Wenske Professor of the Davee Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurosciences at Feinberg and a neurologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Our finding [ May, 2010 ] opens up a new field of investigation for rational therapy for all of ALS," Siddique added: "This is the holy grail of researchers in this field." Siddique, and article Link SOD and ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease is no longer active.

These and other studies Glisodin Media Ctr. article is no longer active.  confirm that GliSODin® works. New research opens the door for further discoveries about how SOD and its related enzymes help promote good health. Houghton article about GliSODin Australia is no longer available.

 The new research about GliSODin® indicates that those using Glisodin get 800 percent more sun protection . . . completely naturally.

More Observational Studies on the Effectiveness of Super Glisodin
Greiner Benefits of Glisodin article no longer active.

Joint Health/Anti-Inflammation: Immediate relief to joints and inflammation, less cracking and creaking, more mobility, and less pain was observed in days.

Energy: Noticed more energy immediately, not a huge bump but a nice sustained energy from within, very pleasant.

Eye Health: After using Super Glisodin about 1-2 months, the white part of the eye is getting whiter and healthier looking, eyes look brighter.

Allergies: Observed that body is able to deal with allergens better, even amidst the worst allergy season (weed growth and population is through the roof this year due to lots of rain). Does not completely eliminate the allergy condition, but is helping the body to cope better and to recover faster.

Muscle Support: Noticed that whenever physical work or exercise is performed, muscles develop quicker and more solid, and with less aches and pain.

Hair Color & Growth: After about 2 months of use, noticed less hair falling out, natural hair color is maintained (less white hair from stress), quicker new hair growth, and hair is shiner and smoother.

Immune Health: Observed extremely rapid recovery from common colds and flu conditions when person is taking Super Glisodin for first time. When using Super Glisodin on a regular basis, immune system stays healthy and strong, and able to avoid most colds. Seems to help alleviate excess stress on the immune system.

Detox/Colon Health: Observed a mild detoxifying effect, especially in the first several weeks. Elimination smoother, more regular, and may have more bulk. Digestion is easier and better. The cleansing effect, the intestines and colon could be helped further by using Ashi-Flora along with Super Glisodin.

Neurological Support: Noticed that Super Glisodin is so supportive to the brain that we had to cut back our dosage of Brain Lightning. Clarity of thoughts was enhanced, able to stay positive when dealing with problems, experienced overall sensation of relief to “brain stress”, had better focus. Super Glisodin makes a great companion product for Brain Lightning.

ADD/ADHD: Observed dramatic benefits to children (age 10-11), they were able to think more clearly, focus on details and “mundane” tasks, exhibited more self-motivation and initiative, their energy levels were more even through-out the day, and general improvement in physical well-being and brain function.

Skin Health: A surprise bonus – noticed that skin tissue is smoother, healthier, and more radiant, and only after 2-3 months of using Super Glisodin.

Personal Note: It is my [ Greiner ] feeling that Super Glisodin is an important foundation for any health program for all ages. It is my opinion that Super Glisodin is a necessary basis on which to build any herbal therapy, anti-aging therapy, developmental programs, or personal health programs. Super Glisodin is incredibly safe with no known side effects. As long as the ideal dosage is utilized for that individual’s needs, positive benefits can be realized very quickly.

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been approved by the FDA and these products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease. These are personal observations and opinions, these statements are not intended to be conclusive scientific data. More research and study into these arenas and other health issues should be conducted and would be encouraged. Greiner Benefits of Glisodin article no longer active.

 Pharmacokinetic Studies and Dosage Considerations 

Pharmacokinetic studies to determine the optimal dosage showed that one 250mg capsule begins to up-regulate endogenous synthesis of SOD around 3 hours after consumption. A steep increase over the next 3 hours reaches a maximum threshold which is maintained at this level over approximately 6 hours, after which the enzyme levels fall away. It is apparent that after ingestion of one GliSODin capsule, SOD levels are elevated after 3 hours and remain so for a further 9 hours  [3 Vouldoukis ].

Assumingly, dosing of 2 capsules daily approximately 12 hours apart should provide almost continuous induction of SOD. Furthermore, continuous dosing of 2 capsules daily as described above gradually increases the maximal threshold to a peak reached at around 28 days.

A significant benefit of GliSODin over any of the SOD-mimetic drugs lies in its ability to substantially up regulate all 3 Antioxidant Enzymes, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione peroxidase and Catalase. Vouldoukis article about validation of SOD is no longer active. In this way, the function of GliSODin more closely approximates that of more youthful human Antioxidant Enzyme activity.

Dosage:  There is some confusion about the best Glisodin dosage; suggestions ranging between 100 to 300IU per day; such as base dosage is equivalent to 100 IU of SOD per day. Vouldoukis pointed out earlier that a dosage of 250 IU per day maintained a high level of SOD for 12 hours.  Ingesting a 250IU capsule every 12 hours would allow the immune system to activate its own catalytic action.

GliSODin® is available in high potency as Super GliSODin, offering 250 mg in each vegetable capsule, 60 capsules per bottle; and as GliSODin, offering 100 mg in each vegetable capsule, 90 capsules per bottle.  Dosage availability: This dosage may vary with merchants and capsule size. The suggested dosage per day is 250 IU of GliSODin®.

 Safety:   GliSODin® is a completely vegetarian product that is well tolerated and is safe to consume.  GliSODin® does contain wheat ingredient and a source of gluten.   GliSODin® is not recommended for anyone with wheat or gluten sensitivity.    You should have your health therapist monitor you while taking supplements. 

 Conclusion:  GliSODin® enhances the body's ability to tolerate sunlight by providing natural body antioxidants.  But its importance to overall health has been overlooked by the medical and scientific communities.  It provides a bolster of SOD that the human body so desperately needs. The SOD enzyme system, Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (Cat) and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx), are essential for human well-being and staying alive! 

SOD is King of the Hill


Protection Level

Primary Antioxidants






Glutathione Peroxidase (Gpx)


Secondary Antioxidants


Glutathione, CoQ10

Very Strong

Carotenoids, Vitamin E


Flavinoids, Vitamins A, C


Minerals, Proteins


Source: Sears, Al, Doctor's House Call, July 16, 2010.

GliSODin is reported to be able to supercharge the body to make it's own antioxidants; referred to in general as SOD.  These natural body SODs can be used many times catalytically to neutralize free radicals without the need to be replenished as food source antioxidants do. 

SOD and especially the supplement GliSODin® need to be given equal priority with amino acids, vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients and related co-factors in maintaining high immunity and preventing diseases. Kiefer article about SOD and aging is no longer active. Collectively these essential nutrients make up the future medical arsenal. Houghton article about GliSODin Australia no longer available.


[[1] Ceriello New Insights on Oxidative Stress and Diabetic Complications May lead to a ‘causal’ antioxidant therapy. Diabetes Care 26:1589-1596, 2003

[2] Catassi et al A prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to establish a safe gluten threshold for patients with celiac disease American Journal Clinical Nutrition January, 2007. Vol. 85, No. 1, 160-166

[3] Vouldoukis, M. Conti, P. Krauss, C. Kamate, S. Blazquez, M. Tefit, D. Mazier, A. Calenda, B. Dugas. “Supplementation with gliadin-combined plant superoxide dismutase extracts promotes antioxidant defenses and protects against oxidative stress,” Phytotherapy Res Mar 1;18(12) (2004) 957-962 PMID: 15742357 Glisodin promotes antioxidation

[4] Vouldoukis, D. Lacan, C. Kamate, P. Coste, A. Caldnda, D. Mazier, M. Conti, B. Dugas. “Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of a Cucumis melon extract rich in superoxide dismutase activity,” J. Ethnopharmacology. 94 (2004) 67-75 PMID: 15261965

[5] Muth et al. Influence of an Orally Effective SOD on Hyperbaric Oxygen-related cell damage. Free Radical Research Volume 38, Number 9 / September, 2004. 927-932

[6] Bader et al. Influence of Vitamin C and E supplementation on Oxidative Stress Induced by Hyperbaric Oxygen in Healthy Men. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 2006;50:173-176

[7] Cloarec M et al. GliSODin, a vegetal SOD with Gliadin as preventive agent vs atherosclerosis, as confirmed with Ultrasound-B imaging. Cloarec article is no longer active. "Supplementation with GliSODin®, a vegetal SOD associated with gliadin, was effective in controlling the thickness of the carotid artery intima and media layers as measured by ultrasonography-B. We could demonstrate the preventive efficacy of GliSODin at a preclinical stage in subjects with risk factors of cardiovascular disease."

[8] Crouse JR et al. The Meteor Trial JAMA 2007;297:1344-1353

[9] Brownlee, M. Banting Lecture 2004. The Pathobiology of Diabetic Complications: A Unifying Mechanism; DIABETES, VOL. 54, JUNE 2005; 1615-1625

[10] Naito T. et al. Reduction of diabetes-induced renal oxidative stress by a cantaloupe melon extract/gliadin biopolymers Oxykine in mice BioFactors Vol 23, Number 2 / 2005

[11] F. Marzatico, O. Pansarasa, L. Bertorelli, L. Somenzini, G. Della Valle. “Blood free radical antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxides following long-distance and lactacidemic performances in highly-trained aerobic and sprint athletes,” Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. (1997) Dec. 37(4) 235-9 PMID: 9509820

Antioxidants, free radical and oxidative stress: Antioxidants what are these?

Bradley, Kyle, "Building bombproof immunity," Virgo Publishing, 2010, September 24, 2007.  Bradley Building immunity article no loner active.

Cloarec M., et la., "GliSODin, a vegetal sod with gliadin, as preventative agent vs. atherosclerosis, as confirmed with carotid ultrasound-B imaging," Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol., 2007 Feb;39(2):45-50. Glisodin preventing CVD

Germano Carl, "Sun Protection from the Inside!" Millennium Biotechnologies Group Inc.  Germono Sun protection from inside

Glisodin,"Backgrounder," Glinsidin Media Center. Glisodin Media Ctr. article no longer active.

Free Radicals, Antioxidants and SOD

"Oxygen is necessary to sustain life, yet the very process of oxygen metabolism in the cells creates destructive elements called free radicals. Free radicals, or oxidants, are chemically unbalanced, carrying free electrons that can damage molecules in our cells while trying to achieve balance – potentially damaging the cell itself.  This free radical damage, also called oxidative stress, is widely accepted as the free radical theory of aging.

Fortunately, the body has its own free radical defense system.  Virtually every cell produces antioxidant enzymes called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase. 

These enzymes protect the cells during oxygen metabolism, safely breaking down harmful free radicals to balanced elements like H20.

Dietary antioxidants, such as the vitamins A, C, E, play a secondary, supporting role.  They act as free radical scavengers by “donating” an electron to provide chemical balance.  These antioxidants become quickly saturated – only once can they donate an electron."

Ideally, the balance between the production of free radicals and our antioxidant defenses is maintained. 

However, our antioxidant defense system can become overwhelmed.  Studies indicate the levels of SOD, catalase and Gpx decrease with age.  Also, certain conditions are related to the increased production of unstable oxygen derivatives, including physical stress, health challenges and exposure to environmental toxins such as smoking and pollution. 

When the antioxidant systems of defense are overloaded, oxidative stress (free radicals in excess) may occur."

Glisodin is a nutritional supplement based on two constituents:

GliSODin® may provide significant protection, follow-up research study against UV radiation-induced skin changes  Protection against sunlight

"GliSODin supplementation resulted in an increase in the minimum exposure to UV rays necessary to produce skin burn. In particular, phototypes II required eight times greater exposure than that of the placebo."

Gow Andrew and Harry Ischiropoulos, "Super-SOD: superoxide dismutase chimera fights off inflammation," Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, Vol. 284, Issue 6, L915-L916, June 2003  Low SOD fights inflammation

Greiner Kathy, "Observational studies on effectiveness of super Glisodin," 2005.  Greiner Benefits of Glisodin article is no longer active.

Houghton Christine, "letter re GliSODin  availablity in Australia," Cell Logic, December 5, 2006. [ General Principles of Superoxide dismutase in disease, Orgotein Therapy and SOD-mimetic Therapy, catalogued under 12 sections. Relevant article reviews ]  Houghton article about GliSODin Australia is no longer available.

"What much of the research into Oxidative Stress reveals is that antioxidants are not all alike; those antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene which reside in the membrane target different Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) from those in the cytoplasm or in the mitochondria. Clearly, we are not dealing with a ‘one size fits all’ situation. A clear understanding of the different ROS and the antioxidants most targeted to quench or scavenge each one aids in more effective clinical intervention. Vitamin E therapy has proved most disappointing in addressing endothelial dysfunction; this is most likely due to the fact that Vitamin E acts too far downstream to be effective. By contrast, those agents which quench Superoxide early in the free radical generation process (such as GliSODin) have demonstrated significant clinical efficacy.

Superoxide dismutase therapy using GliSODin opens up a whole world of new clinical possibilities, providing Clinicians with a targeted tool which gets much closer to addressing disease at a more fundamental source."

Kiefer Dale, "Superoxide Dismutase, Boosting the Body’s Primary Antioxidant Defense," LE Magazine June 2006.   Kiefer article about SOD and aging is no longer active.

Kinds of Antioxidants: Three first line intracellular antioxidant enzymes are Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (Cat) and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx).  The SOD enzyme system exists in three different forms based on different minerals, zinc, copper and manganese, that aid in forming the three SOD enzymes.

Li, et al., Y. (1995). "Dilated cardiomyopathy and neonatal lethality in mutant mice lacking manganese superoxide dismutase.". Nat. Genet. 11: 376-381 Li mice study is no longer active.

Myers Steve, "Basic Instinct: Immunity," Natural products marketplace, August 11, 2006. Myers article about natural immunity is no longer active.

The presence of minerals, including zinc and copper, is also important to production of superoxide dismutase (SOD), an endogenous enzyme that provides various antioxidant protections to cells. SOD coated in a wheat gliadin layer (as GliSODin™, from P.L. Thomas [PLT]) has been found to stimulate production of nitric oxide and control production of superoxide anion by macrophages, helping to modulate immune function by controlling expression of cytokines and other antioxidant enzymes. 
 “Antioxidants, particularly those produced by our bodies—such as SOD—are vitally important to immunity,” said Eric Anderson, brand manager for PLT. He cited research showing GliSODin as effective in immune stimulation in HIV patients is based on protection of T cells. “Apoptosis of T cells is characteristic of HIV and AIDS, and free radicals contribute to this event,” he said, adding consumers not immune compromised can also benefit from SOD antioxidant protection of T cells and other immune cells.

Also common in HIV patients, deficiency of the mineral selenium wreaks havoc on immune function. University of Miami scientists studying the effects of selenium deficiency on HIV associated selenium levels to T cell function and apoptosis, noting selenium may enhance resistance to infection by modulating IL production

Selenium deficiency may allow invading viruses to mutate and remain for a longer period in the host, according to research from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  They found selenium-deficient animals exposed to human influenza virus (flu) experienced more severe and longer lasting flu, including lung inflammation, than the non-deficient mice.

Scientists have also logged success with selenium supplementation on immune response, especially combined with vitamin E, which results in interactive effects as oxygen radical scavengers, thereby promoting human lymphocyte response to antigens. normal." Additional research on this combination therapy showed it enhances the body’s response to bacterial "normal",  antioxidants and parasitic infections.

Pansarasa O, Castagna L, Colombi B, Vecchiet J, Felzani G, Marzatico F. Age and sex differences in human skeletal muscle: role of reactive oxygen species. Free Radic Res. 2000 Sep;33(3):287-93.

Sears Al, "After 4 Hours in the Sun I Didn't Burn at All!" Doctor's House Call, June 08, 2010.  Sears Prevent sunburns without sunscreens

Sear's Radiance formula:




Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Vegetable oils

Promotes normal inflammatory response, immune booster, cellular building block*

Sea Buckthorn oil

Berries of a plant native to Europe and Asia

Rich in antioxidants, anti-aging power, promotes skin cell regeneration*

Mixed tocopherols (Vit. E)

Leafy greens, seeds and nuts

Promotes normal inflammatory response, antioxidant, DNA repair, immune booster, protects cell membranes*

High omega flax seed oil

Flowering plant native to Canada

Antioxidant, accelerates healing*

Hyaluronic acid

Root vegetables

Basic building block of tissue throughout the body, anti-aging, cell repair and healing, reduces wrinkles, keeps skin firm and elastic*

Raspberry seed oil


Antioxidant, healing agent*


Patented “antioxidant catalyst” from France

Ramps up your body’s production of a super powerful antioxidant enzyme; promotes normal inflammatory response, immune booster, detoxifies cell tissue*

Siddique Teepu, "Researchers discover genetic link between both types of ALS,"  May 07,2010.  Siddique, and article Link SOD and ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease is no longer active.

SOD, Indepth information. SOD Indepth info

Superoxide dismutase, Bionity,  [ references refer to those in this document ]:

"In humans, three forms of superoxide dismutase are present. SOD1 is located in the cytoplasm, SOD2 in the mitochondria and SOD3 is extracellular. The first is a dimer (consists of two units), while the others are tetramers (four subunits). SOD1 and SOD3 contain copper and zinc, while SOD2 has manganese in its reactive centre. The genes are located on chromosomes 21, 6 and 4, respectively (21q22.1, 6q25.3 and 4p15.3-p15.1).

Physiology Superoxide is one of the main reactive oxygen species in the cell and as such, SOD serves a key antioxidant role. The physiological importance of SODs is illustrated by the severe pathologies evident in mice genetically engineered to lack these enzymes. Mice lacking SOD2 die several days after birth, amidst massive oxidative stress. Mice lacking SOD1 develop a wide range of pathologies, including hepatocellular carcinoma[3], an acceleration of age-related muscle mass loss[4], an earlier incidence of cataracts and a reduced lifespan. Mice lacking SOD3 do not show any obvious defects and exhibit a normal lifespan[5].

Role in disease Mutations in the first SOD enzyme (SOD1) have been linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, a form of motor neuron disease). The other two types have not been linked to any human diseases, however, in mice inactivation of SOD2 causes perinatal lethality and inactivation of SOD1 causes hepatocellular carcinoma. Mutations in SOD1 can causes familial ALS, by a mechanism that is presently not understood, but not due to loss of enzymatic activity. Over expression of SOD1 has been linked to Down's syndrome The veterinary anti-inflammatory drug "Orgotein" is purified bovine liver superoxide dismutase."

Vouldoukis Ioannis, Marc Conti, Pascal Krauss, Caroline Kamaté, Samantha Blazquez, Maurel Tefit, Dominique Mazier, Alphonse Calenda, Bernard Dugas, "Supplementation with gliadin-combined plant superoxide dismutase extract promotes antioxidant defences and protects against oxidative stress," March 01, 2005, Volume 18 Issue 12, Pages 957 - 962.   Vouldoukis article about validation of SOD is no longer active.  "Abstract: It is concluded that supplementation with gliadin-combined standardized melon SOD extract (Glisodin®) promoted the cellular antioxidant status and protected against oxidative stress-induced cell death."

Wikipedia, " Superoxides." wiki superoxides