Revival of pioneer approach to disease prevention 
Compiled by Walter Sorochan HSD MPH Emeritus Professor San Diego State University

Posted October 28, 2019; updated October 15, 2021.  The information presented here is for informative and educational purposes only and is not intended as curative or prescriptive advice. The statements of this web-site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

This article discusses a new approach to dealing with chronic diseases, their prevention and wellbeing. The list of 41 ways that your body works is certainly not a complete list, but  the list covers many common ways that the body works. These '41 how the body works' is essential background information deemed needed to prevent many chronic diseases and illnesses and needs to be an essential part of self-care.

It will be helpful to briefly review the early days when people practiced self-care before the advent of modern medicine.  As a reminder, health care, lifestyles and eating habits in 1910 were totally different from those of 2019. While many medical doctors began private practice from 1910 through 1950, their patients had difficulty paying for services as there were no health care insurance companies at this time. Grandma was the healer and used her special healing remedies like chicken soup and cared for the sick and injured at home. When a family member got sick from the flu or communicable infection, or cut a finger, it was usually grandma and not the doctor who provided the care. Self-care was what grandma did to help her family survive.

Medicine before 1950 was still in its infancy as doctors learned from WW I and WW II how to treat battlefield injuries with penicillin and slowly incorporated this knowledge into medical practice.  Even after WW II most persons still self-cared for themselves and only the rich could afford to go to a medical doctor for help. We had a simple home care system that cared for the injured and sick that did not cost much and was effective in taking care of the sick and injured. Self-care was not perfect but it worked. Prior to 1950, there was no organized health care system as we have today.

Most persons in the 1920 -1940 era had better food choices than we do now, and probably enjoyed better health than many do today. It was about 1970 when lifestyles and food choices began changing with food stores offering processed foods using additive sugar, fat and salt. Fast foods and restaurants began displacing home cooking. These were significant lifestyle changes that began changing how people lived, ate and how their bodies responded. Lifestyles slowly and silently began changing short term illnesses into chronic diseases that people and even medical doctors were not aware of.

Today our health problems have changed from infectious diseases to complicated chronic diseases while the medical system still uses the old medical paradigm. The point being made is that self-care has been replaced by doctor care and we need to bring it back to be part of today's health care system.

Fast forward to how the health care system has evolved:

Medical practice is based on the premise that all diseases have a biological cause which, with focused biomedical and pharmaceutical research, will lead to an understanding of the disease mechanism and an evidence-based treatment by physical or chemical intervention. 1  2 Unfortunately, this approach has been a failure, as chronic diseases are not caused by infections, but instead by bad food choices and bacteria. Medical intervention takes place usually after a person has become diseased and focuses on treatment of symptoms instead finding the cause of disease and preventing diseases.

Medical doctors lack information about food and nutrition as approximately 75% of medical schools fail to teach about disease prevention and nutrition. 3  Medical doctors are supported by an health insurance system that focuses exclusively on treatment.  4  Scientific studies and confessions by surgeons point out that medical practice is more often guesswork than good medicine and that conventional medical treatments are effective only about 20-25 percent of the time. 5  Doctors treat chronic diseases after the disease happens and seldom before with prevention. In light of such medical shortcomings, it is appropriate to consider a new approach to dealing with chronic diseases, like self-care to deal with illness, injuries and diseases as families and individuals spend very, very little time with healthcare providers.  6

Today our health problems have changed from infectious diseases to complicated chronic diseases. The point being made is that the glamour of the  medical system with its hi-tech machines and drug therapy has forgotten the importance of self care in preventing illnesses and diseases. We need to bring it back to revive today's ineffective and costly health care system.  

For self-care to work, people need to understand how the body works. Medical doctors may understand, but most persons lack such information.

Recent advancements in nano-technology and medical science have given us a new understanding of how the body works, the importance of food and colon bacteria in preventing diseases and a new way of perceiving health.

Scientists have found new physiological research since 1990 that helps explain how the body works, how food affects the functions of the body and how food can evolve diseases or optimal wellbeing. Advancements in biological science and medicine in the past 30 years have uncovered some of these hidden mysteries that outdate the traditional medical practices: biological advancements include methylation and epigenetics 7 ; recognizing the impact colon bacteria have on immunity, diseases and health 8  9 liposomal encapsulation delivering medication and nutrients to target sites thereby speeding up healing 10; sunlight waves, referred to as photons, working at the speed of light, switching body functions off/on, creating chemical reactions within the cells, allowing body cells to talk to each other throughout the body, preventing diseases, healing and enhancing wellbeing and survival 11. plasticity describes how the mind-brain needs new experiences that excite and challenge it to higher levels of functional living 12; and the recent 2015 Israeli study, Algorithms Personal Diet, linking food to bacteria in the colon, blood glucose and being able to identify foods causing diseases or wellness 13.

New information brings about new thinking about how the body works, food, disease prevention, medical practice and the idea of what health is. This author would argue that people today lack the incentive to engage in preventive measures because they do not know how their bodies work, lack information about how food and bacteria are linked to disease and wellbeing and are unaware that they can prevent most of the diseases themselves. The general public does not have these skills for self-survival. 

Today, we have new problems of staying well. The practice of medicine still focuses on treating infections whereas today we have chronic diseases displacing infections. An interesting phenomenon about chronic diseases is that many people eat addictive comfort processed and junk diets and now live with at least one chronic condition while others have more than one disease incubating silently. 14 15  16  Many persons today survive a "lingering" life for many months and years with inadequate amounts of nutrients, sunshine and physical activity. Such persons do have poor health that can persist for months and years, go unnoticed and slowly incubate a dysfunction or illness that, if not healed, eventuates into a chronic disease. On the other hand, a fewer persons do survive with superb wellbeing when they ingest wholesome food, understand how the body works, cultivate symbiotic bacteria in the colon and practice self-care; thereby preventing diseases.


It is ironic is that there is not a single chronic disease that has been cured as a result of taking prescription drugs. The world is becoming sicker, fatter and more depressed than ever. While United States has been reevaluating the health care system, medical practice and the health of the general public for over 30 years, the health of the general population has gotten worse.  United States and the world have a chronic disease crisis. Rand Corporation summarized the chronic disease trend since 1995 in the graph on the right. Chronic diseases have been getting worse and Western medicine has been unable to bring this crisis under control.rand

There is supporting evidence that clinical settings have not been helping people prevent chronic diseases. Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini pointed out that hi-tech clinical care is probably only 10 % effective in dealing with the health problems of the general public. 17  This low clinical impact on public behavior and wellbeing is supported by Betsy Abramson, executive director of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, who pointed out that only 20% of a person’s health outcomes are dictated by what happens in a medical setting like a doctor’s office or clinic. “That means that 80% of your health depends on your own behaviors, your environment, and other factors like education, income, and social connections,” 18  Another study, Consumer Healthcare Products Association [CHPA], pointed out that 10 percent of visits to the doctor’s office are unnecessary. Scorza sums all this up by suggesting that the public may be better off learning self-care but keeping the doctor as a backup.  19

These observations about living with an ineffective health care system may be a shocking revelation from an health insurance company executive and self-management programs, but as Lipman points out, western medicine is a "health disease care" system where doctors are trained to treat disease with drugs and surgery. They are not trained to keep people healthy.” 20

The link to fixing a broken health care system and a runaway chronic disease crisis is with consumers of health care, the general population, and to a much lesser degree with the health care providers. The real solution to preventing diseases and an expensive health care system is to focus on a new approach of having an informed public and endorsing self care.

The importance of patients being adequately informed about their health and treatment options is a fundamental tenet of futuristic health care. An empowered patient understands his or her illness or condition, is aware of treatment options and has a good understanding of the health care system, including benefits of practicing self-care. For patients to be truly in control of their life and wellbeing [empowerment], they must be well informed about how the body works, the need for whole food, how colon bacteria are linked to prevention and that running to the doctor or emergency room is not a good substitute for primary health care.  21  We need to be concerned about the body needs of people. Such needs include making wise choices about A. practicing self-care; B. understanding how the body works; C. foods; and D. balancing colon bacteria.


A. Self-care is key to preventing chronic diseases and better health:

This author reviewed numerous articles about self-care by renown authors and many articles with different titles like self-help and doctor-yourself. But all of them tweak their vested interest perception of self-care and fail to perceive self-care in a comprehensive manner. One exception is the World Health Organization 2009 concept of self-care that aptly states:

‘Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness. It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal), nutrition (type and quality of food eaten), lifestyle (sporting activities, leisure etc), environmental factors (living conditions, social habits, etc.) socio-economic factors (income level, cultural beliefs, etc.) and self-medication.’  22 

Self-care is a “personal health maintenance to improve or restore health and to treat preventative diseases.”  23  From the viewpoint of the general population, self-care is simply taking charge of one's life, diet and becoming informed about how the body works in preventing illnesses and chronic diseases.

Self-care needs to be an all encompassing concept. This author has come up with a common sense version that takes into account the latest knowledge and technology and expands on the WHO idea.

Self-care is common sense taking care of one's body. It is accepting responsibility for maintaining health and not surrendering health care to the doctor. This includes having the first aid knowledge to treat minor wounds and injuries that goes beyond the standard Red Cross First Aid course. This first aid course would include self-care, how to live safely, how the body works, personal health and nutrition. It would include understanding that illness prevention requires doing simple things like practicing personal hygiene; drinking an adequate amount of water; getting 20 to 30 minutes of sunshine on 40 % of the body each day; choosing fresh and raw whole plant foods like green vegetables, fruits, seeds, beans; avoiding processed foods; and eating foods that foster good colon bacteria that enhance immunity and prevent chronic diseases. Such a course would include best food sources of nutrient values and that nutritional supplements must come from plant sources and not superficial chemical ones that are recognized as toxins and rejected by the body. Emphasis should be on preventive personal health habits and should include routine body maintenance like avoiding constipation by listening to your body when you get an urge to have a bowel movement. People would also learn to discriminate when self-care is appropriate, when further care should be given by a doctor and identify supportive resources in the community for self-care.

This is the background information that is essential in defining the content of self-care. As Andrew Saul points out "diet and lifestyle changes benefit a broad spectrum of chronic illnesses. Health knowledge worth having never gets old." 24 Self-care never gets old because the human body has common sense and is programmed to recognize illness and sends out symptoms, prevents diseases, fosters optimal wellbeing and is instinctively programmed to survive. The only way to have 'health care for all' individuals is for them to take responsibility for their own health. People of all ages need specific instruction on how to do this.

Self-care is often thought of as solely an individual level behavior, but, in reality, self-care occurs at the individual, family, and community level.  25 Most illnesses and injuries occur in the home to a family member who needs immediate care and help. Family members are in the best position to render help and if the illness is severe then the sick person can be taken to a doctor. Most of what we do to ourselves is due to the lifestyle choices we make.

B. Understanding how the human body works:

It is this author's belief, from reviewing hundreds of articles about health, health care and medical practice, that most medical doctors, during their 10 minute appointment with their patients, prescribe therapy but seldom find time to elaborate on how the human body works. Most people visit their doctors but do not really understand how their body worked to make them sick! It is this lack of 'how the body works' that can be a most helpful change agent in prevention and behavior change. Using a fear tactic by telling the obese patient to lose 'weight or else' carries little motivation to do so as it is overpowered by comfort foods that are addictive. The overweight/obese person needs to know how the body works in a healthy versus obese body and how obesity incubates other chronic diseases. Knowledge is an ignored weapon and change agent!

Medical doctors may be knowledgeable about how the body works, but most of the public is not. For example, doctors have information about how the heart works and this helps them perform cardiac surgery, but most of this technical information is of little help in preventing heart disease. But missing information about how the body works, nutrition and lack of self-care skills have been major reasons why approaches to fix chronic diseases have failed.

Here are examples about 'how the body works' that medical doctors and people need to know in order to prevent illnesses and diseases:

1. The human body is a biological-chemical-electrical precise, delicate and complex machine that works in hidden and mysterious ways. Most of the body mysteries are unknown.  26

2. You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. The human body may appear fragile but it’s possible to survive even with the removal of the stomach, the spleen, 75 percent of the liver, 80 percent of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from the pelvic and groin area. You might not feel too great, but the missing organs wouldn’t kill you. Your body is programmed to survive.  27

3. Survival wellness: The body is hardwired to survive.  28  It is in a constant survival mode. Today, most persons move slowly over time into incubating a disorder or chronic diseases. 29  Most persons vacillate at this level, probably harboring at least one body health problem, often incubate a second disorder or disease and not be aware of it. 30  31  32  The general population eats an addictive comfort diet, are chronically obese and overweight, and would be classified in a survival wellness mode.

What happens in survival wellbeing?  33  An interesting, as yet unexplained phenomenon of the human machine is that the human body is able to adapt in a mysterious way like homeostasis, with no present signs or symptoms of mineral or vitamin imbalance that could result in a disorder. The adaptation utilizes amino acids, vitamins and minerals to fill in the missing information-healing gaps. And probably borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, as robbing bones for calcium or/and magnesium! Such adaptation will, in time, result in failed body systems. A person may go through his/her entire life nutritionally deficient or unbalanced and not know it while socializing, enjoying physical, mental and emotional activities. During this seemingly good time, depending on the severity or lack of nutritional balance, one may never become severely ill, while other factors are present that contribute to incubating diseases related to emotional stresses, environmental toxins, processed foods, colon bacteria and so on and the body balancing these out with overall low level survival wellness. The classic example of the body's ability to survive, for several months with a major nutrient deficiency, is that of sailors on ancient sailing ships subsisting on a diet deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables [vitamin C], gradually causing scurvy symptoms in sailors. Today, many suffer from nutritional deficiencies similar to that of sailors long ago and not realize it.

The body is in a constant survival mode and depends on sunshine, food, colon bacteria and physical activity to make the body work properly. It is safe to say that if there are no visible signs of disease, that most persons and medical doctors would assume such a person to be healthy. However, in real life, the body of a person appearing to be in good health and functioning may not necessarily be well; the degree of wellbeing is compensated, hidden and medically undiagnosed.

4. The body can survive a "lingering" or "survival" life for many months and years when it is deficient in nutrients, sunshine, and physical activity. 34 35

5. The body has the ability to heal itself if given adequate nutrients. 36  37 The body's priority is to heal the whole body and not just a broken bone or organ. 38  39

6. The body is electric: Without electricity, you wouldn't be reading this article right now, because your brain wouldn't work. Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies. An electrical charge is jumping from one cell to the next until it reaches its destination.  40

7. The liver is a chemical factory: The liver is the most complex organ in the body, a chemical factory that performs a variety of essential survival functions: produces substances that break down fats and makes cholesterol; converts glucose to glycogen; converts ammonia into urea [the main substance of urine]; makes certain amino acids [the building blocks of proteins]; produces blood clotting proteins; filters harmful substances from the blood [such as synthetic drugs, pesticides, household chemicals, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc.]; stores vitamins A, D, E , K, folate, vitamin B-12 and minerals such as copper and iron; recycles red blood cells; and maintains a proper level of glucose in the blood. It has a toxic-poison monitoring and detoxification system that instantly recognizes poisonous substances like synthetic chemical nutrient supplements, drugs, alcohol, environmental gases, and metals like lead, mercury and radiation and excretes these as poisons. It also makes its own body antibiotics, enzymes and hormones from whole plant foods. 41

8. Drug recognition: The body recognizes the difference between synthetic chemical drugs, antibiotics and plant derived nutrients. Our bodies can use only amino acids in foods that are of the ‘left-handed’ variety, or L-amino acids [with very rare exceptions], that fit onto specifically shaped receptors in cells. This effect is known as chirality or mirror image.  42 The best way to think about the difference is this: your hands may look identical—bones, veins, fingers—yet you can’t put a left-handed glove on your right hand.  43  The left hand as a substance is accepted by the body while the right hand is rejected as a toxin. If a drug is to be accepted by the body it must be developed as a glove for a left hand.  44

The information about mirror image applies to foods, synthetic nutrients and drug medications. If the left glove does not fit the mirror image of the substance, then the body excretes it! The synthetic and drug forms are dangerous because one can get a higher concentrated serving of the artificial drug, causing an overload with a drug like opium that cannot be excreted fast enough from the body. The higher dosage is usually without all the supporting co-factors, thereby causing illness and disorders.  45

9. Immune system: Seventy or more percent of the immune system comes from the bacteria in the colon. 46

10 Fever: [ pyrexia ] is the body’s natural defense immune system that raises its temperature above normal in an attempt to destroy invading organisms and sweats impurities out of the system. A body temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit disables bacteria. Cold viruses do not reproduce at higher body temperatures. Fever speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of an invading virus or bacteria, accelerates the healing processes and has been used successfully to treat cancer. 47  48    Even the USA National Institute of Cancer acknowledges that fever does successfully treat cancer.  49

11. Lymphatic system: is your body’s built-in sanitation center, the plumbing that carries away and filters out poisonous waste products from every cell, tissue and organ. It absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive tract and delivers them to the cells of the body. It is also an essential part of the immune system that maintains fluid levels, fights infection and produces disease fighting white blood cells. Twice as big as the arterial blood supply system which brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the lymphatic system is the take away garbage collector and is the largest circulatory system in the body.  50  Although humans are born with a natural immune-detoxification system,  51 they need daily exercise to make it work. Exercise [motion exercise] or physical activity causes muscles surrounding the lymphatic vessels to contract, forcing the toxic fluid to be pushed into the veins, into the arteries and eventually into the kidney to be excreted as urine. Exercise is the essential pump that squeezes the toxic poisons out, as the lymphatic vessels have no pump.

12. Primary antioxidants: such as superoxide dismutase [SOD] are our first and most important line of defense against oxygen-derived free radicals [body wastes]. SOD helps babies survive; then rapidly declines by age one. We also have a backup survival system of getting antioxidants from eating foods that help guard against disease and extend life. 52  53

13. Homeostasis: is the tendency of the human body and/or cell to regulate its internal environment and maintain equilibrium, usually by a system of feedback controls, so as to stabilize health and body functioning. To maintain homeostasis, the body communicates with a stimulus that is sent as a signal to the control center where the control center interprets the information and then instantly sends response messages that include pain, inflammation and other appropriate responses.  54

Our body state is in continuous adapting change, as with blood pressure or insulin adjusting sugar levels; that can change from one minute to the next, causing many persons to live in a survival mode. In real life there is no total body balance or stability as the human body adjusts thousands of times a day to the changing environment in an effort to survive.

Part of the system of homeostasis are the unique thermostats that juggle a constant inner environment like temperature control, oxygen, water and body alkali pH of about 7.2 balance with instant adaptation to internal and external environmental changes.  55   The human body works and heals best in an alkali environment.  57

Every second that we are alive, the cells in our bodies are endlessly working to bring us back to a natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium.

14. The human body has its own monitoring 'wellness' feedback system: that tells the brain how it is doing. It sends signals to the mind-brain that include pain, inflammation, skin redness, skin itchiness, itchy nose, reflux, allergies, indigestion, vomiting, sneezing, watery eyes and tears, fever, diarrhea, headache, earache, depression, constipation, hunger, thirst and fatigue; as well as feeling good, full of energy and feeling happy.

15. The mind-brain appears to have a built-in protective morality guidance system: It senses to do the right thing for the body it is in, protecting it and extending biological life as well as its own brain life. The body has been programmed to maximize the inner potential for excellence, perfection and optimal wellbeing. This partly explains why children ages 4 to 8 strive idealistically to have a good values. The body has been genetically programmed to sustain life and this is referred to as survival.  58

16. The mind-brain has plasticity: that is, to survive the mind needs to learn something new all the time. It never stops wanting to learn but when it fails to get stimulating new adventures and experiences, it falls asleep, ready to be awakened. The brain can perform numerous tasks that are not well defined; it is the mind that coordinates body functions, functioning as a miniature computer, and even solves problems. It is the mind in the brain that stores memory, recalls images, and even anticipates mental telepathy. Some of these functions may be controversial at this time, but this is the mind-brain aspect of plasticity. 59

17. Sunlight: activates the nerves in the eye that stimulate the pineal gland to regulate adaptation to night-day changes, circadian rhythm, enhance the immune system, regulate reproductive hormones and sleep. 60  61 Although we know very little about the functions of the pineal gland it is sunlight that energizes this gland. The sun provides the energy vibration waves, or photons, that help make plant food and also ignite the process of the skin making essential hormone D.

18.Sleep recharges the brain and body: The brain is much more active at night than during the day. We actually cycle five times through four distinct sleep phases. During sleep the brain heals, flushes out daytime toxin wastes, sorts out the many images and information stored as memory during the day and organizes these as new memory. This is working memory where data from your senses is brought into the brain, interpreted, and sorted accordingly. Everything you hear, see, taste, smell, and touch goes through the frontal lobe and is processed and sorted based on a lot of various criteria. It is during REM sleep that the mind-brain can be creative and solve problems.  62  Without sleep, the brain gets tired and the person loses ability to concentrate.

19. The heart: seldom rarely wears out, although the arteries often get plugged up. The heart has its own brain, sends electrical waves outside the body and these waves can act as emotions that can affect those nearby. The heart has intuition and senses feelings of others.  63  

20. Prostate gland changes as men age: The prostate gland continues to grow as men get older, causing enlargement of the prostate gland. Prostate enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH], can start after the age of 40 and becomes more common as men get older. It affects nearly all men, though some men do not have any symptoms even though their prostate may have started to grow larger. More than half of men in their sixties and as many as 90 percent of men in their seventies and beyond exhibit some symptoms of BPH. 64

21. The eye: floats in a clear fluid called aqueous humor that maintains normal eye pressure. Normal pressure in the eye is programmed to normally drain the fluid from the sides of the eye.  65  Such pressure maintenance helps us to see clearly. But when the eye is not draining properly then the osmotic pressure in the eye builds up. Over time, the eyesight deteriorates and we begin to suffer from macular degeneration, a gradual loss of central vision in the macula of the retina in the eye.

22. Skin: is the largest organ in the body and is also the mirror of what is happening inside the body. The skin reflects the inside conditions of health as clear skin or unhealthy as skin disorders. It reacts to environmental hazards and toxic chemicals already inside your body.  Since it has fat cells, the skin can absorb many substances and dangerous chemicals that are also fat soluble. The fat cells also absorb sunlight that helps to make hormone D.  66

23. Lungs and Shallow breathing: Humans die without oxygen in10 minutes. Insufficient oxygen can cause one to get dizzy and faint. When you breath shallow, you connect with surrounding upper lobes of the lungs that have very few blood vessels to absorb or store oxygen. Shallow breathing not only results in less oxygen to the body .... it also allows pools of dead air to remain in the bronchial tubes and lungs and provides a home for dangerous bacteria that can cause pneumonia and pleurisy. This is especially true for those recovering from surgery and seniors. On the other hand, deep breathing, as when exercising, connects with the blood vessels that surround the lower lobes of the lung and allows deeper oxygen intake.  67

24. Bioavailability: Bioavailability is usually a medical lab term used to measure the amount of nutrient or drug absorbed into the blood. But the real measure is how much the body cells, not the blood, actually absorb. Depending on how your digestive enzymes are secreted with age, you might absorb anywhere from 10 to 90% of a given nutrient from a given food!  68  So the body does not absorb all the amount of recommended daily nutrients [RDI].

25. Human Biodiversity: We are biologically unique because of our genes, microbiomes and our cells. We differ from each other and even grow into being different each day and year. Each person is unique in their DNA, eye color, finger prints, facial features and body functions. No one size fits everyone! You’re not even the same person today biologically that you were when you were six — or sixteen. For one thing, your patterns of gene expression as an adult are quite different from what you experienced as a toddler. Each individual human is biologically diverse when compared to all other humans and even across his or her own lifetime. Our genes express us as we age.  69

This list continues into sections C and D.

C. Food:

26. The human body has survived for thousands of years on food, not medical therapy. Food is man's best medicine. The body has a great ability to compensate when nutrients are in short supply.

27. Food minerals and Vitamins: Some foods have more nutrients and are better than others while some foods are just plain toxic bad. But food, not drug medications, are man's best medicine. Raw fresh plants are the best foods for several reasons. Such plants have exosomes expressing messages that carry DNA information that the human body recognizes. Fresh plants are also full of vibrating energy or photons that the human body recognizes and uses. But processed food is usually stored and has no photons. Likewise a vegetable that is transported and then stored for several days loses most if not all of its photons or live energy. Photon energy in fresh plants lasts as long as the plants are raw and fresh.

28. The problem with vitamin-mineral supplements: is that many vitamin and mineral supplements are manufactured in the laboratory synthetically with chemicals that usually do not come from natural food sources.  70  These are made in a lab with the hope that these will mimic the way natural vitamins act in our bodies. Instead, these are right mirror synthetic vitamins that lack the transporter substances and co-factors [ helpers ] associated with naturally-occurring food vitamins.

29. Balancing minerals and vitamins: Another misunderstood and controversial problem of nutrition are intricate and precise ratio balancing of minerals and vitamins. This is very important information to understand if you are seeking answers to the health problems we face today. There are many factors involved that purportedly cause diseases: such as pollution, acid rain, electro-magnetic fields, pathogens [disease causing organisms], lack of nutrition from a variety of sources such as: mineral depletion of our agricultural soils, refining of foods as in white flour and white sugar and lack of enzymes. But the most ignored may be lack of mineral ratio balancing. Wilson and his associates have discovered that the human body has a mineral balancing system referred to as on nutrient balance. This system balances out minerals with their precise antagonist ratio opposites, like Ca:Mg with an assumed ratio of 1:2; where magnesium relaxes while calcium contracts muscles. An excess of one mineral may inhibit the bioorganic chemical activity of an opposing mineral(s). Nutrient balance helps to bring about chemical balance within the cell. It is also a part of the explanation as to how one mineral element is able to reduce the toxicity of another.  71

30. Co-factors, coenzymes and food: Cofactors are usually metallic ions bound to proteins that are considered "helper molecules" that assist in biochemical reactions. These cofactors appear to be super-switches for energy production and balance, growth, development, reproduction, survival, and life extension.  72  All plant foods have many vitamins and minerals as well as amino acids packaged as a bundle in food. A plant has nutrient helpers, or cofactors, coenzymes and enzymes that are essential for the plant as a food to be digested. Ingesting just one mineral or vitamin as a supplement does not help the body to absorb or use that nutrient.

Coenzymes: mostly derived from vitamins, are organic molecules that are required by certain enzymes to carry out catalysis [ cause reactions to occur faster and require less activation energy ].

31. Another factor affecting the outcome of nutrients is that co-factors and co-enzymes work in unison as a total package. That is, all must be present in specific and appropriate ratios in order to be effective helpers of optimal metabolism and body functions. For example, minerals work in pairs. e.g. Ca:Mg and Iron:copper:cobalt. A good example is hormone D [vitamin D]: Vitamin D works best when magnesium, zinc, vitamin K2, vitamin A and boron are available, in proper amounts, at the same time in the body. The mineral co-factors are bound together with amino acids to form metallic-enzymes. Vitamins also combine with amino acids to form co-enzymes. Both metallic cofactors and vitamin enzymes assist in metabolic transactions. That is, they help vitamin D function in the body by increasing and speeding up the chemical reactions in the body. There is an interdependent synergistic action among nutrients. No nutrient acts in a vacuum or by itself. Yet, this is the assumption of many persons, doctors and nutritionists today.  73

32. Your body is designed to get the hormone D it needs by producing it when your bare skin is exposed to sunlight. The two main ways to get vitamin D are by exposing your bare skin to sunlight or by taking vitamin D-3 supplements. You can’t get the right amount of vitamin D your body needs from food.  74  This sunshine hormone is essential in over 300 body functions; one functions less when deficient in hormone D.

33. Digestion changes as we age: As we age, the digestive system creates fewer enzymes. As stomach acids and digestive enzymes decrease with age, we have digestive and health problems.  75

34. Gurd or Reflux: is a digestive problem. At the lower end of the esophagus, there is a valve [sphinter] that stops acids in the stomach from going back up into the throat or esophageal sphincter. If the esophageal sphincter is faulty - it does not close and open properly, then stomach contents can make their way back up into the esophagus (reflux) and mouth. Babies often regurgitate until this sphincter starts to work properly.  76  Although the condition of reflux in adults is controversial, it should be pointed out that one theory of reflux suggests that the stomach secrets less hydrochloric acid, causing protein digestion to be delayed, thereby causing a reflux feeling of slight vomiting.

35. Bowel movement in colon: Normal bowel movement should be once or twice a day. As a rule, one usually gets the urge to have a bowel movement about 30 minutes after a meal or breakfast. This is because the movement of stools through the lower bowel is greatest in the mornings and after meals [due to the astrocolic reflex].  77

36. Water: Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach upon waking up, before breakfast, restores the water balance in the body. During night sleep, the body uses water to filter toxins that accumulated throughout the day. Not much water is left in the body to clear away all this waste by the time you wake up, so replenishing the body with water as soon as you wake up, will give your kidneys the fluid they need to eliminate toxins that are clogging up your system.  78

37. The body recognizes whole food complexes but not individual, isolate or synthetic chiral mirror images. "Synthetic vitamin supplements are recognized by the human body as aliens or toxins and are excreted from the body. Vitamins never exist in isolation, but rather within an interwoven complex of food nutrients and substances along with a myriad of cofactors and synergists."   79   80   81  

D. Colon Bacteria: Bacteria are linked to food and survival.

Bacteria in the colon [large intestine] play a key role in determining disease or wellness. The science of bacteria and diseases is an emerging science and we do not have all the answers. But here are a few. There is a range of evidence, including strong epidemiological and compelling evolutionary evidence, suggesting that pathogens are linked causatively to chronic diseases.  82  83  84

38. "Gut bacteria are an important component of the microbiota ecosystem in the human gut, which is colonized by more than 1000 different microbes, and ten times more than the number of human cells. Gut bacteria play an important role in human health, such as supplying essential nutrients, synthesizing vitamin K, aiding in the digestion of cellulose, and promoting angiogenesis and enteric nerve function. However, they can also be potentially harmful due to the change of their composition when the gut ecosystem undergoes abnormal changes in light of the use of antibiotics, illness, stress, aging, bad dietary habits, and lifestyle. Dysbiosis [affect of bacteria on body] of the gut bacteria communities can cause many chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, cancer, and autism;"  85  as well as allergy, asthma, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.  86

39. Metabolic disease, particularly type 2 diabetes, is correlated with having bacteria that penetrate the mucus lining of the colon.  87 For example, researchers have found two bacteria that may turn switches on/off for managing the metabolic process and obesity. Bacterium A. muciniphila, digests the glycoproteins in mucus known as mucins, which are secreted by intestinal epithelial cells, is significantly lower in obese and overweight children and in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.  88  Another bacteria, Akkermansia reduces inflammation and could also prevent overweight and obesity. Changing the diet, what people eat, can help them lose and regulate their body weight.  89 90 

If you want to lose weight, then you need to learn about the new link between bacteria in the large intestine and the food you eat. New research tells us that it is bacteria that can control how we gain or lose body weight. Obesity may be caused by a certain kind of bacteria rather than eating too much or exercising too little.  91

40. Good germs in the gut can fix a broken - sick human body.  92

41. Triage theory of nutrition and survival: Dr. Bruce Ames, Emeritus Professor at University of California, Berkeley, summarizes this:  Ames: Low nutrient intake can cause diseases 2006  Ames: Need better clinical trails on micronutrients 2007

"A large body of evidence indicates that deficiencies in many micronutrients cause DNA damage, such as chromosome breaks. Some of these micronutrient deficiencies also cause mitochondrial decay with oxidant leakage and cellular aging and are associated with late-onset diseases such as cancer. Ames also introduced a theory that provides a rationale for why micronutrient deficiencies may lead to greater risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. He proposed that DNA damage and late-onset diseases are consequences of a “triage allocation response” to micronutrient scarcity. Episodic shortages of micronutrients were common during evolution. Because natural selection favors short-term survival at the expense of long-term health, Ames hypothesized that short-term survival was achieved by allocating scarce micronutrients by triage, in part through an adjustment of the binding affinity of proteins for required micronutrients. The hypothesis is testable, and, if correct, it predicts that micronutrient deficiencies triggering the triage allocation response would accelerate cancer, aging, and neural decay but would leave critical short-term metabolic functions, such as ATP production, intact."

Dr. Ames’s Triage Theory of optimal nutrition states that the human body prioritizes the use of vitamins and minerals when it is getting an insufficient amount to keep functioning:  Smith: Dr. Bruce Ames on nutrition

"The term “triage” is borrowed from the field of urgent medical care. Triage means deciding which patients to treat when faced with limited resources. When presented with more sick patients than there are resources to treat them all at the same time, doctors must decide which patients to treat first based on the severity of their condition.

So the patient in cardiac arrest comes first, followed by the patient with a hemorrhaging wound in need of stitches, then the patient with severe influenza, and so on. This provides the best chance for all the patients to survive.

Our bodies evolved to do pretty much the same thing. Faced with limited nutritional resources, the human physiology must “decide” which biological functions to prioritize in order to give the total organism—and the species—the best chance to survive and reproduce."

Although the four sections of prevention were grouped into four areas, all of these work seamlessly as a functional package.


The general public is unaware and in denial that the general public are addicted to a diet that makes them sick and slowly and silently incubates chronic diseases without people being aware of it. The public has been duped into believing that doctors can fix any illness or body problem they have. Making things worse is that the public does not have the knowledge nor understanding of diseases and how their body works in health, illness and disease. They lack the skills to search for such information. And the vast majority do not know how to take care of their bodies.

As stated previously, the health status of the general population has gotten worse since 1995, not better!  93  It is not just that the health care system in United States is failing, we have a world chronic disease crisis. Anup Shah  94  summarized the reasons the health care system is not working in most other countries. But overlooked is the observation that poor countries that copy outdated health care systems of rich western countries also copy the shortcomings of a rich country's health care system, ending up with a health care system that does not work as well as it should in spite of having universal health care. Instead of blaming the health care system and doctors for poor health of the people, we need to shift most of the blame on the ignorance and ineptitude of the general public and the food industry.

The general public needs four keys to prevent diseases: these are practicing self-care, eating proper food, balancing the bacteria in the colon and understanding how the body works. It is the general public's understanding of these four that are the key to preventing chronic diseases and making the health care system work and cost less.

The general public needs to be informed about how the body works and evolve self-care skills that are deemed critical and essential to dealing with the chronic disease crisis. Such education could to start in public schools and with day/evening classes for adults as an updated first aid class. It should focus on self-help instead of the public running to the emergency room or medical doctor for help on many minor disorders and infections. The main self help package would be getting skills in treating minor injuries and illness, understanding how the human body works, that food is man's best medicine, colon bacteria can prevent diseases and that nutrients in food are essential to prevent diseases. Each person needs the total prevention package to be empowered  95 and personally motivated to eat a healthy diet.  

The proposed "Health Care for All" by 2020 democratic presidential candidates is a positive step toward ensuring that everyone is covered for health care, but it falls short of being a super health care system as it tables revamping the medical care system and getting the consumers of health care to assume more self-care. The only way to have 'health care for all' individuals is for them to take responsibility for their own health. The medical system and the medical-industrial system would also have to be updated.

Although the recommendations are valid and good, nothing will happen until political changes are made in Washington.  The farm subsidies are just one classic example:

"There is also a strong case to be made that farm subsidies are a major driver of the obesity and cancer epidemic in the United States. Every time Washington interferes in the private sector, they are picking winners and losers. The winners chosen are companies producing food that’s high in calories and low in nutritional density – and that helps make Americans sick and fat, because it distorts what food is available at what price."  96  97  "The federal government has devoted only a tiny fraction of its research dollars to nutrition, a level that has not kept pace with the worsening crisis of diet-related diseases."  96

"a leadership failure across multiple administrations, Republican and Democratic, has led to no national strategy for nutrition research and little coordination among federal agencies."  96  According to Catherine Wotski, USDA’s chief scientist during the Obama administration and now professor at Iowa State University, "there has been a turf battle between USDA and NIH over nutrition science, causing much of the nutrition misinformation and lack of research about nutrition and disease."  96

Catherine Woteki, former chief scientist at the Department of Agriculture, warned in a 1978 report that diet-related chronic diseases were on the rise and nutrition research needed to refocus its attention. The government neglected this advice when it could have prevented the chronic disease  epidemic of today. ... "It is frustrating how many of the same problems highlighted by her team decades ago persist today. There still is no national strategy, and nutrition research continues to be scattered across the government."  96  

We, as a country, have to fix the influence of vested interests on growing food, nutrition research and health.


1 Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012. Segan: Medical dictionary 2012

2 Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. © 2009, Mosby: Medical dictionary 2009

3 Devries S., J. E. Salen, D. M. Eisenberg, et al., "A Deficiency of Nutrition Education in Medical Training," AM J Med, 2014, 127 (9), 804-806.  Devries: 2014

4 Frist Bill and Alice Rivlin, "The Power of Prevention," US News,  May 28, 2015.  First: Health costs & and prevention 2015

5 Carey John, "Medical Guesswork, Business Week, May 29, 2006. Article is no longer active.

6 Riegel Barbara and others, "Self‐Care for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke," Journal of the American Heart Association, August 31, 2017,Vol. 6, No. 9.  Riegel: Self-care for CVD 2017

7 Sorochan Walter, "Changing your body habits, genes and life- epigenetics,", August 26, 2014.  Sorochan: epigenetics 2014

8 Sorochan Walter, "The Immune - Digestive System Connection,", January 29, 2013.  Sorochan: 2013

9 Zeevi David, and others, "Personalized nutrition by prediction of glycemic responses," Cell, 2015.  Zeevi: Personalized nutrition 2015

10 LivOn Labs, "Vitamin C."  LivOn Labs: vitamin C

11 Sorochan Walter, "Biophotons, light, human body, disease and health," Freegrab,net, May 27, 2019.  Sorochan: Photons and health 2019

12 Sorochan Walter, "Mental-Mind-Brain - How you become who and what you are,", October 20, 2018.  Sorochan: Mind-brain Plasticity 2018

13 Zeevi (2018)

14 Ward (2014)

15 Irving (2018)

16 NCCDP (2018)

17 Cerrone Kara, “Health(care) Starts at Home - A Personalized Approach to Wellness.” Thrive Globe, March 15, 2017.  Cerrone: Personalized health 2017

18 Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Living, "Practice self-care to improve health," WIHL, December 03, 2018.  WIHL: 20% helped by doctors 2018

19 Scorza John, "Is self-care the new care?" SHRM, October 26, 2015.  Scorza: self-care 2015

20 Lipman Frank, "Changing Our Disease Care System To A Health Care System," The Huffington Post, November 17, 2011. Lipman: Changing disese to health care system 2011

21 Johnson Mallory O., “The Shifting Landscape of Health Care: Toward a Model of Health Care Empowerment,” Am. J Public Health, February 2011; 101(2) 265-270.  Johnson: Being informed 2011

22 ISCF, "What is self-care?" 2009.  ISCF: what is self-care 2009

23 Scorza op. sid. Scorza John, "Is self-care the new care?" SHRM, October 26, 2015.  Scorza: self-care 2015

24 Saul Andrew W., Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing that Works, Saul: Paperback:Doctor Yourself 2017

25 Riegel, op. sid. Riegel Barbara and others, "Self‐Care for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke," Journal of the American Heart Association, August 31, 2017,Vol. 6, No. 9.  Riegel: Self-care for CVD 2017

26 Anstendig Mark, "The body as Machine," 1982.  Anstendig: Body as machine 1982

27 Layton Julia, "How does the body make electricity -- and how does it use it?" How Stuff Works.  Layton: Body makes electricity

28 Bryant Charles W., "Are humans wired to survive?", How Stuff Works, 2019.  Bryant: Hardwired to survive 2019

29 Park Alice, "Treating cancer with bacteria shows real promise," Time magazine, August 13, 2014.  Park: treating cancer with bacteria 2014

30 NCI: Hypertheria in cancer treatment, National Cancer Institute, 2003.  NCI Fever therapy

31 Davidson Jay, "Activate Your Lymphatic System for Improved Drainage and Detox," Davidson Wellness, 2018.

32 Liska DeAnn J., "The detoxification enzyme systems," Alternative Medicine Review, 1998, vol 3, No. 3.  Liska: detox enzyme sys 1998

33 Park (2014)

34 Smithsonian National Museum, "Survival of the adaptable," July 12, 2019.  Smithsonean Museum: Survival 2019

35 TV: Novosti, "Survival genes: Scientists find DNA mutations that helped Russians during Leningrad siege al genes: Scientists find DNA mutations that helped Russians during Leningrad siege," TV-Novosti, June 24, 2015.  Novosti: survival genes 2015

36 Sorochan Walter, "Healing,", August 24, 2016. HYPERLINK  Sorochan: Healing 2016

37 Wilson Lawrence, "The balance concept in healing," March 2019. HYPERLINK  Wilson:Balanced healing 2019

38 Rankin Lissa, "Mind Over Medicine: How to Help Your Body Heal Itself," NextAvenue, August 26, 2013.  Rankin: body heals itself 2013

39 Silver Julie K., "Super healing," AARP Health Alternative Medicine, November and December 2008.  Silver: Super healing 2008

40 Layton Julia, "How does the body make electricity -- and how does it use it?" How Stuff Works.  Layton: BoLayton: Body makes electricity 

41 Cassel Ingri, "Your liver - The body's chemical factory and detoxifier," Idaho Observer, March 2007.  Cassel: Liver as chemical factory 2007

42 Hoffman Roald, "Ronald Hoffmann: Winner of 1981 Nobel Prize in Chemistry," Darmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science, March 24, 2010.  Hoffman: mirror images molecular chirality 2010

43 Blackman Caitlin, "L-Amino Acids : What Is Essential & Left Versus Right," Linkedin, April 1, 2015.  Blackman: L-amino acids 2015

44 Svane-Knudsen Ditte, "Researchers have uncovered an important mechanism that will result in more effective drugs," ScienceNordic, December 8, 2011.  Svane-Knudsen: Mirror images 2011

45 Group Edward, "The difference between synthetic and natural vitamins," Global Healing Center, June 16, 2017.  Group: differences between synthetic & natural vitamins 2017

46 MedlinePlus, "Aging changes in immunity," April 30, 2019.  MedlinePlus: Aging & immunity 2019

47 Fassa Paul, "Do Not Kill a Fever: Fever Kills Viruses," Natural News, October 02, 2009.  Fassa: fever kills viruses 2009

48 Park Alice, "Treating cancer with bacteria shows real promise," Time magazine, August 13, 2014.  Park: treating cancer with bacteria 2014

49 NCI: Hypertheria in cancer treatment, National Cancer Institute, 2003.  NCI Fever therapy

50 Davidson Jay, "Activate Your Lymphatic System for Improved Drainage and Detox," Davidson Wellness, 2018.

51 Liska DeAnn J., "The detoxification enzyme systems," Alternative Medicine Review, 1998, vol 3, No. 3.  Liska: detox enzyme sys 1998

52 Kiefer Dale, "Superoxide Dismutase, Boosting the Body's Primary Antioxidant Defense," LE Magazine, June 2006.

53 Packer Lester and Carol Colman, "The Antioxidant Advantage," Need for antioxidants summarized from The Antioxidant Miracle, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999. Lester Packer is the leading authority on antixidants.  Packer: Antioxidants 1999

54 Lutz Jennifer, "Homeostasis:positive/negative feedback mechanisms," Anatomy Á Physiology, May 18, 2013.  Lutz: Homeostasis feedback 2013

55 Murphy David, "Acid-Alkaline Balance,"  Murphy: Acid-Alkaline Balance

56 Rudolph Dustin, "Acid/base balance - How your favorite foods stack up?", May 06, 2019.  Article no longer active.

57 Rudolph (2019)

58 Sartorius Norman, The Meanings of Health and its Promotion, Croat Med J. 2006 Aug; 47(4): 662– 664.  Sartorius: Meaning of health 2006

59 Sorochan Walter, "Mental-Mind-Brain - How you become who and what you are,", October 20, 2018.  Sorochan: Plasticity 2018

60 Hormone Health Network,"Vitamin D | Hormone Health Network.", Endocrine Society, 24 October 2019,  Hormone Health Network: Vit D is hormone 2019

61 Villines Zawn, "What is the pineal gland?" Medical News Today, November 1, 2017  Villines: Pineal gland functions 2017

62 University of Liège, "Human Brain Still Awake, Even During Deep Sleep." ScienceDaily, October 17, 2008.  Univ Liege: Brain busy at sleep time 2019

63 McCraty Rollin, Raymond trevor Bradley and Dana Tomasino, "The Heart Has Its Own ‘Brain’ and Consciousness," Esoteric, Metaphysical and Spiritual Database, January 10, 2015.  McCraty: Heart has own brain 2015

64 Thorpe A., "Benign prostatic hyperplasia," The Lancet, April 29, 2003/  Thorpe: BPH 2003

65 Li Shan, "Glaucoma: The Silent Blinding Disease," Video, UNSF Department of Opthalmology, [UCTV], December 2, 2014.  Li: Video Glaucoma 2014

66 Yilmaz Irfan, "It's me Peter, your Skin!" The Fountain, November - December 2009 Issue 72   Article is inactive.

67 Malesky Mallory, "Minimum Oxygen Concentration for Human Breathing," Synonym.  Malesky: Human breathing

68 Reinagel Monica, "How Much Nutrition Do You Absorb from Food?" Scientific American, October 22, 2014.  Reinagel: Food absorption 2014

69 HBD Chick, "What is human  biodiversity (hbd)? HBD Chick, August 21, 2014.  Hbd Chick: Biodiversity 2024

70 Thiel Robert J., "The Truth About Vitamins in Supplements," American Naturopathic Medical Association Monitor, June 2003, vol. 7 No. 2#.  Thiel: Truth about vitamins 2004

71 Wilson Lawrence, "Nutrient balancing science,"  Article is inactive.

72 Broderick Joan B., "Coenzymes and cofactors" ResearchGate, Montana State University, April 2001.  Broderick: Coenzymes and cofactors 2001

73 Cannell John, "How do I get the vitamin D my body needs?" Vitamin D Council.  Article is inactive.

74 Cannell (Vitamin D)

76 Newman Tim, "Everything you need to know about esophagitis," Medical News Today, July 20, 2017.  Newman: Reflux or Gurd 2017

77 Dr. Chris, "Defecation and Reflexes (Involuntary and Voluntary Bowel Movements)," Health HYpe, 2019.  Dr. Chris: Defecation reflexes 2019 2019

78 Radosevic Irina, "19 Supercool Benefits of Drinking a Glass of Water on an Empty Stomach," Active Beautiful, August 3, 2018.  Article is now inactive.

79 Shurtleff Russell W., "Using Whole-Food Supplements in Clinical Nutrition," Dynamic Chiropractic – March 12, 2001, Vol. 19, Issue 06.  Shurtliff: Whole food supplements in medicine 2001

80 Dreher Christine, "Whole Food Supplements - The Best Source of Dietary Supplementation," Share Guide.  Dreher: Whole food supplements

81 Bruce Bonnie, "A Diet High in Whole and Unrefined Foods Favorably Alters Lipids, Antioxidant Defenses, and Colon Function," Journal of the American College of Nutrition, November 1999, Vol. 19, No. 1, 61–67.  Bruce: While food diet 1999

82 Zhang Yu-Jie, Sha Li, Ren-You Gan, Tong Zhou, Dong-Ping Xu, and Hua-Bin Li, "Impacts of Gut Bacteria on Human Health and Diseases," Int J Mol Sci., April 2 2015, 16(4): 7493–7519.  Zhang: Gut bacteria, diseases and health 2015

83 Marshall Protocol Knowledge Base, "Evidence that chronic diseases are caused by pathogens,"  Marshall Pathogenesis: Pathogens cause diseases

84 NIH, "Your Microbes and You," NIH News 2012.  NIH: Microbes and you 2012

85 Zhang (2015)

86 Carding Simon, Kristin Verbeke, Daniel T. Vipond, Bernard M. Corfe, and Lauren J. Owen, "Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota in disease," Microb Ecol Health Dis., February 2, 2015; 26.  Carding: Microbiotia in disease 2015

87 Georgia State University, "Diabetes linked to bacteria invading the colon., ScienceDaily, 30 May 2017.  Georgia State Univ: Bacteria can cause diabetes 2 2017

88 Gallagher James, "Weight loss gut bacterium found," BBC Health news, May 14, 2013.  Gallagher: Bacteria controls weight loss 2013

89 Everard A., C. Belzer, L. Geurts, J. P. Ouwerkerk, C. Druart, L. B. Bindels, Y. Guiot, M. Derrien, G. G. Muccioli, N. M. Delzenne, W. M. de Vos, P. D. Cani, "Intestinal Bacterium Akkermansia Curbs Obesity," Science Daily, May 15, 2013; and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [PNAS], May 13, 2013. Everard: Bacteria curbs obesity 2013

90 Liszt K., "Characterization of Bacteria, Clostridia and Bacteroides in Faeces of Vegetarians Using qPCR and PCR-DGGE Fingerprinting," Annals of Nutrition Metabolism, July 27,2009, 54(4) 253-7.  Liszt: Veggie diet 2009

91 Bates Claire, " Obesity could be caused by gut bacteria rather than over-eating," Daily Mail, December 19, 2012.  Bates: obesity caused by gut bacteria 2012

92 Ng SC, Hart AL, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ, Knight Sc., "Mechanisms of action of probiotics: recent advances," Inflamm Bowel Dis., February 15, 2009,(2):300-10.  Ng: Probiotic advancements 2009

93 Irving Doug, "Chronic Ills, Bigger Bills," Rand Review, July-August 2017.  Article no longer active.

94 Shah, Anup. “Health Care Around the World.” Global Issues, July 12, 2019.  Shah World health care 2011

95 Johnson (2011)

96 Boudreau Catherine and Helena Bottemiller Evich, "How Washington keeps America sick and fat," Politico, November 04, 2019.  Boudreau: Washington keeps America sick and fat 2019

97 Jacobs Sam, "Food is freedom - How Washington is making Americans sick and Fat," The Burning Platform Politics, November 5, 2019.,  Jacobs: Washington keeps Americans sick and fat 2019

Sorochan Walter, "Whole food complex,", August 12, 2015.  Sorochan: Whole food complex, chirality 2015

Carr Frankie, "Neutrophils and their nets," Dartmouth Underrgraduate Journal of Science, Septeember 8, 2021.  Carr