References and Documentation:
  1. Apsley John W., " Has Nanotechnology Given Us The Latest Silver Bullet for Dealing with Our Most Serious Infections?" IMREF Newsletter, August 2006. © 2006 by Immunogenic Research Foundation, Inc., p. 371-4.   Apsley 1    Apsley 2   |   e-mail: Apsley
     UPOSH: "certain type of colloidal silver, namely uniform picoscalar oligodynamic silver hydrosol. UPOSH is currently nanotechnology's state-of-the-art silver-based germ fighter. UPOSH is made through a highly advanced nanotechnology. What makes UPOSH so different is all about its nano-properties which relate to the size of the silver particles. Because these particles are so tiny, UPOSH is not only readily absorbed in your stomach but also easily penetrates into germs when properly delivered in the right amounts. This article explains how these and other properties of UPOSH allow it to attack mutated super-germs without hurting human tissue, destroy germs by destroying the germ from the inside out, does not harm good bacteria in the human intestine, be effective against viruses, and increase the rate and efficiency at which immune cells destroy germs."

  2. Apsley, John, DC, Kent Holtorf, MD, Eric Gordon, MD, Wayne Anderson, ND, and Rashid Buttar, DO.,
    "Cancer treatment good: Nanotechnology's Latest Oncolytic Agent: Silver, Cancer & Infection Associations
    Part III," Web-site: Apsley Cancer

  3. Becker Robert, Textbook: The Body Electric, William Morrow & Company, New York, reprint 1985. "recognized a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said the silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to any part of the body. He also states that the silver was doing something more than killing disease organisms. It was also causing major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients and elderly patients noticed more rapid healing. He discovered that all cancer cells change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by colloidal silver. Yet at that time he couldn't find a silver supplement on the market. Web-site: Becker silver medicine Becker infections | CS for dogs

  4. Berger, TJ, JA Spadaro, SE Chapin, RO Becker, "Electrically Generated Silver Ions: Quantitative Effects on Bacterial and Mammalian Cells," Antimicrob. Age. Chemother., 1976; 9:357-358.

  5. Biamonte Michael C., D.N., CCN; a certified clinical nutritionist and Naturopath, is a nutritional practitioner and has been involved in clinical research since the 1980's. The Biomante Center for Clinical Nutrition has been involved in researching nutritional protocols for HIV and AIDS sufferers, among other chronic illnesses. HIV killed by silver
    Michael Biamonte Quote: "...At this point I went back to the drawing board. I remained level headed enough to see that while Dr. Clark's program may not be making people HIV negative, it still was helping people a great deal, so there were things right about it and truth to be had in it..."
    "...The researcher mentioned that he had tested silver against HIV in a test tube and it had killed it. I then had the idea to try silver on these HIV patients and monitor them with the viral load tests. I was careful to only use silver that had been tested by independent labs and had its effectiveness verified. In addition to the silver, I gave them some other supportive factors. After 6 months of working on this protocol, it was completed..." Please note that colloidal silver was not the only substance used

    "...After an average of 8 months to 1 year on this program, 90% of the patients are reporting that their viral load tests are scoring less than 400 copies, which in English means the HIV virus is no longer detectable..."
  6. Brown, G, "Colloidal Silver in Sepsis," Journal of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Jan, 1916.

  7. Clinical use of silver products: Senin, 2009 Juni 22. Brown article

  8. Colloidal definition: is derived from the Greek word meaning "glue-like". Colloidal is a term referring to a state of matter. An element or compound is considered colloidal when the particles are sized between one nanometer and one micrometer, and the energy of the substance is predominantly governed by surface effects. A colloid is a solid, liquid or gaseous substance that is insoluble yet remains in suspension and dispersed in another fluid medium. Dissolved solids are ionic, not colloidal. Colloidal Silver is a fluid containing predominantly minute silver particles held in suspension, where the particles carry a slight negative electrical charge known as a zeta potential. In a true colloidal silver, there is less than 5% ionic content. Colloidal silver primer: colloidal meaning

  9. "Colloidal Silver -The Rediscovery of a Super Antibiotic?," Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center, Health Center
    "The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Huscolloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter. "
  10. Colloidal silver list of  diseases: Colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650 micro-organisms, many of which are associated with human diseases. This does not automatically mean that taking colloidal silver will "cure" diseases " caused" by these germs. Colloidal silver only kills micro- organisms when they are in contact with it for a sufficient period of time. The human body is a complex system which may prevent high enough concentrations of colloidal silver from reaching the "affected area."

    The basic guideline that has been recommended for using colloidal silver is that it usually "works" if you can get a high enough concentration to the "affected area". Some will want to experiment with "higher amounts" (such as 8 or more ounces at a time) to find out what it takes to accomplish this. Do not use colloidal silver if you are allergic to contact with silver metals, or if you notice any digestive upset after use.

    The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that colloidal silver has been reputed to be successful against: acne, AIDS [ 8. "Silver Biotics Not all silver is created equal,?" ] allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer [ 2. Garret, L, "Antibiotics Effectiveness Shrinking," The Idaho Statesman, via Newsday wire service, May 13, 1994; p. 3A.; ] [ 4 "Surveillance of Hospital-Acquired Bacteraemia in English Hospitals: 1997 - 2001," Nosocomial Infection National Surveillance Service, Public Health Laboratory Service, Central Public Health Laboratory, 61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5HT, UK. ] [ 7. Roy R. ] candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes [ Newsweek Magazine, March 28, 1994. ], dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections: viral, fungal and bacterial pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent opthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth, and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis, thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection, stomach ulcer, canine parovirus and other veterinary uses, and fungal and viral attacks on plants. Truth about ionic silver

    Silver Colloids [ in " Scientific information about colloidal silver," Report products ] can be made at home by  colloidal silver generators. Many companies sell "colloidal silver generators" for the home hobbyist.    All the colloidal silver generators on the market use a process based on electrolysis which produces an ionic silver solution which typically contains about 90% ionic silver and 10% silver particles.

    How to make a true silver colloid. There are no home generators capable of making true silver colloids processes to make ionic silver, silver protein, or true silver colloids.   silver-colloids Reports/reports  

    Uses for colloidal silver. There are hundreds of pages of information on the uses for colloidal silver. You can find this information using an internet search engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc). Many companies that sell colloidal silver products will have such information posed on their web site."

    How to compare colloidal silver products: How to compare

  11. Crooks Henry, Use of Colloids in Health and Disease. Colloidal silver has proven particularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. Henry Crooks found that "silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely non-toxic. Rather than in a chemical compound, the silver in the colloidal state may be applied in a much more concentrated form, with correspondingly better results. All virus, fungus, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes upon contact. There are no side effects whatsoever from the highest concentrations."

  12. Dean, W, et al., "Reduction of Viral Load in AIDS Patients with Intravenous Mild Silver Protein's Three Case Reports," Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine, Spring, 2001.

  13. de Souza A., D. Mehta and R. W. Leavitt, "Bactericidal activity of combinations of Silver" Water Dispersion™ with 19 antibiotics against seven microbial strains," Current Science, vol. 91, no. 7, October 10, 2006.

  14. "Dr. Mercola - New guidelines for safe usage of colloidal silver," The Cure Zone curezone

  15. Duhamel, BG, "Electric Metallic Colloids and Their Therapeutic Applications," The Lancet, Jan 13, 1912; p. 29-30.

  16. Edwards-Jones, V, Foster, HA, "Effects of Silver Sulphadiazine on the Production of Exoproteins by Staphylococcus aureus," J Med Microbiol, Jan 2002; 51(1):50-5.

  17. Ferreyrolles, P, "Colloidal Metals in Therapeutics," The Medical Magazine, Selected Papers: Royal Society of Medicine, circa 1910; p. 705.

  18. Filippi, E, Lo Sperimentale, 1908; 62:503-22. In: Bechhold, H, Bullowa, JGM, Colloids in Biology and Medicine, D. Van Nostrand Co., NY, 1919; p. 372.

  19. 18. Friedman Kenneth S., "The New Silver Solution," Silver Biotics Holistic medicine, [ test results ], Friedman

  20. Garret, L, "Antibiotics Effectiveness Shrinking," The Idaho Statesman, via Newsday wire service, May 13, 1994; p. 3A.

  21. Golden Jerry,"REPORT: Learn to Survive an Attack! Colloidal Silver!" Surviving attack
    "Maybe I should tell you how this works in your body. All known bacteria and viruses� are killed by Colloidal Silver. In fact some 650 known bacteria�s are killed by Colloidal Silver. (You may want to research that yourself) But all these ugly little things in your body all have positive charges, as everything in your body works on a small amount of electric current. When you drink Colloidal Silver (which is a negitive charge) it is attracted to these positive charges in your body "the bad guys". If the particles size is smaller than .05 microns your colloidal generator makes the particle size 100 to 1000 times smaller than .05 microns, that allows this Colloidal Silver to go straight to the positive charge wherever it may be inside of you."
  22. Govt reports CS: Govt Reports

  23. Gros, O, O�Connor, JM, Arch f. exper. Pathol. U. Pharm., 1911; 64:456-67. In: Bechhold, H, Bullowa, JGM, Colloids in Biology and Medicine, D. Van Nostrand Co., NY, 1919; p. 372.

  24. Hill, John, "Colloidal Silver Medical Uses, Toxicology and Manufacture (Paperback), Clear Springs Press; 3rd edition (March 29, 2009 ]  web: Medical uses: "Historical perspectives on clinical uses and perspectives,"  Ionic Silver-Water Miracle, Senin, 2009 Juni 22.       history clinical uses

  25. Holtorf Gordon E, K., "Promising cure to URTI pandemics including the avian flu (H5N1): Has the final solution to the coming plagues been discovered? Part II." Townsend Letter. 2006 April; #273.

  26. Horsmanheimo, M, "Lack of Proliferation of Circulating White Blood Cells in Patients with Syphilis Before and After a Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction," Br J Vener Dis, Aug 1978; 54:225-8.

  27. Hovel, J.M., British Medical Journal. Recently a team of researchers found silver to be extremely effective against bacterial infections. (Berger 1976). Dr. J.M. Hovel reported in the British Medical Journal that silver was useful against shingles, pyorrhea, whooping cough, throat and nasal infections, and that the common cold retreated much more rapidly when using silver orally. (Duarte 1997). Researchers at the VA hospital in New York also found that silver can be as much as 100 times stronger than prescription drugs used to kill bacteria. Dr. J. Cowlishaw showed where silver could protect against the E.Coli bacterium, which is responsible for the majority of food-poisoning cases in the U.S. (Duarte 1997). Web-site: Duarte

  28. Ikemura, K, et al., "Interference in Endotoxin and Fungal Polysaccharide Assays from Blood Products and Antimicrobial Oligodynamic Agents," Rinsho Byori, Jan. 1990; 38:87-92.

  29. Interesting Information about Colloidal Silver Water: colloidal water

  30. Jansson, G, Harms-Ringdahl, M< "Stimulation Effects of Mercuric- and Silver Ions on the Superoxide Anion Production in Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes," Free Radic Res Commun, 1993; 18(2):87-98.

  31. Juniper, "What Are the Side Effects of Colloidal Silver?" side effects

  32. Lang Pencilla and Jenny Shu, Faculty Reviewer: Dr. Jana Jass, "Applications of Nanotechnology in Infectious Disease," Medicine & technology. Nanotechnology, 16:2346-2353, 2005. Nano silver

  33. Lide David R., ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,.., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl., 2000; Section 4, p. 27.

  34. Life & Health Research Group, Inc., P.O. Box 1239, Peoria, AZ 85380-1239 Colloidal Siver: Undisputed cure for MRSA [flesh eating bacteria ]: MRSA

  35. Loveday, C, JS Bingham "Changes in Circulating Immune Complexes During the Jarisch Herxheimer Reaction in Secondary Syphilis," Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, Mar 1993; 12:185-91.

  36. Making Colloidal Silver, "The How to Make Basic Colloidal Silver Generator" Here are web-sites that either provide information on making your own silver generator or will sell you a generator kit:
    Making Lightwatcher's CS3 Colloidal Silver generator
    A Closer Look At Colloidal Silver By Peter A. Lindemann
    The Deluxe Colloidal Silver Generator By Ken Adachi
    Colloidal Silver Generator Research
    Build own CS generator
    Silver Edge generators

  37. Marx Bruce, "What I believe to be the Real 'STORY' behind the FDA Ruling against CS." Facts & Fallacies about colloidal silver. cs facts

  38. Natural Health Longevity Center: Benefits-of-Colloidal-Silver

  39. Newsweek Magazine, March 28, 1994. SIlver mighty figher

  40. Nordstrom Bjorn, M.D., of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has used silver in his cancer treatment method. He says the whole thing is quite simple. This brought rapid remission in patients given up on by other doctors.

  41. Oxygen-ozone: oxygen & silver

  42. Powell Jim, -- Science Digest, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter" by March 1978
    "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is re-emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic."

    "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is re-emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic."
  43. Rentz. Eric J., "An Indepth History of Silver," history-of-silver | Silver Hydrosol's Valuable Role in Helping Protect Your Body Against Infection

  44. Reynolds Peter L., "Your doctor friend, " Golden health News, November, 1995, p.5. Provo UT Diseases & CS
    "Since colloidal silver has hardly been considered for the last 50 years, some of the best scientific research was conducted before 1938. A wide range of pathogens and conditions were addressed using colloidal silver. The following is a collection of pathogens and conditions I have found documented before 1938 where patients were being successfully treated using colloidal silver:"

  45. Roy R., M. R. Hoover, A. S. Bhalla1, T. Slawecki1, S. Dey, W. Cao2, J. Li2 and S. Bhaskar, "Ultradilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties: role of the system Ag-O-H2O," Materials Research Innovations VOL 11 NO 1, 2007.

  46. Russell, AD, Hugo, WB, "Antimicrobial Activity and Action of Silver," Prog Med Chem, 1994; 31:351-70.

  47. Schauss Alexander G., Ph.D., John Hopkins University, Silver's Safety and Efficacy:
    "…you should be advised that we recently completed an extensive review of the scientific literature on the safety of silver, especially as it relates to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyria is an irreversible discoloration of the 3 of 7 pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day. By comparison standard 10 ppm colloidal silver contains silver in amounts equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram; 1,000 milligrams ( 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a risk in the development of Argyria.

    Most cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100 years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians which in most cases contained silver nitrate. Other cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature involve application of silver preparations used for many months or years in the treatment of the eye or vagina for certain diseases. We could not locate a single case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of the literature. This is probably due to the low levels of silver contained in such preparations, since only very small amounts of silver are needed for its antiseptic effect. Humans consume approximately 100 micrograms of silver every day in the diet.

    Additional amounts within this range would be considered safe by all reasonable estimates, especially if the amount needed to develop Argyria would be equivalent of 380,000 micrograms (or 3.8 grams) of silver a day. As for the efficacy of silver preparations, we found considerable scientific evidence published over the last 75 years that a number of silver compounds can be effective germicidal (antiseptic) agents against several hundred pathogenic organisms. However, silver is not termed an antibiotic as some have claimed because an antibiotic by definition is derived from a living organism."     Schauss silver safety
  48. "Silver Biotics Not all silver is created equal,?" Web-site: Kinds of silver | silver-biotics
    Silver Biotics® [ 10 ppm ], made by American Biotech Labs [ ABL ], consists of very tiny (about 10 nanometers long) particles of pure elemental silver suspended in a solution of very pure water, sold in bottles with concentrations of 10 parts of silver for every million parts of water (10 ppm). Even when it was tested at 200 times the normal adult dosage, the Silver Biotics® was found to be completely non-toxic - unlike many antibiotics and other silver products. ABL: AB Lab

    In lab studies Silver Biotics has been proven to be more effective at killing viruses than the stronger silver sol products. Silver Biotics along with all the silver sol products can be used as a natural alternative to antibiotics. Even for Strep throat, Staph, Ear Infections, and other bacterial infections.

    ASAP Solution Plus 22 ppm [ another product of ABL ], is an extra-strength silver suspension product. It has over twice the unique silver content as the regular Silver Biotics® 10 ppm product, and is stronger than is usually needed to help boost the immune system. It is designed for those people who feel rundown and decide that they need some extra-strength help. According to government guidelines on silver safety, a normal sized adult could safely consume up to four teaspoons of the ASAP Solution Plus product every day of their entire life, with no adverse effects. Extra-strength and safe to use! Kills bacteria and fungus faster than Silver Biotics. This is a great natural alternative to traditional antibiotics.
  49. "Silver, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," ScienceDigest, March 1978. As an antibiotic, colloidal silver kills over 650 disease causing organisms, and resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is the best all- around germ fighter we have and is absolutely non-toxic! Doctors report that, taken internally, it works against syphilis, cholera, malaria, diabetes and severe burns. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the Silver Institute which monitors silver technology in 37 countries, reports: " In four years we've described 87 important new medical uses for silver." Science Digest

  50. Silver Safety Committee, "THE SILVER SAFETY AUTO-CALCULATOR," [ Calc your CS dosage ]   calculator your silver need

  51. "Summary Report of the First African Human Trials of American Biotech Labs," Silver Biotics,     African water trials
  52. "Surveillance of Hospital-Acquired Bacteraemia in English Hospitals: 1997 � 2001," Nosocomial Infection

  53. National Surveillance Service, Public Health Laboratory Service, Central Public Health Laboratory, 61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5HT, UK.

  54. Taylor Ben W., "Colloidal Silver Therapy - A Re-entry into the World of Medicine," Ezine Articles.   medicine & CS

  55. The Council On Pharmacy and Chemistry, "Special Articles: Collargol (Crede's Colloidal Silver):    Reports of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Claims Made Regarding Its Effects," JAMA, March 13 th 1909; LII(11):867.

  56. "The Overnight Cancer Cure: MMS, DMSO, MSM, Citric Acid & Colloidal Silver," CureZone.    Cancer & CS

  57. The Silver Edge, "A Colloidal Silver Primer." Ford Larry C., M.D., formerly of the UCLA Medical Center & advisor to CIA:
    "But how many pathogens are sensitive to pure silver? The truth is, the answer is not fully known. Independent in vitro medical research conducted by Dr. Larry C. Ford, M.D. demonstrated that pure silver by itself was effective against well over 600 different pathogenic microorganisms. If this number can be confirmed in additional research, it demonstrates phenomenal broad-spectrum anti-microbial killing power for pure silver that goes far beyond anything that can be provided by traditional prescription antibiotics." silver primer
  58. The Ultimate Antibiotic: A Modern Medical Miracle: silver a miracle

  59. Thurman and Gerba 1989 web-site: nanotech colloid

  60. Tichy Daryl, Tichy article


  62. Water, Ionic Silver Water A Modern Miracle: Water purification with silver


  64. Water, " SILVER CLEARS UP POLLUTED WATER," THE SILVER INSTITUTE LETTER, VOLUME III, Number 5, May 1973. Silver cleans water

  65. Water, "TESTS SHOW SILVER BEST "Swimming Pool" WATER PURIFIER," THE SILVER INSTITUTE LETTER, VOLUME VI, Number 11, May 1975. silver validity

  66. What Is Colloidal Silver, Anyway? And How Was it Discovered? Healing Ways, What is CS

  67. Why CS?:

  68. Wikipedia "Silver is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag [ Latin: argentum, from the Ancient Greek: ἀργήεντος - argēentos, gen of ἀργήεις - argēeis, "white, shining" ) and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustroustransition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver), as an alloy with gold [ electrum ] and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargynte." wikipedia silver

  69. World Health Organization Report, WHO report "The World Health Organization Report sponsored by the UN into the use and validity of Colloidal Silver and its ability to kill water born disease killers by Colloidal Silver within the use of porous ceramic water filters for Third World use and protection, shows once and for all that Colloidal Silver DOES KILL the most dangerous and life threatening water born germs, viruses, bacteria, allergens and pathogens! "

  70. Zhao, G, Stevens, SE, "Multiple Parameters for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Escherichia coli to the Silver Ion," BioMetals, 1998; 11:28

  71. Friedman Article [ Freedman is president of American Biotech Labs (ABL) ] : Recently, thorough and focused studies (Minimum Bactericidal Concentrations tests and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration tests) were completed under the direction of Dr. R. Leavitt, Professor of Molecular Biology at Brigham Young University and David Revelli, a microbiologist. This study was undertaken to assess the ability of the New Silver Solution to kill and/or inhibit a wide variety of deadly bacteria. In assessing the results of the study, Dr. Leavitt noted:

    �The following results suggest that this silver solution is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It is able to effectively stop the growth of, and in fact, kill a large variety of potentially pathogenic bacteria . . . To date, there are no potentially pathogenic bacteria tested that . . . (this) product has not killed.� (PAGE 3)

    The following table is a summary of the pathogens on which The New Silver Solution was tested, and the results of those tests. These tests were performed at a number of independent university and well-regarded private laboratories.

    (NOTE: that "ppm" stands for parts per million - a measure of the strength of very dilute solutions. A 5ppm solution, sufficient to kill any of the pathogenic�infection-causing bacteria below, contains LESS THAN one ounce of silver in 250 gallons of purified water).

    [ These results prove indicate the point that New Silver Biotics products are totally efficent at 5 to 20 parts per million; and that products that "boast" that they contain much larger ppm's, are no more effective and are totally unnecessary. ]



    Kill dosage


    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Bone Inflammation (Osteomyelitis)

    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Bowel Infection (Bacillary Dysentery)

    Shigella boydii

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Burn Infections

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Dental Plaque

    Streptococcus mutans

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Diarrhea (bloody)

    Shigella boydii

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm


    E. Coli

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Ear Infection

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Ear Infection

    Streptococcus pneumonie

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Enteric Fever

    Salmonella typhimurium

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Epiglottitis (in children)

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Eye Infections

    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Eye Infections (Corneal Ulcers-Keratitis)

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Food Poisoning

    Salmonella Arizona

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Food Poisoning

    Salmonella typhimurium

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Food Poisoning

    E. Coli

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Heart Valve Infection (Endocarditis)

    Streptococcus faecalis

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Heart Valve Infection (Endocarditis)

    Streptococcus gordonii

    Killed @ 5 ppm


    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm


    Enterobacter aerogenes

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm


    Streptococcus pneumonie

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Nosocomial Infections (from hospitals)

    Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Nosocomial Infections (from hospitals)

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Nosocomial Infections (from hospitals)

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm


    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm


    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm


    Streptococcus pneumonie

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Respiratory Infections (Upper)

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Respiratory Tract Infections

    E. Coli

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Respiratory Tract Infections (lower)

    Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Scarlet Fever

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm


    Enterobacter aerogenes

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Sinus Infections

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm


    Streptococcus pneumonie

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Skin Infection (Impetigo)

    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Skin Infections

    Staphylococcus aureus

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Skin Infections

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Strep Throat

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Supportive Arthritis (in children)

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Throat Infections

    Haemophilus influenzae

    Killed @ 1.25 ppm

    Tooth Decay

    Streptococcus mutans

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Tooth Decay

    Streptococcus gordonii

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Urethritis (men)

    Trichomoniasis vaginalis

    Killed @ 10 ppm

    Urinary Tract Infections

    E. Coli

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Streptococcus faecalis

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Urinary Tract Infections

    Enterobacter aerogenes

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Vaginitis (women)

    Trichomoniasis vaginalis

    Killed @ 10 ppm

    Wound Infections

    E. Coli

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Wound Infections

    Enterobacter aerogenes

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Wound Infections

    Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Wound Infections

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Killed @ 5 ppm

    Wound Infections

    Streptococcus faecalis

    Killed @ 2.5 ppm

    Yeast Infections

    Candida albicans

    Killed @ 10 ppm

  72. Guidelines for Prudent Dietary Silver Intake

    "According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the average adult can consume 350 mcg of silver daily for up to 70 years without any known risk, or take the equivalent dose of seven teaspoons of Ionic Silver daily. For more serious or persistent problems, a doctor may wish to gradually increase dosages and direct their patients to take from 3 to 7 tablespoons daily. An average adult under medical supervision could in principle take such dosages for up to 65 years with no definable risk! Ionic Silver water performs best when taken on an empty stomach, followed by food 25 minutes later.

    Should people who are healthy and just want to remain that way consider supplementing with Ionic Silver water? And if so, " What is a prudent and adequate daily intake for dietary silver?" The daily value (DV) for silver has not been determined; it is not considered an essential mineral. However, for many years selenium was not considered essential, yet its many benefits begged the same question. When no DV amount has yet been determined, it is customary for scientists to look at the typical diet content for the mineral. Past studies have pointed out that average diets contain from 23 mcg to 88 mcg of silver daily. However, modern trends in agriculture have revealed an alarming decline in the mineral content of our foods since the1930's. From Senate Document No. 264 (1936) it states, "The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us - no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them. The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food…Our physical well being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."

    In fact, up to 80% of the mineral content in our foods has been lost since the early part of the last century. Thus, our diet may be providing much less than 88 mcg silver daily. So what are reasonable guidelines for silver as a dietary supplement?

    First, up to seven teaspoons daily may be safely taken for extended periods when immune support is needed or desired. Second, adjust for weight in younger adults and children as appropriate, typically one half the adult dose. And third, consider one teaspoon or more for general daily maintenance."

    WARNING: However, for those people working in the silver industry or for those exposed to silver compounds regularly or for long periods, only a doctor should direct Ionic Silver supplementation. ultimate anti-biotic

  73. Who's using colloidal silver?
    • In Canada, Switzerland and the US, physicians use various forms of silver to treat a multitude of infections.
    • In the US, silver is used in bone surgery and in 70 per cent of US burns centres.
    • Naturopaths and chiropractors use colloidal silver to treat the effects of Cryptosporidium. Ayurvedic and Chinese practitioners regularly use silver in their treatments.
    • Colloidal silver water filters are approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency and also by the Swiss government for use in homes and offices.
    • The American space agency NASA uses a silver water purification system for its space shuttles, as do the Russians.
    • The airline companies Air France, Alitalia, British Airways, Canadian Pacific, Japan Airlines, Pan Am SAS and Swissair use silver water filters to curtail waterborne diseases.
    • Silver is often used in place of chlorine in swimming pools because it doesn't sting the eyes.
    • Japanese companies are using silver to remove cyanide and nitric acid from the air.
      Nexus Magazine, Vol.4,No.1 Universal Germicide

  74. Comparison of Silver vs antibiotics: contrast between nanosilver based formula and doctor prescribed antibiotics:
    Ionic Silver ™™ ANTIBIOTICS
    No record of detrimental effects. Over 300,000 reactions a year of which 30% to 50% are fatal.
    Users and researchers report highly effective results for bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Generally highly effective for specific bacterial diseases only. Some effective for most bacteria. No effect on fungus or virus.
    Accelerates healing. No effect on healing.
    Reduces tissue scaring. No effect on scaring.
    No record of pathogen developing immunity in thousands of years. Pathogens commonly develop immunities resulting in 40,000 deaths a year in North America alone.
    No known overdose. Dosage must be followed carefully.
    No prescription required. Available by prescription only.
    Usually works without exact dosage. Exact diagnosis often required.
    Virtually non-toxic Toxic.
    Causes the body to produce differentiated cells (Stem Cells) when needed. No effect on differentiation of cells.
    Website source

  75. Silver Institute: Medical Applications. Website: medical_applications

  76. Moeller William D., Written testimony to House International Relations Committee, April 26, 2005.

  77. American Biotech Labs [ ABL ], Clifton Mining Company.80 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, Utah 84004 Tel: 801-756-1414    Clifton mining

  78. Lab tests for silver CSLab:   Colloidal Science Laboratory (CSL)    performs colloidal measurements and publishes the results of a standardized set of physical property measurements. These results include calculating the particle surface area. CSL Analysis for biotic silver: test for CS

    American Research and Testing Inc: Barbara Belmont President, 7_27_2009. [ e-mail response ] "You can get almost any environmental testing laboratory to test your water for silver. Just lie to them and tell them it's wastewater, and that you want a silver assay. Try Test America. They have environmental labs all over the country.

    We don't ordinarily do this type of work, so would wind up subcontracting it and adding our minimum charge of $405 to the assay bill of ~$100. ($505 total for us to do this for you). Nobody can confirm "nano particles". Just silver content."

  79. Silver biotic analysis by ASL:
    Commercial Product Report                    Product Description


    9 August 2005

    Manufacturer: Biotech Labs

    Product Name:

    Silver Biotics

    Product Type:

    Ionic Silver


    10 ppm

    Container Size:

    8 oz.

    Container Material:

    PETE - Cobalt Blue

    Laboratory Analysis of Product


    10.9 uS/cm


    2.55 NTU





    Total Concentration:

    10.93 ppm +/- 0.05 ppm *

    Ionic Concentration:

    10.76 ppm +/- 0.05 ppm

    Particle Concentration:

    0.17 ppm

    Percent Ionic:

    98.4 %

    Percent Particles:

    1.6 %

    Particle Surface Area:

    0.035 cm2/mL

    Particle Size Distribution:

    Complete Size Report

    Zeta Potential:

    Complete Zeta Report


    Product sample marked with lot number: 05066

    * Total silver measured is 109.3% of labeled value.

    Laboratory analysis performed by the    Colloidal Science Laboratory

  80. CSL: Silver colloids product reports   More reports
    "Silver protein products are the second most prevalent type of so-called colloidal silver products on the market. These products consist of a combination of metallic silver particles and a protein binder, and can easily be produced by simply adding water to silver protein powder sold by various chemical companies.
    Most products claiming to be high concentrations of colloidal silver (typically in the range of 30 to 20,000 ppm) are in fact silver protein colloids. While some of these products are labeled as Silver Protein or Mild Silver Protein , many such products are simply labeled as colloidal silver and the word protein does not appear anywhere on the label or in the product advertising literature.
    Silver protein products generally have very large silver particles, so large that they would not remain suspended as colloidal particles without protein additives. Protein additives help to keep the large particles from settling. While various protein binders may be used, the protein most commonly used is gelatin , which is made by boiling the skin, tendons, and ligaments of animals. For large metallic silver particles to remain suspended in water, they need additional buoyancy to keep from sinking. Gelatin molecules will encapsulate each particle of silver and add enough buoyancy so that it does not sink to the bottom. The presence of gelatin creates a risk of bacteria and is one of the dangers of taking this product.
    Of the three types of colloidal silver, silver protein products have the lowest particle surface area for a given silver concentration , making the silver inaccessible for safe human absorption and less effective for human use. Particle surface area, as we will cover later, is the single most important determinant of colloidal silver effectiveness. Click here for scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of silver protein products that clearly show the very large size of the silver particles (which appear to range in size from about 100 nm up to 10,000 nm with some much larger).
    Testing For Silver Protein To find out whether you have a silver protein product rather than a true silver colloid, look for these characteristics:
  81. Makes foam: When shaken, a silver protein product produces foam above the liquid that will persist for minutes after being shaken. This is probably the single most reliable indicator. Even when the product label identifies the product simply as colloidal silver and never mentions the word protein, this indicator will signal the presence of a protein binder. Shake the bottle and look for foaming. When the foam persists, protein is present.
  82. Concentration: Silver protein products tend to have very high concentration values, typically in the range of 30 to 20,000 ppm. Concentration is expressed in parts per million (ppm) and is numerically the same as milligrams of silver per liter of water (mg/L).
  83. Color: The color ranges from light amber to almost black with an increasing concentration of silver.
  84. Dangers Due to the high concentration of large silver particles, silver protein products are known to cause argyria, a condition that causes the skin to turn blue-gray." colloid reports

  85. Partial List of Ionic Products: ionic-products The list of products below are sold as "colloidal silver" but a more technically correct description for these products would be "ionic silver solutions" because they typically contain 90% ionic silver and only 10% silver particles. Not all products in the table have been tested. A dash (-) indicates that the product has not been tested.

    Effectiveness of a colloid is determined by the particle surface area making it the single most important metric for comparing colloids.

    Product Name & PPM on Label
    Click on product name to go to website

    (from Lab Report)

    Particle Surface Area

    Alchemists Workshop Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    American Biotech Labs -ASAP 10 ppm



    American Biotech Labs - ASAP 22 ppm



    Argentyn 23 - 23 ppm



    CS Pro Systems 10 ppm



    Daily Mfg. Inc. 20 ppm



    Earth's Bounty Colloidal Silver 5 ppm



    Earthborn Products Colloidal Silver 100 ppm



    ElectraClear Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    Health & Herbs Col. Silver 10 ppm



    High Energy Labs Colloidal Silver 15 ppm



    Mooners Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    New Silver Solution



    Pride Labs



    Pro Star Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    Silver Biotics 10 ppm



    Silver Lightning 5 ppm



    Silver Wain Water 3 ppm



    Sovereign Silver 10 ppm



    Survival Enterprises Colloidal Silver 3 ppm



    Trace Minerals 30 ppm



    Tri Medica Silva Solution 10 ppm



    Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver 35 ppm



    Vision Minerals Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    Higher values are better.

    PPM values shown in red are less than 75% of the labeled silver content

    Partial List of Silver Protein Products:

    The products listed below contain silver particles suspended in a protein polymer or synthetic polymer solution. Protein polymers would typically be either an animal protein also called gelatin or dairy protein called casein. Some of these products are labeled as "colloidal silver" and do not mention on the label or in their advertising the fact that they are protein or polymer based products. Not all products in the table have been tested. A dash (-) indicates that the product has not been tested.

    Product Name & PPM on Label
    Click on product name to go to website

    (from Lab Report)

    Particle Surface Area

    Futurebiotics Advanced Colloidal Silver 10 ppm



    Innovative Natural Products - Super Colloidal Silver 2000 ppm



    Innovative Natural Products - High Potency Silver 500 ppm



    Innovative Natural Products - Low Potency Silver 50 ppm



    International Pharmaceuticals - Invive 50 ppm



    International Pharmaceuticals - Invive 500 ppm



    Life Link Mild Silver Protein 400 ppm



    N-Ergetics Colloidal Silver 1100 ppm



    Higher values are better.

    Partial List of Products that are True Silver Colloids:

    The list of products below are "true silver colloids". The silver content in these products consist of both silver ions and silver particles. The majority of the silver content is in the form of silver particles which makes these products true colloids.

    Effectiveness of a colloid is determined by the particle surface area making it the single most important metric for comparing colloids.

    Product Name & PPM on Label
    Click on product name to go to website

    (from Lab Report)

    Particle Surface Area cm2/mL

    Advanced Colloidal Silver (Utopia Silver) 20 ppm



    Kelly Colloidal Silver 20 ppm



    Mesosilver 20 ppm



    Vitol Super Colloidal Silver 5 ppm



    Wellness Colloidal Silver 30 ppm



    Higher values are better.

    PPM values shown in red are less than 75% of the labeled silver content.

  86. How To Compare Colloidal Silver Products:

    Web Silver colloids:

    Because there is no accepted standard for reporting the contents of colloidal silver products, producers report the properties of their products is various ways. The normal practice is to report the total silver content and nothing else. One problem with reporting total silver is that it lumps together the silver particles and silver ions in a single value. The technical differences between ions and particles are significant. We will try to explain the differences in an easily understood fashion. (See The Truth About Ionic Silver).

    Another problem with using total silver for comparison purposes is that it does not take into account either the particle size, particle surface area, or the particle concentration which are the most important properties of colloids.

    Particle Size: In his booklet "Silver Colloids", Professor Ronald Gibbs wrote "The size of the particles in the colloidal silver suspensions we use for health purposes is very important. Particle size controls the surface area and therefore the effectiveness of the colloidal silver suspension."

    Particle Size and Particle Surface Area Particle surface area is the property of a colloid that determines its effectiveness. Particle size has a direct effect on particle surface area, but in the exact opposite way from what you might expect . . . because particle surface area increases as particle size decreases.

    To understand the effect of particle size on surface area, consider a U.S. silver dollar. The silver dollar contains 26.96 grams of coin silver, has a diameter of about 40 mm, and has a total surface area of approximately 27.70 square centimeters. If the same amount of coin silver were divided into tiny particles � say 1 nanometer (nm) in diameter � the total surface area of those particles would be 11,400 square meters, which is equal to 122,708 square feet, or 2.817 acres! When the amount of coin silver contained in a silver dollar is rendered into 1 nm particles, the surface area of those particles is 4.115 million times greater than the surface area of the silver dollar! So you can see by this example that the smaller the particles and the more of them, the greater the particle surface area.

    The Importance Of Particle Surface Area: Particle size
    Particle surface area is the property of a colloid that translates directly to the ability of the colloid to react with its environment. Effectiveness of colloids is predicated on exposing the largest possible surface area of the metal particles to the areas of interest. The importance of colloid particle surface area cannot be over emphasized. It is the single most important attribute for determining how effectively the colloidal particles will interact with their environment inside the human body.

    In the chemical world, reactivity increases with increasing surface area. For this reason particle surface area is an excellent metric for comparing the physical properties of colloidal products. A more technical discussion on particle surface area can be found by clicking here.

    Particle Concentration The metal concentration in parts-per-million (ppm) expresses the weight of the metal vs. the weight of the liquid it is suspended in. Particle concentration can be a very confusing measurement when comparing colloidal silver products because colloids having very large particles can have a high concentration of metal (ppm) but a very low particle surface area. Concentration (ppm) by itself is not what determines colloidal effectiveness; it is only the particle surface area that does.

    Particle surface area increases as the concentration of silver particles increases. Therefore, true silver colloids that have a high percentage of their silver content in the form of particles will have the highest particle surface area.

    To achieve a high particle surface area for a given concentration (ppm) of metal requires that the size of the particles be extremely small. The smallest colloid particles ever measured in the lab are only a few times the diameter of the atoms themselves and are less than one nanometer in diameter. The highest particle surface area is achieved when there is a high concentration of these nanometer- sized particles. While this is the desired result, it is also the most difficult to achieve.

    Comparing Colloidal Silver Products:

    Since most producers of colloids neither indicate nor differentiate the properties of particle size, particle surface area or particle concentration on the labels of their products, the only way to know these properties is by laboratory analysis. Unless the lab has specialized scientific equipment specifically designed to characterize the properties of colloids, the data can be of questionable accuracy. Particle surface area in particular can be very challenging to measure. It first requires an accurate determination of the particle size and concentration. Because of the difficulty involved, these measurements should be performed by a laboratory that specializes in performing analysis of colloids.

    Colloidal Science Laboratory (CSL)  performs these measurements and publishes the results of a standardized set of physical property measurements. These results include calculating the particle surface area. See Determining Properties for technical details about how the laboratory analysis is performed by CSL.

    CSL produces a Comparison Table that shows an example of how to evaluate various products by comparing the properties associated with particle surface area. Data from the product reports is compiled into a table so the reader can compare products based on costs and particle surface area. Surface area is expressed in square centimeters (cm 2) per milliliter (mL) of colloidal solution, and is written as (cm 2/mL).

  87. Barrett Stephen, "Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit," Quackwatch, [ Quackery & health fraud ]   Quackwatch

  88. Beck Bob and Collins Henry, EVALUATING COLLOIDAL SILVER PRODUCTS evaluating silver

    The quality of a colloidal silver product can be determined by following the items outlined on this page. All of these items are important in choosing a high quality product. They include: the manufacturing process, purity, size of the silver particles, concentration (ppm, that is, parts per million), absence of chemical additives/chemical stabilizers and food coloring, pH, stability (shelf life) of the product, and efficacy. The product you purchase should meet the following criteria:

    1. Manufacturing Process: It should be manufactured by the electro-colloidal process, meaning that ultra-fine particles of silver are suspended in pure water by an electrical charge placed on the silver. This process is done without the use of chemical solvents or chemical stabilizers.

    2. Purity: High quality colloidal silver consists of pure water and 99.999% pharmaceutical grade silver. Manufacturers are required to conduct microbiology testing to guarantee that the product is free of contamination.

    3. Particle Size: To insure proper absorption and assimilation, the particles of silver should be less than one (1) micron in diameter.

    4. Concentration: For use on a regular basis the concentration should be between 5 and 20 ppm of silver. Highly concentrated colloidal silver products may be a health risk if taken internally on a regular basis and should only be used under a medical doctor�s supervision.

    5. Additives: Colloidal silver should not contain any silver proteins, chemical stabilizers like E.D.T.A., P.V.P., carbopol resin, or any other chemical additive.

    6. Color: The rule of thumb in colloidal chemistry is the smaller the silver particle size the lighter the color. Colloidal silver produced by modern technology should be clear to light yellow in color. Avoid products that are murky, brown, grey, black, or that contain yellow food coloring. Golden yellow solutions are indicative of products containing a larger particle size, silver protein, or stabilizers, similar to the type of colloidal silver that was produced in the early 1900s.

    7. PH: The pH should be neutral (alkaline). Low pH (acidic) products can indicate the use of chemicals. It can also be an indication that the silver particles are �falling out� of solution.

    8. Shelf Life: A quality colloidal silver product should have a guaranteed shelf life of more than one year. The solution should be free of any sediment or particles of silver floating in the liquid or settled on the bottom of the bottle. High quality colloidal silver can be bottled in plastic or glass without any effect on the product.

    9. Outdated Technology: Colloidal silver was commonly used in the early 1900s prior to the advent of antibiotics. At that time technology was not advanced enough to create colloidal silver without the use of chemical or protein stabilizers. These stabilizers block the charge on the silver particles and bind to the silver to help keep it in suspension; however, it can cause the silver to be retained in the body too long. With today�s advanced technology it is no longer necessary to manufacture colloidal silver using chemical or protein additives.

    10. Concentrates: Concentrates of colloidal silver should not be diluted. Colloidal silver should be used in the same concentration in which it is formulated. When colloidal silver is manufactured correctly, the electrical charge is passed through the water and silver simultaneously. When colloidal silver concentrate is diluted by water the disruption in the electrical charge can significantly decrease the efficacy of the product.

    11. Tyndall Effect: The Tyndall test is outdated. It was used decades ago by chemists to determine if a colloidal silver product contained any silver suspended in the solution. This method can still be used, but it only works for products containing large silver particles. In order to get a Tyndall effect the particles must be large enough to refract light. The new ultra-fine colloidal silver products that contain silver particles less than one micron in diameter will exhibit very little, if any, Tyndall effect, therefore rendering this type of test obsolete.

    12. FDA: According to Federal regulations, colloidal silver must be manufactured in a registered FDA facility and be subject to strict quality control. Distributors of colloidal silver should be issued a certificate of analysis from the company from which they buy colloidal silver. This analysis should specify purity, microbiology testing, silver particle size, concentration (ppm), and use of chemical stabilizers, pH, and color. Information provided by Bob Beck and G. Henry Collins. For more information call 310-452-8649.

  89. Wadhera Akhil MD and Max Fung MD, "Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver," Dermatology Online Journal, 2005, 11 (1): 12 Department of Dermatology, University of California, Davis. Silver absorption, transportation, deposition and excretion of silver products

  90. MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) treatment by 4 universities confirmed. Published by Life & Health Research Group, Inc., P.O. Box 1239, Peoria, AZ 85380-1239.
    [ This entity sells silver ion electrolysis equipment ]  MRSA
    "Here is a brief synopsis of this recently revealed good news regarding the incredible infection-fighting qualities of silver, proving beyond any shadow of a doubt its ability to kill the flesh-eating MRSA and other deadly pathogens; usually in just minutes!

    Case #1: A Brigham-Young Clinical Study Proves Silver Kills MRSA:   In this study, conducted quietly in October 2006 at the Department of Microbiology/Molecular Biology of Brigham-Young University, and published in the journal Current Science, Vol. 91, No. 7, October 10, 2006, it was found that a number of the antibiotic drugs which formerly killed MDR (multiple drug-resistant) pathogens such as MRSA could actually be restored to full efficacy against the deadly pathogens, but only if a liquid silver solution similar to colloidal silver was used in conjunction with the drug!
    The researchers wrote:
    "Silver-Water-Dispersion™ solution has been shown as an effective antibiotic against many Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug-resistant (MDR) strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). As high level acquired resistance to conventional antibiotics is frequent, it seems reasonable to use combination therapy in order to achieve bactericidal synergism. Active silver solutions have shown marked activity against proven bacterial-resistant strains. Hence, a range of antibiotics were tested with Silver-Water-Dispersion solution to determine antagonism, additive and synergistic effects against a panel of microbial strains… It is clear that the combination will allow a more complete clearing of the pathological organism."

    In short, what the researchers found is that when they used the liquid silver solution in conjunction with the antibiotic drugs that had previously lost their effectiveness against MRSA and other deadly super pathogens, the antibiotics began to work again. The synergism between silver and the antibiotic drugs brought the deadly pathogens back under control. Since the antibiotic drugs had previously lost their effectiveness against the super pathogens, this clearly demonstrates that the silver was the deciding factor in the deaths of the deadly pathogens!

    Case #2: Iranian Clinical Study Proves Silver Increases Effectiveness of Antibiotic Drugs Against Staph:   This study was conducted by the Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Medical Nanotechnology Research Center, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences at the University of Tehran, Iran. Say what you will about the Iranians, but when they do a medical study, they do it up right. Apparently Iranian scientists were two full months ahead of the Brigham-Young team above in proving that the addition of silver to antibiotic drugs boosts their ability to kill resistant staphylococcus aureaus.

    The study was called, "Synthesis and effect of silver nan oparticles on the antibacterial activity of different antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli." In part, the researchers demonstrated:

    "Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) have been known to have inhibitory and bactericidal effects. Resistance to antimicrobial agents by pathogenic bacteria has emerged in recent years and is a major health problem. …these [silver] nanoparticles were evaluated for their part in increasing the antimicrobial activities of various antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The antibacterial activities of penicillin G, amoxicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and vancomycin were increased in the presence of silver nano-particles (Ag-NPs) against both test strains. The highest enhancing effects were observed for vancomycin, amoxicillin, and penicillin G against S. aureus."

    So once again we see that it is the addition of silver to the three specific antibiotics (vancomycin, amoxicillin and penicillin) that almost magically renews the effectiveness of each of these antibiotic drugs against today�s most deadly pathogens, including staphylococcus aureus (aka MRSA). Silver, as usual, is the key!

    Case #3: Taiwanese Clinical Study Proves Colloidal Silver By Itself Kills MRSA: &nbsp; Another study, this one conducted in Taiwan, also demonstrated that silver colloids kill both MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, another deadly and extremely opportunistic superbug. In this study, a special colloidal silver solution was tested on contact surfaces where the deadly pathogens are known to colonize, and from which they can spread to humans. The silver solution proved to be completely effective against both the MRSA and Pseudomonas super pathogens.

    The study, which demonstrated conclusively that silver could be applied to contact surfaces to stop colonies of MRSA super pathogens from forming, was titled, "Formation of colloidal silver nanoparticles stabilized by Na(+)-poly(gamma-glutamic acid)-silver nitrate complex via chemical reduction process," and was conducted at the Department of Textile Science, Nanya Institute of Technology, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. It was published in the journal Colloids Surface B Biointerfaces in October 2007.

    Case #4: Czech Clinical Study Proves Silver Particles Kill MRSA:   This study was conducted at the Department of Physical Chemistry at Palacky University in the Czech Republic. It was later published in the prestigious Journal of Physical Chemistry B in August 2006. Titled "Silver colloidal nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and their antibacterial activity," the study demonstrated that…

    "…silver particles with a narrow size distribution with an average size of 25 nm, which showed high antimicrobial and bactericidal activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including highly multi-resistant strains such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)." The study further demonstrated that very low concentrations of silver could be utilized to destroy MRSA, as long as the silver particles were very small, averaging 25 nm.
  91. FDA 1999 Federal register notice label wording regulation final rule, August 17,:
    FDA Final rule web: FDA ruling dockets   "If consumers purchase these products marketed as dietary supplements and if the product bears a statement claiming a benefit related to a classical nutrient deficiency disease and discloses the prevalence of such disease in the United States, describes the role of a nutrient or dietary ingredient intended to affect the structure or function of the body in humans, characterizes the documented mechanism by which a nutrient or dietary supplement acts to maintain such structure or function, or describes general well-being from consumption of a nutrient or dietary ingredient, then the labeling will have to inform them that ``This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

    FDA. FDA Position On Colloidal Silver Final rule:   FDS ruling on CS products   Over-the-counter drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients or silver salts
    [Federal Register: August 17, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 158, Rules and Regulations, Page 44653-44658] Download PDF version
    National Health federation E-mail: contact FDA

    [Federal Register: August 17, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 158, Rules and Regulations, Page 44653-44658]
  92. Barrett Stephen, M.D., "Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit," Quackwatch, August 17, 2005. Reprinted February 20, 2008. [ This is a PHARMA subsidized web-site ] Quackwatch more info;

  93. Barrett testimony March 24, 2004 FDA Testimony

  94. FDA contact to send comments Dr. Barbara Schneeman of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),  contact FDA
    Food and Drug Administration
    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
    Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements
    5100 Paint Branch Parkway
    College Park, Maryland 20740

  95. Bolen Tom, Consumer Advocate opinion, September 7, 2003, in the Health Care Industry
    "The quackbuster operation is being run out of an advertising agency in New York City. The ad agency designs, implements, and runs campaigns against competitors to drugs. Twenty six pharmaceutical companies banded together, originally, and funded the operation against market competitors to drugs."     Article: I own FDA    

    How to Comment on Proposed Regulations and Submit Petitions, Updated February 7, 2008. More Comments on FDS regulations and rulings: Further comments on FDS     E-mail: Consumer advocate   or Bolen: Tom Bolen  
  96. Pedersen Gordon, PhD, Silver solution CD,  CD order $ 2.50    A fighting chance

  97. Carlton General P.K., Director of Integrative Center for Homeland security,   Carlton Biodefense for homeland security

  98. Cambodia ceramic silver water filter: Resource Development International – Cambodia (RDIC) has been making ceramic water filters in Cambodia since 2003. RDIC’s operation started at a small scale as it developed its manufacturing techniques. By September 2007 RDIC had distributed approximately 60,000 filters throughout Cambodia, and internationally, with 24,000 produced in 2007. Build Ceramic filer

  99. Wadhera Akhil MD and Max Fung MD, "Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver," Dermatology Online Journal 11 (1): 12 Department of Dermatology, University of California Davis. Wadhera "

  100. Making colloidal silver medical CS
    " Medicinal silver is most often sold as colloidal silver protein (CSP)."

  101. Making Lightwatcher's coloidal silver   CS3 Diagram   making own generator
       This article points to controversy about the quality of CS generated. For example, this article mentions silver ions versus silver particles but lacks the most recent scientic information that slow production creates the smallest colloidal particles.
    "CS is also incredibly marketable and profitable, and because of this it attracted many unscruplous individuals and companies who marketed it thouroughly, misleading their customers and ignoring established standards of quality. These 'snakeoil' salesmen were so blatant that they attracted the unwanted attention of both the FDA and the AMA.

    While it is true that CS is a remarkable substance with a variety of uses, it is important that one become well informed before using using or making this elixer. For this reason LW Publishing has greatly expanded this colloidal silver website, so readers can access the most current and accurate information available. Lightman has been a colloidal advocate since 1999, offering accurate information and free CS generator plans. Included are designs for four colloidal silver generator that you can construct easily at home, using inexpensive and even recycled parts.
  102. Key Francis S. and George Maass, PhD., "Determining The Properties of Colloidal Silver," Conducting a lab analysis for silver *.pdf format.
    "This document will specifically address the properties of colloidal silver solutions that define the overall quality of the solution. The operative definition of a colloid is a solution containing suspended particles whose sizes range from 1 micron down to 0.001 microns (1 nanometer). The particles are suspended in pure water.

    This document is intended for those seeking a scientific description of how to measure the relevant properties that define the quality of a colloidal silver solution. This may include labs that are asked to perform quantitative measurements of silver colloids, producers of colloidal silver solutions, producers of machines that make colloidal silver as well as interested consumers who are technically inclined. Recently, much has been written about colloidal silver that lacks scientific validity. This document will discuss the measurement procedures in scientific terms such that an independent lab can duplicate the results described herein."

    SILVER CONCENTRATION Silver concentration is most frequently reported as total silver measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L), which is numerically the same as parts-per-million (ppm). The total silver consists of silver in two distinct forms, silver particles and silver ions. While the measurement of total silver is fairly straight forward, the measurement of the ionic silver is less so. It is important to know how much of the total silver consists of particles vs. ions because it is the particles that define the colloid. In most processes used to produce colloidal silver the particles make up only a small fraction of the total silver.

    Why is it important to know how much of the total is ionic?  The benefits of colloidal silver are produced by the nanometer sized metallic silver particles .... and not the ions. In most colloidal silver products a large quantity of ionic silver is produced as a by-product of generating the silver particles.   The prominent methods of production are electrochemical processes using either low voltage DC current or high voltage AC. Both the AC and DC process may employ a constant voltage or a constant current source. Both the DC and the high voltage AC produce a significant percentage of the total silver as ionic. Typically, 75 - 99% of total silver is ionic depending on process variables. In some products claiming very high concentration levels, almost the entire silver content is ionic. To state the silver concentration in ppm without specifying what percentage is ionic is misleading to say the least. Therefore, it is important to know what percentage of the silver concentration is ionic to properly evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the product." 
  103. Altman, Roger "How the body processes colloidal silver , 1999  [ Where it goes & how long does it stay in your body?" ]   AltmanStudy.PDF | |
    "Summary:  A fixed amount of colloidal silver was ingested each day for several months before a preliminary 24-hour silver balance was attempted by measuring the amount of silver found in feces, urine, nails, hair and perspiration. After estimating the amount of silver produced in 24 hours from each of these sources, it was concluded that urine and feces provide a good first approximation of the total amount of silver excreted by the body. This study was followed by a second more extensive effort which was designed to monitor the residual quantity of silver eliminated over time by estimating the weight of silver in feces and urine from weekly (and later, tri-weekly) 24 hr. samples. During this period, a single test was made in an attempt to demonstrate the influence of water intake on the quantity of silver excreted in urine.

    Conclusions Ingestion of properly prepared CS does not result in silver accumulating in the body. There is no evidence that silver deposits significantly in hair or fingernails and, in fact, the data support the conclusion that after taking more than 2 mg of CS per day for several months, silver seems to be purged from the body (mostly through urine) at about the same rate at which it is consumed. Furthermore, upon terminating CS intake, it appears that as much as half the silver residing in body tissue will be purged (through urine and feces, but more and more through feces as time goes on) in less than a month. Even this relatively short residence time could be reduced substantially if several liters of water were consumed daily."
  104. Silver kills viruses, October 18, 2005

  105. Bogus studies, "Bacteriology Studies of Ionic Silver are Bogus," Bad research studies
    "Many ionic silver products are promoted using in vitro tests that claim to prove their effectiveness against bacteria and other pathogens. The design of most of these test protocols are severely flawed resulting in conclusions that are at best misleading and at worst completely false."
    Bogus reports made by some ionic silver marketers
    Bogus claims made for Silver Protein producs

  106. Definition of terms: Silver terms defined
    Example  "colloidal silver solution:  – A solution containing pure water and nanometer sized silver particles in a colloidal suspension. Most silver colloids also contain silver ions . Typically, the silver in ionic form constitutes 90% or more of the total silver in solution . If the solution contained all ions and no particles, it would be considered an ionic solution, not a colloid since there would be no particles suspended in the water. If the solution contained only particles and no ions, it would be considered a pure colloid. The particles remain suspended in the water owing to a particle charge which causes an electrostatic mutual repulsion of the particles. This particle charge is due to adsorption of ions from the surrounding solution and is called zeta potential."
  107. Gibbs Ronald," Silver Colloids: Do they work? Textbook, Amazon   Download Gibbs booklet Pdf

  108. Table Comparing Colloidal Silver Products   Comparison Table
    This table compares and evaluates various products by comparing the properties [ ionic, protein ] associated with particle surface area

  109. Summary of Properties for Silver Property Particles
    Property Particles Atoms 1 Atoms Ions Ions
    Increases conductivity of a solution it is added to N N Y
    Tyndall Effect N N Y
    Can be separated from solution by centrifugation Y N N
    Properties will change if an electron is added N N Y
    Properties will change if an electron is removed N Y N
    Combines readily with anions N N Y
    Combines readily with cations N N N
    Water soluble N N Y
    Exists as a single entity in solution with it its peers Y N Y
    Measurable with an Ion Selective Electrode N N Y
    Measurable by Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer Y Y Y
    Measurable by a Spectrophotometer N N Y
    Possesses ionic charge N N Y
    May posses particle charge Y N N
    Combines with polar molecules Y N Y
    Negative zeta potential in low ionic solutions Y N N
    Measurable with Photon Correlation Spectrometer Y N N
    Can be separated from solution by filtration Y N N
    Precipitates from solution onto cathode when an
    electric current is passed passed through the solution
    N N Y
    Notes: 1 Particles – in this context, a particle is defined as a cluster of atoms. Source: CS tables

  110. WATER TESTING and FACTS, "Is your distilled water really good quality?" Testing distilled water for purity Peschel PII

  111. Peschel Frederick, "Colloidal Silver Generator Research," PII, Production Colloidal Silver Equipment based on scientifically researched data and facts, about colloidal silvers effectiveness, manufacture and applications supports the high bio-availability of true ionic colloidal silver products! Compiled by Frederick Peschel, Pres. PII from 15 years of colloidal silver research and generator equipment manufacture. PII'S Superior Ionic Colloidal Silver Generators - over (1,300) in use worldwide! Colloidal Silver Generators

  112. "Biologic Transport of Silver Ions," By Peschel PII. Biologic Transport of Silver Ions Peschel

  113.  ASAP® Gel Ultimate Skin & Body Care [ cosmetic product ]: The ASAP® Ultimate Skin & Body Care product is a cosmetic gel product that only claims it “Helps Promote Natural Healing”. The company, ABL, has been granted formal approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its ASAP Wound Dressing Gel throughout the United States. It is sold as a cosmetic, and as such, by law, the company (specifically on this product) cannot, and does not, make any bacteria, yeast, or fungus-killing claims. The active ingredient is ABL’s patented ASAP SilverSol Technology™ at a powerful level of 24 ppm of silver. The FDA approval letter confirms that ABL may market ASAP Wound Dressing Gel "for the topical management of minor cuts, lacerations, abrasions, 1st and 2nd degree burns, and skin irritations." The product, ASAP® Ultimate Skin & Body Care Product, has some very specific advantages over regular cosmetic skin care or wound care products: • creates an almost instantaneous softening and rejuvenation when applied to the skin:
    • it won’t hurt normal human cells.
    • provides moisture for wound healing and burn treatment, and can be used on or in conjunction with any bandage already available in any first-aid medical kit.
    • helps ease the discomfort associated with burns, wounds, bites or itching problems.
    • has no smell, no alcohol, and needs no refrigeration.
    • will remain stable from 17N to 113N Fahrenheit.
    • it is safe and non-toxic, even if a child were to accidently eat a whole tube of it.
    • is non-irritating to either the skin, mouth, or eyes.
    • is not greasy, contains no alcohol, and if rubbed into the skin, will absorb within 2 minutes, leaving the skin with a wonderful soft, non-sticky feeling.
    • helped to keep the skin clean for up to four hours after application.

    Ingredients: ASAP Clear Skin Gel contains an AHA/BHA blend to refine skin with Green Tea and Bilberry Extract to reverse free radical damage. It is a powerful mixture of fruit acids and salicylic acid but buffered so that it is gentle on the skin. It has strong anti-oxidant properties due to the addition of green tea and bilberry extract. Bilberry is also a mild pigment lightening agent.     ASAP Gel

  114. Colloidal Silver - The Universal Antibiotic, EMR Labs    EMR Lab information

  115. Water Purification in world: More than half of the American soft drink bottling companies, numerous shipping lines and a host of other enterprises in 70 countries, use silver to sterilize water. These and many other examples of the expanding use of silver in water purification have been documented by Dr. Fred Zobist and presented to the Silver Institute in Washington, D.C. Zobist report on silver purifying water
    Jim Powell, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter"; Science Digest, March 1978
    Dr. Harry Margraf, "The Story of Silver in Medicine"; Gold & Silver Newsletter, September 1974
    "Tests Show Silver Best Water Purifier"; The Silver Institute Letter, December 1976
    "Silver Clears Up Polluted Water"; The Silver Institute Letter, July/August, 1973
    Jim Powell, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter"; Science Digest, March 1978
    "Winged-Ferry to Shuttle Between Earth and Space"; The Silver Institute Letter March 1976
    "Silver Guards Good Health:'; The Silver Institute Letter, May 1975
    "Silver Carbon Filter Purifies Swimming Pool"; The Silver Institute Letter, May 1973

  116. Non-Clinical Uses of Silver: Non-Clinical Uses of Silver
    Silver-containing products are used in hospital and hotel water distribution systems to control infectious agents (e.g., Legionella).

    Silver has been used to sterilize recycled water aboard the MIR space station and on the NASA space shuttle

    Silver is a health additive in traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

    In Mexico, supermarkets sell Microdyn, colloidal silver in gelatin, to disinfect salad vegetables and drinking water. Johnson Chemicals (UK) uses an inorganic composite with immobilized slow-release silver as a preservative in cosmetics and toiletries.

    In Japan, a new compound is mixed into plastics for lasting antimicrobial protection of telephone receivers, calculators, toilet seats, and children's toys.

    Metallic silver-copper containing ceramic disks, marketed as "Clean Power Plus," are sold as an alternative to laundry detergents. Silver addition to fabrics (similar to clinical use of Ag-nylon) is proposed to reduce buildup of microbial populations and therefore offensive smells in camping gear and clothing. While folk remedies and "snake oil" preparations are not the same, they are coupled here as representative of applications with suspect benefit. Over-the-counter Ag+ health food supplements are probably not effective20 and are frequently mislabeled.

    Silver Used By Big Business to Make Antimicrobial Clothing

    Many companies are now producing silver-based antimicrobial clothing and fabric products including shoes, socks, sportswear, dish rags, facial towels, sleeping bags and more. This has been made possible, in part, by a company called Noble Fiber Technologies (NFT) of Clarks Summit, PA which developed and patented a process by which nylon fused with silver ions is woven into a variety of fabrics. The patented process is called X-Static®. Following is a brief list of new, silver- based fabric products using the X-Static® process, currently being offered by U.S. companies, and marketed for their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Note that the FDA and FTC apparently accept the antimicrobial claims these companies make about their silver-based fabric products, and do not harass them. Yet the very same claims made by colloidal silver vendors are automatic grounds for threats, fines, and even property seizures by the medical bureaucrats!

    Acor Shoes – A specialty manufacturer of shoes for diabetics. Silver fiber is impregnated into these shoes to prevent foot fungus and bacteria from growing. This is extremely important to diabetics as they are prone to serious foot infections such as gangrene, which can result in amputation of the foot or limb if infection is allowed to set in.

    Marmot – A major U.S. manufacture of outdoor equipment. Silver fiber is used by this company to prevent bacteria and fungi from growing in their special line of down sleeping bags and cold-weather jackets, as well as cross country ski clothing, hiking clothing and cycling Jerseys.

    Spyder Gear – A major U.S. manufacturer of sports apparel. This company now weaves silver fiber into a wide variety of sports apparel to provide sustained antibacterial and antifungal action during prolonged sporting events such as cycle races or cross country skiing. The non-clinical uses of silver appear endless, with one possible, detrimental side-effect being the lessening of its usefulness as an antimicrobial agent.

    Home appliances: Here is a brief excerpt from a recent Samsung press release describing this phenomenal new innovation:

    New Delhi, March 4, 2005: Samsung India Electronics, a leader in consumer technology products, today announced the launch of an entire range of “Silver Nano Health System,” home appliances. Over 55 new models of washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners will be available with sophisticated silver-technology that minimizes the spread of bacteria in the home.

    …Samsung chose to use silver because it is a safe and healthy method of sanitizing and deodorizing surfaces that come in contact with food and skin. “Silver Nano technology will help prevent bacteria from growing in your washing machines, refrigerators and air conditioners,” said H. C. Ryu, Director – Sales and Marketing, Samsung South West Asia. “The interior of Samsung refrigerators and filters of air conditioners are now coated with nano-size silver that brings anti-bacterial and deodorization benefits, ensuring that the clothes you wear, the air you breathe and food you eat are fresh and safe for your health and the environment,” Mr. Ryu added.

    Silver Used by Goverments to Help Fight the Spread of Deadly Contagions and Bioterorism:

    The recent outbreaks of highly contagious drug resistant illnesses such as SARS, Avian (Bird) Flu, and other deadly pathogens, as well as the ever-increasing threat of bio-terrorism, has spawned a new strategy for dealing with these contagions –– a new way of thinking. The idea is to use silver ion-based technology to reduce the spread of contagious microorganisms through continuous decontamination of all surface areas that humans may come into contact with. In short, they are sterilizing contact surfaces by coating or impregnating them with silver ions!

    The idea of sterilizing contact surfaces is nothing new, of course. There are dozens of antiseptic cleaning products that do a very good job at killing germs on contact. The problem is, this protection only lasts as long as the product is present on the contact surface. Most antiseptic products used for cleaning surfaces break down quickly, and therefore must be reapplied frequently throughout the day in order to maintain their germ-killing effect. Any surface that has been cleaned can become re-contaminated with dangerous microbes within a very short period of time if the antiseptic cleaning product is not re-applied over and over again throughout the day. Microbes can be carried to contact surfaces on something as innocuous as a small breeze from a person walking by……or a sneeze or cough that sends billions of microbes into the air in a room. It is for this very reason that hospitals have large full-time cleaning crews that are constantly cleaning and sterilizing doorknobs, counter tops, floors etc. Yet hospitals are nevertheless among the most contaminated public buildings in the world. Microbes such as the deadly staphylococcus (staph), have made hospitals their favorite stomping grounds. In short, hospitals have been fighting a losing battle for years.

    Former CIA microbiologist, Larry Harris, stated that silver is known to be effective against multiple disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms, including anthrax, diphtheria, influenza, whooping cough, and typhoid. In fact, it appears to be nature's most powerful antibiotic. According to experts, no microorganism ever tested has been able to stay alive for more than six minutes when exposed directly to colloidal silver. It is also recognized as one of the most potent antidotes for food poisoning. It has been recognized that silver disables the specific enzyme that many forms of bacteria, viruses and fungi utilize for their metabolism. When silver nears a virus, fungi, bacterium or any single-celled microbe it is effective against, it disables the oxygen-metabolism enzyme. This destroys the microbe's ability to “breath” and within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies. The dead germ and its toxins are then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. It is not exactly clear how silver disrupts the enzymes in these single celled animals, but it is believed that the silver's natural positive electrical charge is influential. This is why colloidal silver is the absolute best form of silver for fighting infection and related infectious diseases.

    Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial bodily enzymes, colloidal silver leaves our bodies tissue and cell enzymes intact, as they are different than enzymes found in single celled pathogens. Thus colloidal silver is generally considered safe for humans, pets, plants and all multi-celled living matter. Some health care professionals believe silver may be linked to the proper functioning of our immune system and that people with inadequate intakes of silver may be more prone to infection.

    “The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.”-- Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus”Physician, heal thyself.”-- Luke 4:23This doctor recommended, clinically tested colloidal silver has been successfully used in African hospitals to treat malaria, cholera, AIDS, flu, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureaus), hepatitis, respiratory infections (pneumonia, bronchitis), tuberculosis, gonorrhea, sinus infections, food poisoning, vaginitis, staph and strep infections, thrush, burns, wounds, skin infections, diaper rash ... and the list goes on and on.

  117. Grier Tom, "Real Concerns About Colloidal Silver" LymeNet Europe, [ The goal of LymeNet Europe is to provide reliable information and discussion about Lyme disease, and support for Lyme patients.]

    "Dozens of articles in the lay press tout the benefits of colloidal silver, the same claims are made over and over. Most repeat the same identical references, and most use the same explanations of action. Most of the claims made by colloidal silver manufacturers and distributors are similar." Grier: Concerns about CS

  118. Nicholson Joseph, "How Is Colloidal Silver Water Made?" eHow
       The FDA refuses to approve colloidal silver for the treatment of any disease or condition, despite U.S. soldiers in Iraq being issued silver-lined gauze to prevent infections in the field. Nicholson, US Army uses CS in Iraq

  119. Mallon John Michael, "Energetic Healing in a Universe of Energy," [ Excellent introduction to EM waves & universe ]
    "ABRAHAM R. LIBOFF, Ph.D. Toward an Electromagnetic Paradigm for Biology and Medicine, THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, Volume 10, Number 1, 2004, pp. 41–47. ABSTRACT: Work by Lund, Burr, Becker, and others leads to the inescapable conclusion that organisms tend to express quasisystemic electric changes when perturbed, and, conversely, will tend toward wellness either through endogenous repair currents or the application of equivalent external currents."

    "Every living organism is completely described by an electromagnetic field vector Po that is specifically determined by a transformation from the genome. All pathologies, abnormalities and traumas are manifested by deviations from the normal field Po, and, within limits, these deviations are compensated for by the homeostatic tendency of the system to return to Po."

  120. 1. ABL, Alpine, Utah. US Patent #7,135,195
  121. 2. Bishop Marco, "Biophotons - The Light in Our Cells," Web: Info about biophotons
  122. 3. Boehm Charlene, "A Look At the Frequencies of Rife-related Plasma Emission Devices," DNA Pathogen Frequencies, August 6, 1999 DNA Pathogen Frequencies
  123. 4. Boehm Charlene, "Methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies," October 9, 2007. Determining resonances Abstract: Methods are provided for readily and efficiently determining resonant frequencies that can be used therapeutically or beneficially, for debilitation of specific types of genomic materials, including DNA and/or RNA, genes, and gene sections. The methods can be used in a variety of circumstances related to various human and animal diseases and conditions. Methods allow determination of therapeutic resonant frequencies for use in various media having different refractivities. Therapeutic or beneficial resonance frequencies thus determined are adapted for use with currently available frequency-emitting devices by shifting resonant frequencies to electromagnetic ranges capable of generation by such devices. Patent:
  124. 5. "Cellular resonance" Quantum Nutrition center. Cellular resonance Exciting research by the QN Labs team over the last 15 years has shown that the outer membrane structure every cell in your body has a unique, semi-crystalline matrix. This means that every one of the trillion plus cells in your body has an ideal resonant frequency, much like a crystal glass that rings its own special note when struck.6. Gutierrez David, "Vibrational Medicine: Scientists Kill Viruses by Blasting them with Resonant Frequencies ," Newsletter. Natural August 14, 2008.  Web: scientists kill viruses
  125. 7. Moeller William D., Written Testimony, American Biotech Laboratories, Presented to Members of The House International Relations Committee; Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations, April 26, 2005. Web: Moeller Testimony
  126. 8. Pederson Gordon, "a fighting Chance," Excerpt From "A Fighting Chance", by Gordon Pedersen ]
  127. 9. Schewe Phil, "Shattering Viruses," Physics news Update, Number 852, #2, January 3, 2008   Web:
  128. 10. "SILVER KILLS VIRUSES, STUDY FINDS,", Tuesday, October 18, 2005. Web: Silver kills viruses
  129. 11. Wade, Gary, Rife Vibratory Energy medicine, November 14, 2000. vib medicine
  130. 12. Zubkewych Morris, " BioPhotons and transmission of information among cells,"
  131. 13. Zubkewych Morris, "Homeopathy and the Digital Revolution." Homeopathy revolution
  132. 14. Examples of resonance to back up that this resonance idea works: In Tacoma, the original Washington bridge was built without the ability to counteract resonance. A resonant frequency built up in the wind one day that allowed the swinging bridge to increase its sway a little more and more, until finally the entire bridge snapped and crumbled because of the pressure of the resonant force of the wind. Since then all bridges have been built to have no structural resonance, in that they would have separate entities that would resonate at different times. Voice shatters wine glass: Another example of this is seen when a singer shatters a glass by singing a certain pitch. If the glass’s shape has a certain type of periodic structure, the resonance between the note and the structure can produce an ever-increasing vibration fed by the push of the singer. This can destroy the glass by making it vibrate past its stable level. Piano Key C: If one piano is at one end of a room and if one strikes the C key, the C notes in another piano in the same room will reverberate. This experiment works because each key is hypersensitive to vibrations in its own key. This is called resonance. Child swinging: The concept of resonance is very similar to that of a child riding a swing. If the pumping action of the legs and the distribution of the weight to gravity is in a resonance harmony with the swing action, then the child will gradually increase the swing to a higher and higher degree, until the amount of energy displaced by the pumping action has reached its maximum, meaning that the swing action has reached its highest zenith. This action describes resonance.
  133. 15. Frequencies in the terahertz range: Terahertz radiation refers to electromagnetic waves sent at frequencies in the terahertz range. It is also referred to as submillimeter radiation, terahertz waves, terahertz light, T-rays, T-light, T-lux and THz. The term is normally used for the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between 300 gigahertz and 3 terahertz, corresponding to the sub-millimeter wavelength range between 1 millimeter (high-frequency edge of the microwave band) and 100 micrometer (long-wavelength edge of far-infrared light). Microwaves wavelengths ranging from 1 m down to 1 mm, or equivalently, with frequencies between 0.3 GHz and 300 GHz and Far-infrared, from 300 GHz (1 mm) to 30 THz (10 μm).   Frequencies in Terahertz Natural resonant frequencies: [ note different units of measurement ] Piano: C4 Middle C 261.626 KtzSalt Water burning in test tube: Dr. Roy speculates that because the 13.56-MHz radio frequency is a harmonic of the natural frequency of sodium ions, the waves are causing these positive ions to vibrate intensely. Van der Waal's effects attract the oxygen end of water molecules to the positive sodium ions, and the vibration shakes the oxygen molecules hard enough to break the hydrogen bonds, freeing the hydrogen gas, which then ignites and burns. Small water drops, about 1 millimeter in diameter, have a resonant frequency about 100 Hz, and approach 1000 Hz at about one half millimeter diameter Human Cells: Human body cells have a resonant frequency at about 1000KHz Pathogens resonate at 890 to 910 terahertz, which is the same frequency that germicidal ultra-violet lights in many hospitals resonate at. silver resonance matching virus: elemental silver particle resonates at 890 to 910 terahertz pathogen resonances [ Vibratory Energy Medicine ]
    Staphylococci 727
    Diphtheria 776
    Rubella 787
    Lyme Disease 432
    Tuberculosis 800
    Candida 465
    E. Coli 802
    Bubonic Plague 500
    Streptococci 880
    Leprosy 600
    Herpes 1552
    Syphilis 650
    Typhoid 1865
    Gonorrhea 660
    Sarcoma 2008
    H. Pylori 676
    Carcinoma 2128
  134. 16. US Patent 6845270 by ABL: Apparatus for destroying pathogen molecules using frequencies Patent Issued on January 18, 2005: Estimated Patent Expiration Date: May 17, 2022 Estimated Expiration. Date is calculated based on simple USPTO term provisions. It does not account for terminal disclaimers, term adjustments, failure to pay maintenance fees, or other factors which might affect the term of a patent.
  135. 17. Health frequencies: DNA healing: DNA frequencies
  136. <18. "Healing DNA With Light, Sound And Acupuncture," Articlesbase. Feb 14th, 2009. DNA light-sound healing Dr. Leonard Horowitz of Harvard University won three Nobel laureates in medicine and proved that the primary function of DNA lies in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric signaling. Dr. Horowitz showed that DNA emits and receives photons or electromagnetic waves of sound and light. /li>
  137. Source: Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD, "Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver," Dermatology Online Journal, 11 (1): 12; 2005. [ Authors from Department of Dermatology, University of California Davis.]   Superb report on Argyria