Law Stuff

This is a place to get quick help about law words, procedures and forms.

Legal words defined
Our country has many fancy words that only lawyers seem to understand. This makes it difficult for simple folks like you and me to know what lawyers are talking about. Here are several examples:

An order of the court commanding that a thing be done or not done. An injunction might require a party to move a building or refrain from advertising a competitor’s product. An injunction might take the form of a protective order, commanding one individual to stay away from another. Injunctions are very powerful and should be granted only in extreme cases where a money judgment would not suffice to make the injured person whole. In fact, unless a money judgment would not make the injured party whole, and the injured party specifically pleads this element of his suit for an injunction, the injunction should be denied. (See our tutorial on causes of action.)

Responsibility for the legal cause on which a plaintiff has the right to file a lawsuit to recover his damages. Liability imputes duty. Failure to meet a duty results in a cause of action.

Litigation is the process of prosecuting or defending a lawsuit. Litigation is an unavoidable expense of civilization, for without it people would be required to either suffer the damages caused them by others or resort to violence to redress their grievances. The right to litigate is your most fundamental right in America and other civilized nations. Litigation is part of the process that preserves peace.

A breach of public law that may require a fine but does not deprive the accused of his civil rights. Conviction on misdemeanor charges does not authorize incarceration, forfeiture of property (other than the fine), nor otherwise authorize the state to deny the accused his right to own property and move about free from restraint or imprisonment.

For more legal terms, visit: Dictionary Law terms

Legal forms:
You may find a form at this website: Forms