Parts per Million

ppm = concentration: "ppm" stands for 'parts per million'. In laboratory terms, this is actually a measurement of weight (mg/litre). This indicates how much of a particular mineral or element is in the liquid medium. 'ppm"'has no bearing on quality, or efficacy whatsoever!
(Fig. 1)

1 particle = 10 ppm

           1 particle = 10 ppm            
(Fig. 2)

10 particles = 10 ppm

            10 particles = 10 ppm         
(Fig. 3)

10 thousand trillion particles = 10 ppm

10 thousand trillion particles = 10 ppm
Even though Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 equal the same ppm (mg/litre), it is quite obvious that the product in Fig. 3 will have infinitely more bio-availability and efficacy. 

If Fig. 1 measures 100 or even 500 mg/litre, the product in Fig. 3 is still of infinitely higher quality. The only indicator of quality (and efficacy) is the particle size. The end product will remain crystal clear when the production cycle is complete and will remain stable indefinitely. 

A true silver colloid will have countless trillions of ultra microscopic silver particles. These are actually altered atoms of silver (i.e. positively charged silver ions) and are typically 0.001 of a micron in diameter - or about four millionths of an inch in size!

It is scientifically impossible to produce the quality of electro colloidal silver in Fig. 3 within a matter of minutes! It requires a slow, gentle process over time."   Source: ppm explanation